Dan I expected an HONEST debate from you.... Guess I should have known better....
You have admitted that Whaley's passenger was wearing a JACKET.... Lee Oswald was NOT wearing a Jacket.
Now can you man up and admit that Lee Oswald was NOT Whaley's passenger?
Really Walt?
Well I didn't expect an honest debate with you.
I expected you to stick with your

"I only deal with facts" routine even when it was clearly pointed out that you were mistaken.
Whaley describes faded blue pants made of a khaki material. He says the jacket is similar to the pants.
But he does not say the jacket is blue.
You are incorrect to insist it is a fact Whaley described a blue jacket.
You are absolutely incorrect.
But I don't expect you to accept that.
I expect you to try and change the subject exactly as you are doing.
Why don't you man up and accept your mistake?