If Oswald at that time was eating his lunch n the second floor then he would have been spotted by many office workers.
Name them!
Yet no one did.
~Grin~ And anyone who says they did you dismiss in kneejerk fashion as not credible---------all because you have your heart set on putting Mr Oswald on six for the shooting.
You still haven't addressed the key point, Mr Rynkiewicz: the fact that Mr Dougherty and Ms Arnold and Ms Stanton all offer support for something (a PRE-motorcade visit to the second-floor lunchroom by Mr Oswald)
that no one at that time even knew Mr Oswald had claimed. They didn't say 'I saw him sitting on the front stairs' or '...standing out on the rear loading dock' or '...looking at stuff in the storage room on 1'. No: second-floor lunchroom.
Imagine Mr Oswald had claimed he'd been down in the basement eating lunch alone. And imagine this claim was completely unknown to anyone outside the inner circle of investigators, only seeing the light of day in
2019. And imagine three Depository employees had long before that, and independently of one another, spoken of having seen Mr Oswald in the basement in the timeframe in question.
Wouldn't it be just astounding that a guilty Mr Oswald had managed to predict what three people would later corroborate?
Well, that's where we are with his claim to have visited the second-floor lunchroom before the assassination.