I guess Martin loves his "timelines." Right off, I see a problem with this one. Adams testified that when she reached the first floor, she saw Lovelady and Shelly enter the building through a door on the north side of the building. She also said she didn't see Oswald coming down, nor Baker/Truly going up.
Shelley and Lovelady, for their part, recalled a their circuitous path to the rear of the TSBD as follows:
1.) At the last shot sounded, they were standing in the TSBD entryway. They remained there until Gloria Calvery ran up and announced that JFK had been shot. Lovelady estimated that this was about 3 minutes after the shots. It couldn't have been near much of a delay: Loevelady said that he saw Baker headed into the TSBD as he was moving towards the west end of Old Elm.
2.) Shelley and Lovelady then crossed the street in front of the Depository (not Elm street, but the the stub of Old Elm that leads to the parking lot on the GK)
3.) They then turned west and went to the edge of the rail yards
4.) After watching the activity going on in in that area, Lovelady and Shelley then went back to the TSBD and re-entered the building through a back door. Lovelady testified that, when he entered the building, he saw one of the Scott-Foresman girls. He thought it was Adams, but wasn't sure.
Even if Lovelady was off as to the initial delay before he and Shelley took off to the west, all of that movement took a while. Further, He saw Baker headed into the building as he and Shelley were running away from it.
When you put all of this together, Adams and Styles have reached the first floor after Baker and Truly passed by going up. And after Oswald had made it to the lunch room on the second floor.
Adams also testified that, after she had circled around the outside of the TSBD, she heard a broadcast on a police motorcycle radio "said that shots had been fired which apparently came either from the second floor or the fourth floor window". She said that this news concerned her, since she had been "at the only open window on the fourth floor." On the DPD recordings, the second floor isn't identified as a possible shooting location until 12:38, and the 4th floor isn't mentioned until 12:40 (both transmissions on channel two, BTW).
I guess Martin loves his "timelines." Right off, I see a problem with this one. The "problems" you see are imaginary. Ever since you implicitely claimed, in another thread, that the ambulance that took Tippit to the hospital was driving at 30 mph, I'm having a hard time taking anything you say seriously.
Shelley and Lovelady, for their part, recalled a their circuitous path to the rear of the TSBD as follows:1.) At the last shot sounded, they were standing in the TSBD entryway. They remained there until Gloria Calvery ran up and announced that JFK had been shot. Lovelady estimated that this was about 3 minutes after the shots. It couldn't have been near much of a delay: Loevelady said that he saw Baker headed into the TSBD as he was moving towards the west end of Old Elm.
2.) Shelley and Lovelady then crossed the street in front of the Depository (not Elm street, but the the stub of Old Elm that leads to the parking lot on the GK)
3.) They then turned west and went to the edge of the rail yards
4.) After watching the activity going on in in that area, Lovelady and Shelley then went back to the TSBD and re-entered the building through a back door. And that took an estimated five minutes after the shots. It couldn't have been much more because at around 12:36 the back of the building was sealed off.
Lovelady testified that, when he entered the building, he saw one of the Scott-Foresman girls. He thought it was Adams, but wasn't sure.No, Lovelady didn't testify that. He did not say he thought it was Adams.
Mr. BALL - Who did you see in the first floor?
Mr. LOVELADY - I saw a girl but I wouldn't swear to it it's Vickie.
Mr. BALL - Who is Vickie?
Mr. LOVELADY - The girl that works for Scott, Foresman.
He, in fact, said - without being asked specifically - that he wouldn't swear it was Vickie. Now why would he say that, when he wasn't asked? Could it be the WC lawyers had already talked to him prior to his testimony and he simply did not feel comfortable naming somebody just because they wanted him to?
Even if Lovelady was off as to the initial delay before he and Shelley took off to the west, all of that movement took a while. Further, He saw Baker headed into the building as he and Shelley were running away from it. So what?
When you put all of this together, Adams and Styles have reached the first floor after Baker and Truly passed by going up. And after Oswald had made it to the lunch room on the second floor.Non sequitur. Dorothy Garner told Martha Strout a different story. Your story, as so often, does not match all the known facts. Also for this to be even remotely true, quod non, Adams and Styles, before going down, would have had to wait until Baker and Truly had reached the 4th floor and gone up the the 5th. However, Adams testified she did not see Truly or a motorcycle police officer at any time, which would be strange if the men had come up to the 4th floor and Adams and Styles were still there.
Adams also testified that, after she had circled around the outside of the TSBD, she heard a broadcast on a police motorcycle radio "said that shots had been fired which apparently came either from the second floor or the fourth floor window". She said that this news concerned her, since she had been "at the only open window on the fourth floor." On the DPD recordings, the second floor isn't identified as a possible shooting location until 12:38, and the 4th floor isn't mentioned until 12:40 (both transmissions on channel two, BTW). And this is where your "theory" falls apart. Shelley and Lovelady returned to the building at around 12:35 or 12:36,
just before the back of the building was sealed off by police. For Adams and Styles to see the men at that moment, means they most likely wouldn't have made it out of the building due to the lockdown. But let's, for argument's sake, say they did, the girls were on heels and had the walk around three sides of the building, over railway tracks and talk to a police man who stopped them (in the railway yard).
There is no way that Adams and Styles could have made it to the front entrance in two minutes. Even worse, Styles entered the building straight away and was not stopped. That means she got there before the building was locked down (which apparently happened at 12:36 or 12:37)! Adams hung around outside to talk to some girls and it was then that she heard the radio broadcast. When she, subsequently, tried to enter the building it was sealed off and she was initally stopped.
Your timeline doesn't add up and does not match the known facts. That's what happens when you try to focus on one piece of uncorroborated information and ignore everything else.
It seems you simply do not understand or want to understand how the timeline fits together, so let me try to explain by asking some questions, you probably will not answer.
1. The front entrance of the building was sealed off at around 12:36. Sandra Styles was not stopped when she entered the building. Do you agree that Styles (and Adams) must have arrived at the front entrance at 12:36 at the latest?
2. If Adams and Styles arrived at the front entrance at 12:36 at the latest, do you agree they must have exited the building at the back at least three minutes earlier (given the fact that they walked three sides of the building), which means at around 12:33?
3. If Adams and Styles did in fact leave the building at 12:23 (or perhaps even earlier), how could Adams have seen Shelley and Lovelady entering the building at around 12:35?
My timeline provides the most probable explanation for this discrepancy; Adams and Styles saw Shelley and Lovelady, not when the men entered the building, but when they were still standing on the railway yard, where Adams and Styles passed them on their way to the front of the building. Witnesses do not always get everything correct, even in their testimony under oath.