The information clearly given in this part of Agent Hosty's draft report of the first interrogation of Mr Oswald was too dangerous to the case against Mr Oswald, and so it was filtered out in the later official reports--------------- and only saw the light of day (to the horror of Warren Gullibles and lunchroom-fixated CTs everywhere) in 2019

In this one small paragraph we have laid out THE counter-narrative of Mr Oswald's movements. From it we can reasonably construct the sequence of events:
-Around noon Mr Oswald breaks for lunch
-He comes downstairs, where he is seen by Mr Shelley and Mr Piper
-He washes up and (perhaps) answers nature's call in the men's room
-He goes up to the second floor lunchroom to buy a coke with his lunch and sits down there for a few minutes (seen there or in the vicinity by Ms Carolyn Arnold, Mr Jack Dougherty and Ms Sarah Stanton)
-He returns to the first floor and has (or continues having) lunch standing around in the now empty domino room
-He periodically goes up to the front door of the building to check for any sign of the motorcade's arrival (he doesn't want to stand around with other employees on the steps beforehand but he does want to watch the P. Parade)
-Ca. 12:26 he notices Messrs Jarman & Norman re-enter the building via the Houston St. dock
-Perhaps taking the men's brisk movements as a sign that the motorcade's arrival is imminent, he goes outside to watch the P. Parade
-He is caught on film by both Mr Wiegman and Mr Darnell standing (with still unfinished lunch/coke) by the west wall of the Depository entrance
-Very shortly after the shooting he is asked by a motorcycle officer running up the steps where the stairs are
-Before he can answer, his boss Mr Truly comes up and offers to escort the officer (all seen by Mr Billy Lovelady and reported to the press that day by DPD)
-Shortly after this, a crewcut man flashing credentials comes running up and asks Mr Oswald where the nearest phone is: Mr Oswald jerks his thumb and says 'In there' (meaning on the shipping floor)
This is a straightforward sequence of events, but the efforts that went into covering it up were far from straightforward!