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Author Topic: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?  (Read 82101 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #304 on: September 17, 2021, 06:26:54 PM »
Casting doubt on Lee's guilt??    As I see it , Frazier only adds to the mystery.....  To my knowledge he has never  expressed an opinion about Lee's involvement in the assassination.   I believe that if I were in BWF shoes, I would clearly state that I didn't accept the finding of LBJ's Special Select Committee ( The warren commission) and I believe that Lee was railroaded.

I believe that there is a BIG question to be answered about that paper sack that Frazier claims the Lee carried that morning.

Was there in fact such a sack??    Lee Oswald said that he never carried any sack other than his lunch sack....And I strongly suspect that Frazier exaggerated the size of Lee's lunch sack.   In another thread just this morning someone raised the question about whether Frazier went to the Irving hospital to visit his step father IMMEDIATELY after leaving the TSBD.   I believe that he first went home and talked with his mother and his sister about the astonishing event that was at that moment being broadcast on the TV.  Lee was identified as a suspect quite early after the shooting and it would have been natural for Frazier to have speculated about whether Lee was concealing a gun in that large lunch sack.   If it's true that Frazier went home before  going to the Hospital to visit his step dad ....then that might explain where his sister got the idea that Lee was carrying a long paper sack and she wanted to apprise the police who were at the Paine's house.

Why would Frazier exaggerate the size of Oswald's lunch sack but still insist it was too short to contain the rifle?  What purpose does that serve?   That seems to be a pointless lie from either the perspective of exonerating Oswald or framing him.  If Frazier was under coercion to implicate Oswald, the most obvious thing he confirms is that Oswald carried a bag long enough to contain the rifle.   Good grief.  And Frazier has indicated that he does not believe Oswald was the assassin or at least that he entertains serious doubt.  I believe that is what he said at the Sixth Floor museum a few years ago. 

If Frazier has any incentive to not be entirely forthcoming, it is to distance himself from any conclusion that he has any cause to suspect that the person he was driving that morning was the assassin.  Thus, he indicates there was no discussion with Oswald of the upcoming motorcade that morning that is going to pass their workplace (the top local news event of the week), or cause to be suspicious of Oswald taking an unscheduled to trip and bringing to work that morning a long, narrow package that a more observant person might suspect is a rifle.  So his story is that he is just a good old boy not taking much notice that morning.  Driving in blissful silence while listening to the radio (apparently a station not reporting on the motorcade).  Probably true but if he has cause to slant the story it is to make himself look as unlikely as possible to have any cause to suspect Oswald was up to something that morning.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #304 on: September 17, 2021, 06:26:54 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #305 on: September 17, 2021, 06:50:17 PM »
  So his story is that he is just a good old boy not taking much notice that morning.
And that is still his story. But it comes to did the cops find out so quickly that Frazier was Oswald's ride to work?
Perhaps they knew in advance?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #306 on: September 17, 2021, 07:00:13 PM »
Why would Frazier exaggerate the size of Oswald's lunch sack but still insist it was too short to contain the rifle?  What purpose does that serve?   That seems to be a pointless lie from either the perspective of exonerating Oswald or framing him.  If Frazier was under coercion to implicate Oswald, the most obvious thing he confirms is that Oswald carried a bag long enough to contain the rifle.   Good grief.  And Frazier has indicated that he does not believe Oswald was the assassin or at least that he entertains serious doubt.  I believe that is what he said at the Sixth Floor museum a few years ago. 

If Frazier has any incentive to not be entirely forthcoming, it is to distance himself from any conclusion that he has any cause to suspect that the person he was driving that morning was the assassin.  Thus, he indicates there was no discussion with Oswald of the upcoming motorcade that morning that is going to pass their workplace (the top local news event of the week), or cause to be suspicious of Oswald taking an unscheduled to trip and bringing to work that morning a long, narrow package that a more observant person might suspect is a rifle.  So his story is that he is just a good old boy not taking much notice that morning.  Driving in blissful silence while listening to the radio (apparently a station not reporting on the motorcade).  Probably true but if he has cause to slant the story it is to make himself look as unlikely as possible to have any cause to suspect Oswald was up to something that morning.

Frazier was badgered and threatened with being charged as an accessory that night at the police station.  He was told that Lee had said that the sack that he carried that morning did not conceal a gun.   Frazier saw no harm in verifying Lee's statement that the cops were telling him...... But in reality Frazier was confirming that Lee was carrying a long paper sack.   Then the cops forced him to take a phony lie detector test, and after wards they said that he had passed and the test verified that Lee was carrying a long paper sack. The lie detector test was completely worthless because a test can't be administered to a person who is agitated or distraught.    But Frazier didn't know that ( and I doubt that he knows it today)  As far as The naive Frazier was concerned he had helped Lee Oswald and freed himself from the accessory charge.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #306 on: September 17, 2021, 07:00:13 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #307 on: September 17, 2021, 07:54:04 PM »
Frazier was badgered and threatened with being charged as an accessory that night at the police station.  He was told that Lee had said that the sack that he carried that morning did not conceal a gun.   Frazier saw no harm in verifying Lee's statement that the cops were telling him...... But in reality Frazier was confirming that Lee was carrying a long paper sack.   Then the cops forced him to take a phony lie detector test, and after wards they said that he had passed and the test verified that Lee was carrying a long paper sack. The lie detector test was completely worthless because a test can't be administered to a person who is agitated or distraught.    But Frazier didn't know that ( and I doubt that he knows it today)  As far as The naive Frazier was concerned he had helped Lee Oswald and freed himself from the accessory charge.

