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Author Topic: Were the FBI, WC, or the press curious enough about how Zapruder was game ready?  (Read 3275 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Frame by Frame
Grappling with the power of Abraham Zapruder’s grimly immortal footage, one fraction of a second at a time.
By Stephen Harrigan
January 2017
“You’re the one that makes the beautiful movies.”

That’s what Abraham Zapruder’s assistant, Lillian Rogers, told him on the morning of November 22, 1963. It was meant as a gentle retort. Zapruder had left his movie camera at home, thinking that the crowds lined up for President Kennedy’s motorcade would be so thick and jostling he wouldn’t have a chance to get the sort of footage that would live up to his amateur but fastidious filmmaking standards. He told Rogers she should use her own camera instead. But Rogers and several other colleagues at Jennifer Juniors, the Dallas knockoff-dress-making business that Zapruder owned, convinced him it would be a shame to miss the opportunity to film the president as he passed by.

So Zapruder drove home and got his camera and returned by 11:30. It was a Bell and Howell, loaded with what was known as double 8-millimeter color film. It took silent movies; sound was still a rare feature for nonprofessional cameras."

There is no mention of the relationship of Lillian and Sam Rogers by the WC, FBI, or by Time, Inc.
Some time during 1963, Lillian Rogers and husband Sam separated. Was it beore or after November 22?
Santa Fean recalls day he secured rights to video of JFK assassination
By Anne Constable
The New Mexican Nov 16, 2013 Updated Nov 21, 2013

“I realized what an unbelievable piece of film this was,” Stolley said. “I had no idea what else was available, but I knew Life had to have it.”

After they watched the film, Stolley and the grim-faced Secret Service agents left the room without saying anything to one another.

Other reporters showed up, and Zapruder screened the film for them. While waiting for him to finish, Stolley passed the time talking to Zapruder’s assistant, Lillian Rogers. She was from Taylorsville, a small town in southern Illinois. He knew the town. At age 15, Stolley had begun covering high school sports for the Pekin Daily Times, his hometown newspaper. During his last year on the job, Taylorsville had won the state football championship. “I raved about the team, and she beamed,” Stolley said.

When the screening was over, everyone gathered in the hallway, and Zapruder announced, “Mr. Stolley was the first to contact me, so I feel I should talk to him first.”..."

The problem with Stolley's recollection was that Lillian Rogers was not from anywhere near Taylorsville, IL !

Tom Scully - November 24, 2015,

...As Chris Scally knows, because he did the research on her background, Lillian Rogers actually grew up in an Illinois town 100 miles away from Stolley's the one in this detailed description of the rapport Stolley claimed he developed with Lillian Dancoff Rogers.:...
An Interesting and Mysterious Lady, by Chris Scally

« Last Edit: August 26, 2021, 12:03:39 AM by Tom Scully »

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