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Author Topic: Oswald: No power lunch  (Read 91933 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #48 on: August 30, 2021, 03:06:20 AM »
Mr Oswald's claimed sighting of Messrs Norman and Jarman at the rear of the first floor shortly before the assassination is significant not just for whom he claims he saw (Messrs Norman and Jarman) but for whom he claims he did NOT see (anyone else). The fact that he mentions only these two tells us that he knows the rear of the first floor was completely devoid of other people at this time.

How can he know this? How can he be confident that there wasn't in fact a bunch of guys hanging out back there, any one of whom can now blow his claim to smithereens?

The answer to this question is the same as the answer to the question, 'How does he know no else was eating lunch in the Domino Room at 12:26?'

Because he was in the Domino Room at the rear of the first floor at 12:26.


The fact that he mentions only these two tells us that he knows the rear of the first floor was completely devoid of other people at this time.

That's an astute observation Mr. Ford...... I had never realized that the fact that Lee said that he ate his lunch alone in the Domino room, means that he KNEW that nobody else was there at that time.    Lee had to have been there because  that is he only way he could have known that there was nobody in the Domino room.     

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #48 on: August 30, 2021, 03:06:20 AM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #49 on: August 30, 2021, 03:09:22 AM »

Wide sidewalk

Narrow ledges (look up, look way up)

Easy enough to pop one's head over the ledge unless one has a fear of heights

Another one who has never been to the TSBD! All theory and no first hand knowledge.
To look straight down to the sidewalk from the 6th floor your entire upper body would need to be hanging out of the window.

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #50 on: August 30, 2021, 03:11:25 AM »
Oh dear oh dear, you poor Gullibles just can't get your story straight, can you?

The Ingenious Davidson Explanation of Mr Oswald's citing of Messrs Norman & Jarman is as follows:

-Mr Oswald manages to see Messrs Norman & Jarman leave the sidewalk and turn north on Houston
-A couple of minutes later he hears them a floor below
-Putting two and two together, he concludes that they must have re-entered the building by the back door.
-Later, in custody, he craftily uses this to place himself at the rear of the first floor at the time of their presumed re-entry en route to the fifth floor

Now for the Ingenuous Organ Supplementary Explanation:

-Mr Oswald, electing to completely screw up his crafty exploitation of presumed facts, adds the crazily unnecessary detail that Messrs Norman & Jarman ate lunch with him at this time!


And even worse, by making such a "false claim" he at best ends up with having an alibi for where he was 5 minutes or so prior to the shooting..... Yeah, that makes sense, right...

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #50 on: August 30, 2021, 03:11:25 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #51 on: August 30, 2021, 03:22:25 AM »
From Oswald's sniper's nest window there was no obstructions of his view of the footpath.

And considering Brennan said Oswald was sitting on the window sill, in the following crime scene photo taken several feet inside from the window, the distance from the window frame to the edge with an unobstructed view to the ground was a little over half a brick, so Oswald from his position wouldn't even have to lean very much if at all, to see who was on the footpath.

Mr. BELIN. At the time you saw this man on the sixth floor, how much of the man could you see?
Mr. BRENNAN. Well, I could see at one time he came to the window and he sat sideways on the window sill. That was previous to President Kennedy getting there. And I could see practically his whole body, from his hips up. But at the time that he was firing the gun, a possibility from his belt up.

Btw I have never seen such incompetent self serving arguments than what is on display here.

Case Closed!


Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #52 on: August 30, 2021, 03:27:15 AM »
The biggest flaw in your story is that Oswald somehow must have known that Norman and Jarman were on the 5th floor when the shots are fired. There is not a shred of evidence for that and it's not really a flaw, it's really something you just made up to "support" your narrative.

It's worse than that. How did Perfidious Assassin Mr Oswald know that Messrs Norman and Jarman were the only two men to come up to 5? For all Perfidious Assassin Mr Oswald knew, Messrs e.g. Lovelady and Arce and Dougherty could have come up with them and taken up positions at more westerly windows.