You should take up fiction writing.  That is quite a yarn.  Frazier is coerced into lying but not the lie the police need!  The only relevant lie they need him to tell is that Oswald carried a bag long enough to contain the rifle.  Instead he is adament both then and now that the bag was not long enough to contain the rifle.  A fact that CTers harp upon to cast doubt on Oswald's guilt.  And they don't really need him to confirm that Oswald carried that rifle at all that morning.  If the police and fantasy conspirators are writing the script, why take the risk to coerce a witness.  Oswald could just as easily have smuggled the rifle into the building the day before.  His rifle is found in the building.  That is the important fact.  They just change the narrative to have Oswald bring the rifle from his boardinghouse on the day before and hide it somewhere.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #308 on: September 17, 2021, 08:29:15 PM »
You should take up fiction writing.  That is quite a yarn....  Oswald could just as easily have smuggled the rifle into the building the day before. His rifle is found in the building.  That is the important fact.  They just change the narrative to have Oswald bring the rifle from his boardinghouse on the day before and hide it somewhere.
Look who's talking! Just how would Oswald "have easily smuggled a rifle into that building the day before"?
I know..he hitchhiked to Irving the evening before that and when no one was looking...sneaked into the garage and grabbed the rifle...then somehow got a ride back to downtown [the driver not caring that he had a weapon and has remained silent to this day] where he hid the rifle behind a trash bin at the building then went back to his room [somehow] un-noticed....easy breezy! :-\

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #308 on: September 17, 2021, 08:29:15 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #309 on: September 17, 2021, 08:33:56 PM »
Years ago [1975 or so] I bought some books from a lady who had spoken to Frazier.
Wes Frazier was only about 19 at the time of the assassination and he told her [she said] that the cops had come down on him really hard...physically and mentally.
So being forced to either "play ball" "or else" it seems that Wes just told the cops and the Commission what he thought they wanted to hear.
After awhile ... and so many years...he started to believe it himself [just like Johnny Brewer with his tale]

Interesting, Mr Freeman, thank you  Thumb1:

I seriously have to wonder did Mr Frazier give Mr Oswald a ride after the shooting? It would help explain
-the horrors he was put through at City Hall that night
-the unconvincing/inconsistent account he has given over the years of his own post-assassination movements.
-his very late telling of a story of having seen Mr Oswald disappear from sight several minutes after the shooting

Is anyone on the record as having seen or spoken to Mr Frazier on the first floor of the Depository after the shooting? Surely, if Mr Oswald had been noticed absent, Mr Frazier (his closest buddy there and the man who gave him a ride to and from work) would have been the obvious person to check in with.................

Just a thought------------and, by the way, one that assumes no necessarily nefarious intentions or activities on Mr Frazier's part

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #310 on: September 17, 2021, 09:08:15 PM »
Interesting, Mr Freeman, thank you  Thumb1:

I seriously have to wonder did Mr Frazier give Mr Oswald a ride after the shooting? It would help explain
-the horrors he was put through at City Hall that night
-the unconvincing/inconsistent account he has given over the years of his own post-assassination movements.
-his very late telling of a story of having seen Mr Oswald disappear from sight several minutes after the shooting

Is anyone on the record as having seen or spoken to Mr Frazier on the first floor of the Depository after the shooting? Surely, if Mr Oswald had been noticed absent, Mr Frazier (his closest buddy there and the man who gave him a ride to and from work) would have been the obvious person to check in with.................

Just a thought------------and, by the way, one that assumes no necessarily nefarious intentions or activities on Mr Frazier's part

Mr Ford, I would consider your idea ( that Frazier gave Lee I ride to oakcliff after the shooting)  as a possibility except Lee said that he took a CITY cab to the rooming house and he paid a fare of 85 cents.   He knew the taxi fare and that for me clinches his statement that he rode in a CITY cab to the rooming house.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #311 on: September 17, 2021, 10:41:08 PM »
Look who's talking! Just how would Oswald "have easily smuggled a rifle into that building the day before"?
I know..he hitchhiked to Irving the evening before that and when no one was looking...sneaked into the garage and grabbed the rifle...then somehow got a ride back to downtown [the driver not caring that he had a weapon and has remained silent to this day] where he hid the rifle behind a trash bin at the building then went back to his room [somehow] un-noticed....easy breezy! :-\

Good grief.  HA HA HA. Oswald could have taken his rifle to his boardinghouse at any point in the weeks or months before the assassination.  Just as he kept his pistol there.  All he has to do is carry it to the TSBD on the bus - like he did to the Walker scene - on any day that week.  Hide it somewhere (just as he did on the morning of the assassination) and retrieve it before the assassination.  A very plausible narrative that does not require coercing a random witness into lying.  Of course none of that happened because Oswald brought his rifle to work in Frazier's car but there is a perfectly reasonable narrative for getting his rifle into the building had there been a fantasy conspiracy. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #311 on: September 17, 2021, 10:41:08 PM »