Does that mean you can't find evidence to support your claim? And your next claim that how far the window was open that day based on a photo taken after 12:30 on the 22nd is absurd on every level.
C'mon Martin, that's just a silly attempt at refutation, even if the window was stuck at the height shown after 12:30 Oswald could have been sitting on the window sill with his torso on the outside of the window and considering Brennan said he could see Oswald from the hips up strongly suggests that Oswald wasn't being obscured behind a reflected sky and a dirty glass panel which makes seeing behind the glass difficult.

Fair enough, the fact that they would be doing recreations so soon after the assassination could be seen as bad taste, so while not impossible I lean towards the photo being taken after 6 weeks.
Brennan says that when Oswald was sitting on the window sill was only one time Oswald came to the window alluding to the fact that Oswald came to the window more than once and Oswald could have easily emulated Gerald Hill's position, thanks for pointing that out how far someone could hang out.
Not at all, nobody could give two spombleprofglidnoctobunss about some random bloke in a random window checking out what's going on around him before the assassination, in fact being barely visible while hiding in the shadows would be more suspect. But Oswald allegedly being seen with a rifle long before Kennedy's arrival, I do find a little brazen.
A serious question John - When do you believe that Oswald gets into position in the SN?
There is very strong evidence that BRW is in or around the SN until a few minutes before the arrival of the motorcade - the main part of his lunch, a half-eaten piece of chicken, is found on top of the SN by multiple officers (at least 4 I believe), before the arrival of Fritz. The testimony of Jarman and Norman indicates BRW does not come down to the 5th floor until moments before the motorcade arrives.
The testimony of Rowland has a black male actually in the SN around 12:15pm
Is there a consensus within the LN community on this point.
In an Oswald-Did-It scenario it seems logical that Rowland's 'man with the rifle' is Oswald who, at some point, confronts/interacts with BRW and gets him to leave. That BRW simply goes downstairs to carry on watching the motorcade would indicate this 'confrontation' was not at rifle point. It is only after the event that BRW realizes he knows who the assassin is and tries to distance himself as much as possible from his lunch on the 6th floor (something definitely demonstrated by his testimony)