A few years back, Mr Frazier stunned folks with his story of seeing Mr Oswald a few minutes after the shooting by the Houston St. side of the Depository.
More recently, he has told of seeing a man with a rifle just after the shooting.
Let's assume for a moment these stories are not spun out of thin air but have some basis in fact................
IF the man-with-the-rifle story is true, then Mr Frazier may have been so freaked out (at what he saw + at having been eyeballed by the man) that he decided to leave immediately
IF the LHO-on-Houston story has some basis in fact, then Mr Frazier may have encountered Mr Oswald there, got talking with him, told him he was leaving------------and agreed to give his friend a ride out of downtown
These are of course big IFS, but one matter has no Ifs or Buts about it: Mr Frazier has NOT given an even halfway credible account of his post-assassination movements in the time leading up to his arrest at the hospital. This is pretty serious, as he is not just another Depository employee: he is the man who gave Mr Oswald rides to and from his place of work