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Author Topic: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?  (Read 82036 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Step one is to link the bag to Oswald.  One print does that.

Right-----------step one for DPD is to link the bag to Mr Oswald. All that's needed is a print or two from Mr Oswald. Not too difficult to contrive a way when you have the man in interrogation. Multiple prints would of course be ideal, because way more realistic, but............... not so easy to make happen! Thumb1:

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Offline Alan Ford

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The photo that I saw Showed a curved handle like a cane or an umbrella in detective Montgomery's hand.  When I saw that photo my first thought was there was a cane supporting the gigantic paper sack, and I didn't know that Montgomery used a cane.     That photo was published in a magazine or book .....And I can't remember where I saw that photo....

I would very much like to see that photo!

Offline Jerry Freeman

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I didn't say that it was OBVIOUS that Lee ordered  "A" Carcano fom Klein's.....I simply have no problem in accepting that Lee Ordered a Carcano from Klein's ...It was a cheap easy to trace old gun that He and De M. intended to use as a throw down gun at the Walker hoax>    ( A carcano was also used as a throw down gun in the TSBD)

This story beginning with this page------
This guy...Albert Newman was engaged in writing his own book about the assassination based on nothing but innuendo.
Jim Garrison started off that way.
According to Newman...De Mohrenschildt drove Oswald and rifle to the Walker home ::)
Mr. JENNER. This was a weapon? Did you go in and look?
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. No; I didn't look at the gun. I was still standing. The closet was open. Jeanne was looking at it, at the gun, and I think she asked Marina "what is that" you see. That was the sight on the gun. "What is that? That looks like a telescopic sight." And Marina said "That crazy idiot is target shooting all the time." So frankly I thought it was ridiculous to shoot target shooting in Dallas, you see, right in town. I asked him "Why do you do that?"[yeah :-\]
Mr. JENNER. What did he say?
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. He said "I go out and do target shooting. I like target shooting." So out of the pure, really jokingly I told him "Are you then the guy who took a pot shot at General Walker?" And he smiled to that, because just a few days before there was an attempt at General Walker's life, and it was very highly publicized in the papers, and I knew that Oswald disliked General Walker, you see. So I took a chance and I asked him this question, you see, and I can clearly see his face, you know.
He sort of shriveled, you see, when I asked this question.
Mr. JENNER. He became tense?
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Became tense, you see, and didn't answer anything, smiled, you know, made a sarcastic--not sarcastic, made a peculiar face.
Mr. JENNER. The expression on his face?
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. That is right, changed the expression on his face.
That testimony was absolute perjury.
Again...Oswald was dead--who cared anyway?

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Online Richard Smith

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The wooden strip was of evidentiary interest because the assassin might have touched it somewhere between its two ends. For a detective to hold it at one of the ends would thus not be a problem

Wow.  So they make this enormous bag in this fantasy to protect the wooden strip because it might have the assassin's prints on it. But instead of putting the wooden strip in the bag and closing it up to protect the evidence, they decide to hold the wooden strip in the bag and carry it that way?  And they do this because they somehow know that holding "it at one of the ends would thus not be a problem"! That is far out reasoning even from you.  You can't possibly believe that one.  Comedy gold. 

Offline Walt Cakebread

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I would very much like to see that photo!

Yes, And I would like to remember where I saw that photo .....Many years ago ( early 90's ) on another forum I postd information about the subject....and I could have posted the source ..... I simply don't remember...   But I do recall someone debating me and their argument was that the object in Montgomery's hand was   not a cane or umbrella.... 

It's possible that the photo may have been in one of the early books....  I don't recall the title but it was written by a woman....( Judith ?)

Possibly ------Investigation of a Homicide   Judy Bonner.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2021, 06:26:22 PM by Walt Cakebread »

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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This story beginning with this page------
This guy...Albert Newman was engaged in writing his own book about the assassination based on nothing but innuendo.
Jim Garrison started off that way.
According to Newman...De Mohrenschildt drove Oswald and rifle to the Walker home ::) That testimony was absolute perjury.
Again...Oswald was dead--who cared anyway?

That De Mohrenschildt testimony was absolute perjury., you see.

Oswald was dead--who cared anyway?

George was the instigator in the Walker Hoax....You see.

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