So the lunchroom encounter was invented?
One of the major arguments amongst CTers is that Oswald could not possibly have gotten down from the 6th floor to the 2nd floor lunchroom in the short space of time from the last shot until the encounter with Truly and Baker, and you're suggesting the meeting was totally made up?
No---------------it was relocated
Why if they were going to make it up would they not have added an extra minute or so to the time span to make it more believable then?
By attempting to cover up one alibi all they did was practically create another one.
Doesn't make sense at all
It makes perfect sense. The phoney timeline (90 secs) was meticulously constructed to make it possible that Mr Oswald could have descended from 6 in time for the phoney encounter. That's all that was needed.
CTers who have clung to the lunchroom fiction, and all its time implications, have stupidly fallen into the 'investigating' authorities' trap. A complete waste of time and effort.
As for adding an extra minute or so, that wouldn't have been compatible with the (true) story of the officer's
rush to get to the top of the building. He had been seen dashing into the building less than 30 seconds after the last shot---------------and DPD had boasted of his speed to all ears, so they couldn't walk that back. How on earth is it going to take him a further 2+ minutes to go up just one floor? Does he stop for a smoke?
Furthermore, a sighting of someone just one floor up in the building some 2+ minutes after the shooting is not a very secure way of protecting the all-important impression that he had been inside the building at the time of the shooting itself. It gives him too much time.
Furthermore #2 (and related to Furthermore #1), a ~90-sec timestamp is a lot more suggestive of an
interrupted descent than a ~150-sec timestamp. Go beyond ~90 secs and folks will start wondering, 'Why didn't Oswald just go all the way down to the first floor?'.