Now the Davidson answer is: Perfidious Assassin Mr Oswald saw Messrs Norman and Jarman leave the sidewalk and turn north on Houston. Therefore he made a reasonable assumption that they came up alone.

Very well. Let's run with this explanation..............

Where now does this leave the Warren Gullibles in their SIMULTANEOUS enthusiastic embrace of the claim that Mr Oswald went from saying he saw Messrs Norman and Jarman "passing through" to saying he actually ate lunch with them?

I'll tell you where it leaves them-------------------spluttering in confusion and self-contradiction. Because you can't with a straight face claim that Mr Oswald BOTH craftily crafted a way of putting himself at the rear of the first floor ca. 12:26 AND stupidly botched this brilliant scam by adding a claim that he KNEW did not fit with the facts he had so craftily surmised (that Messrs Norman & Jarman did NOT linger on the first floor en route to the fifth).

The only way the Davidson Explanation holds good is if those pushing the Davidson Explanation concede that those present at the interrogations who reported Mr Oswald as saying he ate lunch with Hank & Junior either lied or misunderstood what Mr Oswald actually said. Who wants to go first?

Our thanks to Mr Organ for exposing the shameless heads-I-win-tails-you-lose approach of the Warren Gullibles to the interrogation reports!  Thumb1:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #52 on: August 30, 2021, 03:27:15 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #53 on: August 30, 2021, 03:28:19 AM »
The fact that he mentions only these two tells us that he knows the rear of the first floor was completely devoid of other people at this time.

That's an astute observation Mr. Ford...... I had never realized that the fact that Lee said that he ate his lunch alone in the Domino room, means that he KNEW that nobody else was there at that time.    Lee had to have been there because  that is he only way he could have known that there was nobody in the Domino room.   

And nobody (other than, momentarily, Messrs Norman & Jarman) at the rear of the first floor  Thumb1:

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #54 on: August 30, 2021, 03:31:04 AM »
Oswald said he went to lunch at noon or shortly thereafter. No one in the Domino Room saw Oswald there.

That's it, Mr Organ, keep partying like it's 2018!  :D

Here's what Mr Oswald actually said:

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #55 on: August 30, 2021, 03:31:38 AM »
From Oswald's sniper's nest window there was no obstructions of his view of the footpath.

And considering Brennan said Oswald was sitting on the window sill, in the following crime scene photo taken several feet inside from the window, the distance from the window frame to the edge with an unobstructed view to the ground was a little over half a brick, so Oswald from his position wouldn't even have to lean very much if at all, to see who was on the footpath.

Mr. BELIN. At the time you saw this man on the sixth floor, how much of the man could you see?
Mr. BRENNAN. Well, I could see at one time he came to the window and he sat sideways on the window sill. That was previous to President Kennedy getting there. And I could see practically his whole body, from his hips up. But at the time that he was firing the gun, a possibility from his belt up.

Btw I have never seen such incompetent self serving arguments than what is on display here.

Case Closed!


Btw I have never seen such incompetent self serving arguments than what is on display here.

You are talking about yourself, right. Yes, I agree.... but it's what I've come to expect from you.

It's beyond hilarious that the second photo you posted completely destroys what you tried to demonstrate with the first one!

And considering Brennan said Oswald was sitting on the window sill, in the following crime scene photo taken several feet inside from the window, the distance from the window frame to the edge with an unobstructed view to the ground was a little over half a brick, so Oswald from his position wouldn't even have to lean very much if at all, to see who was on the footpath.

A half a brick?  :D    Yeah sure, he would just have to be hanging outside the window to do so...

The second photo shows a car turning onto Elm Street. There is another street running in front of the TSBD to the railway yard and you can't even see that. Half a brick....... pffffffff

And of course, when you are just about to kill the President your main concern would of course be to expose yourself to witnesses in order to see who was standing on the sidewalk just below you....... And that's supposed to make sense?
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 03:36:35 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #55 on: August 30, 2021, 03:31:38 AM »