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Author Topic: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?  (Read 81981 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #264 on: September 15, 2021, 07:56:23 PM »
Do you know what Walt, that seems plausible to me.

Not 100% sure why the investigating authorities would fake a cab ride instead of just finding the real taxi driver.
A few phone calls to the various cab companies should've been enough to track him down.

Not 100% sure why the investigating authorities would fake a cab ride instead of just finding the real taxi driver.
A few phone calls to the various cab companies should've been enough to track him down.

The authorities were not interested in supporting Lee's alibi.   They wanted to bury and suppress any evidence that supported what Lee told them.  It would not surprise me to learn that the police did in fact track down the cab driver who transported Lee to the rooming house and "advised him to keep his mouth shut, and if anybody asked him about the event he was simply to tell them that he was mistaken, and the man that he had transported was a man about 50 years old.

And I'd bet they never even bothered to check with the bus driver that was driving the (Beckley ave ?) bus that afternoon.  Fritz was controlling the DPD officers and if he didn't order them to check to see if bus driver (Smith ?) remembered a young man who fit Lee's description riding his bus that afternoon.   

They were bent on framing Lee Oswald, and had no interest in corroborating his alibi.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #264 on: September 15, 2021, 07:56:23 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #265 on: September 15, 2021, 08:01:17 PM »
Why the need to start faking things the day after the assassination?

The conspirators were in a panic....  They never anticipated that the patsy would leave the TSBD alive.....

The public was clamoring for answers and their "fat was in the fire"  ......

You'll notice that Fritz does not ask lee how he traveled from the rooming house to the theater.   Fritz didn't want that answer....He wanted it to appear as though Lee had traveled from the rooming house to the scene of Tippit's murder.

The theory that Lee ran from the rooming house to 10th  & Patton streets has been exposed as impossible  because an eye witness to the Tippit murder swore under oath that Tippit was killed at 1:06 pm.   And since Lee was still at the rooming house at 1:03 pm it would have been impossible for him to have traveled the mile between the rooming house and the Tippit scene in just a couple of minutes.

An often overlooked bit of information is the fact that Lee said hat he was going to the movies before he ever departed from the TSBD.   Lee's destination when he left the TSBD was the Texas Theater. .....  So there is no reasonable explanation that would account for him to have been at 10th  & Patton.   

I know that the diehard LNer's have proposed many theories in an attempt to frame Lee Oswald for Tippit's murder, but they cannot refute the FACT that Lee told Fritz that he took a bus to the theater.    Nor can they refute the FACT that Tipit's killer was NOT using a S&W revolver.   Lee allegedly had a S&W revolver in his possession when he was arrested at the theater.  And nobody ever proved that the S&W was the murder weapon.   ( It can't be proven, because it was not the murder weapon.)

What you're saying is so full of holes it's hard to know where to start.
So I won't bother.
Instead, I'd like to raise something I find very interesting:
Kelley states in his report that the first interview of Oswald he attended was "about 10:30 AM, November 23" and that it concluded "about 11:30 AM"
During the interview Fritz asks him about his movements to which Oswald answered that " after having left the building where he worked, he went by bus to the theater where he was arrested, that when he got on the bus he secured a transfer and thereafter transferred to other buses to get to his destination."
Fritz then asked him if he got a taxi and Oswald instantly changed his story, admitting he got a cab to where he was living.

Whaley wasn't contacted until sometime after 12:30 PM that day.

So, how did Fritz know to ask Oswald about a cab ride, rather than just accept his story about getting various buses to the Texas Theater?

It seems to me that Oswald was trying to give himself some kind of alibi when he says he got buses straight to the theater but instantly knows he's busted when Fritz asks about the cab ride.
If he is trying to give himself an alibi it can only be in reference to the Tippit shooting (IMO)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #266 on: September 16, 2021, 01:44:16 AM »

Whaley's affidavit is given the day after the assassination.
What's the big rush?

Right----------no pressure whatsoever on 11/22/63 or 11/23/63 to pin this thing on Mr Oswald and Mr Oswald alone. Is there no limit to your naivete, Mr O'Meara?

Why do the authorities feel the need to establish his getaway by the next day?
The investigation has only just begun. They have Oswald in custody and have as much time as they need to establish his movements after the TSBD.
Do you really think the investigating authorities were concerned about the "specter of conspiracy" the day after the assassination??
There is no need to start faking cab rides when a few phone calls would've tracked down the real cab driver.

You are not thinking about this correctly at all.
Why the need to start faking things the day after the assassination?

They started faking things 11/22/63

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #266 on: September 16, 2021, 01:44:16 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #267 on: September 16, 2021, 01:45:51 AM »
Here's the guy that they absolutely had to silence - to prevent him from exposing the plot. If he talked, that would be it. Those objects to the right of him are microphones. That big square thing on the top/center is a TV camera. It was broadcasting live. There are dozens of people in the room.

They could have allowed some "favored" reporters to talk to Oswald secretly. Orchestrate an interview. Keep it quiet in case he exposed the plot. But no, they did this. Yes, that's what conspirators would do.

Question! What happens as soon as Mr Oswald is told "You have been charged with that" and he looks shocked?


Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #268 on: September 16, 2021, 01:47:52 AM »
I totally agree with your comment on Joe Molina saying that he never saw Baker enter the TSBD.   Perhaps Molina's attention was riveted on some other event at the time that Baker pushed his way into the TSBD, and therefore  Molina simply didn't see him.

So it was quite possible for folks not to notice a person's presence on those steps if their attention was riveted on some other event. Good to know!  Thumb1:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #268 on: September 16, 2021, 01:47:52 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #269 on: September 16, 2021, 01:51:24 AM »
So it was quite possible for folks not to notice a person's presence on those steps if their attention was riveted on some other event. Good to know!  Thumb1:

Yes, it's fortunate that we have films and photos that confirm Oswald was not on the steps but that Baker did enter the building in a run so that we do not have to rely upon recollections.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #270 on: September 16, 2021, 02:03:38 AM »
I realize logic plays no part in your fantasies but why did they plan to kill him at the TSBD or have Ruby kill him if he is not going to talk due to his status as "secret agent"?  He just keeps his mouth shut in prison like they trusted Ruby to do.  In fact, Ruby seems like a greater risk to blab than Oswald if Old Lee was a super duper secret agent in on the plan.

I realize logic plays no part in your fantasies but why did they plan to kill him at the TSBD or have Ruby kill him if he is not going to talk due to his status as "secret agent"?  He just keeps his mouth shut in prison like they trusted Ruby to do.  In fact, Ruby seems like a greater risk to blab than Oswald if Old Lee was a super duper secret agent in on the plan.

Duh...Mr "Smith"...  Usually the patsy is snuffed immediately so that he can reveal nothing about the plot...and a dead man has a real problem in identifying the perpetrators.  In this case it took them less than 48 hours to silence the sucker.  It was fortunate for the perpetrators that Lee was still naive  and trusting enough to think that the agency would pull his fat from the fire.

He just keeps his mouth shut in prison like they trusted Ruby to do. 

What utterly STUPID statement....  The perps didn't trust Jack Ruby to keep his mouth shut, that's why he was held incommunicado in the City Jail...and was not transfer to Huntsville Prison....

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #271 on: September 16, 2021, 02:08:06 AM »
Yes, it's fortunate that we have films and photos that confirm Oswald was not on the steps but that Baker did enter the building in a run so that we do not have to rely upon recollections.

Oh, so you know who Prayer Man is, Mr Smith? This is exciting---------------do tell!  Thumb1:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #271 on: September 16, 2021, 02:08:06 AM »