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Author Topic: Oswald: No power lunch  (Read 92219 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #320 on: September 12, 2021, 11:44:41 PM »
With pleasure, Mr O'Meara!


Where does it state in this document Oswald went outside BEFORE JFK passed by?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #320 on: September 12, 2021, 11:44:41 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #321 on: September 12, 2021, 11:50:26 PM »
Where does it state in this document Oswald went outside BEFORE JFK passed by?


Your desperation is showing, Mr O'Meara!

Do you accept that this document states that Mr Oswald said he got a coke on the second floor? Yes or no?

« Last Edit: September 12, 2021, 11:51:04 PM by Alan Ford »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #322 on: September 13, 2021, 12:05:07 AM »

Your desperation is showing, Mr O'Meara!

Do you accept that this document states that Mr Oswald said he got a coke on the second floor? Yes or no?


Where does it state Oswald went outside BEFORE JFK passed by?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #322 on: September 13, 2021, 12:05:07 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #323 on: September 13, 2021, 12:32:27 AM »
Friends, we can track the distortion machine doing its work on Mr Oswald's claims if we simply read in sequence the interrogation reports for that first interrogation session when Mr Oswald dropped his bombshell claim to have gone outside to watch the Presidential Parade.

A: Agent Hosty Draft Solo Report

This is a perfectly straightforward account, Mr Oswald claiming
-he visited the second-floor lunchroom for a coke (pre-motorcade & hence no mention of an Officer/Truly encounter)
-he then went down to one to eat lunch (still pre-motorcade)
-he then went outside to watch P. Parade

B: Agents Hosty & Bookhout Joint Report

OSWALD stated that he went to lunch at approximately noon and he claimed he ate his lunch on the first floor in the lunch room; however he went to the second floor where the Coca–Cola machine was located and obtained a bottle of Coca–Cola for his lunch. OSWALD claimed to be on the first floor when President JOHN F. KENNEDY passed this building.

This is a masterpiece of obfuscation. Two core elements are retained...

-visit to lunchroom (though still no Officer/Truly encounter!)
-eating lunch on first floor

...but the chronology is weirdly ill-defined. Indeed, one gets the impression that Mr Oswald may have meant that he visited the second-floor lunchroom deep into his lunch-eating session and not before it. It's all delightfully ambiguous.

Most crucially, Mr Oswald's all-important claim to have gone outside to watch P. Parade has been finessed down to "on the first floor when President JOHN F. KENNEDY passed this building". The lack of any specific location on the first floor tells us just how nervously the ALL-IMPORTANT issue has been fudged-------------------where exactly did the suspect say he was at the time of the shooting? This has the pleasing bonus effect of creating the nefarious impression that the suspect did not wish to be forthcoming on this score

C: Agent Bookhout Solo Report

OSWALD stated that on November 22, 1963, at the time of the search of the Texas School Book Depository building by Dallas police officers, he was on the second floor of said building, having just purchased a Coca–cola from the soft-drink machine, at which time a police officer came into the room with pistol drawn and asked him if he worked there. MR. TRULY was present and verified that he was an employee and the police officer thereafter left the room and continued through the building. OSWALD stated that he took this Coke down to the first floor and stood around and had lunch in the employees’ lunch room. He thereafter went outside and stood around for five or ten minutes with foreman BILL SHELLEY, and thereafter went home.

This one is just priceless.

Again, two core elements are preserved...

-visit to lunchroom (now with Officer/Truly encounter included!)
-eating lunch on first floor

...but the time factor has been twisted beyond recognition. Not a word, even a ridiculously vague one, about where Mr Oswald says he was at the time Pres. Kennedy passed the building. That's just too hot to handle. Instead we have as our new, artificial starting-point "the time of the search of the Texas School Depository Building by Dallas police officers"! This enables the report's writer to put a confirmation in Mr Oswald's mouth of a second-floor lunchroom encounter shortly after the shooting. But in order to make that little fiction work, the report's writer must brazenly transmogrify "Then went outside to watch P. Parade" in the Hosty draft report into the bizarre scenario of going outside AFTER said lunchroom encounter involving a gun-toting cop and AFTER standing around a while eating lunch in the domino room!!

That's quite a journey from Agent Hosty's draft report to Agent Bookhout's solo one. No wonder the former had to be buried! But--------------thank goodness--------------it was finally unearthed in 2019, to the horror of Warren Gullibles and paid-up members of Team Keep LHO Away From Dem Steps everywhere!


Offline Vincent Baxter

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #324 on: September 13, 2021, 12:43:54 AM »
Mr Baxter, please don't ask a new question and then quote my answer to an older one as though I am answering your new one.

You asked me: "you're suggesting the meeting was totally made up?". And I responded to that question with: "No---------------it was relocated". Because there was a meeting between these three, only at the front door. Therefore the meeting was not totally made up, just its location (and therefore its timing).

I apologise for this. I'm not quite sure what happened. The line 'So the lunchroom encounter was invented?' was the first line to my previous post which I was going to include for reference but then realised you probably didn't need it and thought I had deleted it. But I clearly didn't. It wasn't meant to be misleading and I've gone back to the original post and crossed it out, so again sorry about that.

However, I do still think that dismissing it as a mere changing of location is a gross understatement rather than calling it a complete fantasy, which is what it is. If it wasn't true, then it was a clear and intentional lie invented to mislead people. Like saying "Oh well it did happen, but just not in any way whatsoever as they claimed it did"

Of course they could lie about the time it took to get to the second floor. But the lie needed to be someway realistic-sounding.

Why would an officer who has rushed into the building in under 30 seconds in the belief that shots have just been fired from the top of that building have cause to clear anyone on the first floor? Makes no sense

Well, is this not the whole point of the encounter with Oswald on the second floor? Why did they stop to question who he was and clear him of any further suspicion if their sole purpose was just to run to the sixth floor?

Which stairwell (i.e. between which floors)?

Any stairwell. It's a fabricated story so it doesn't matter. They could have just said they encountered him going down the stairs just as they were reaching the 2nd floor, rather than saying they saw him in the lunchroom. It would have at least shown that Oswald was seen making his way downstairs, and presumably towards the exit, after the shooting and therefore raising suspicion and leaving no question as to why he was just sipping a Coke calmly in the lunchroom.

I don't get your confusion, Mr Baxter. They knew Mr Oswald had been at the front entrance for the encounter and they needed to relocate the encounter to somewhere less disastrous


OK, I don't agree with your notion but I totally understand what you are saying and why you are claiming they did it. My confusion is why they would fabricate a story that can easily be left open to criticism and doubt? And that indeed has if numerous CT books and theories are to be accounted for. If you're going to lie, you might as well make something up that is at least foolproof
« Last Edit: September 13, 2021, 12:52:28 AM by Vincent Baxter »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #324 on: September 13, 2021, 12:43:54 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #325 on: September 13, 2021, 12:45:32 AM »

Thank you, Mr O'Meara!  Thumb1:

So you accept that "He went to 2nd floor to get coca cola to eat with lunch" means he went to 2nd floor and got coca cola to eat with lunch. Excellent!

You also (one therefore presumes) accept that "returned to 1st floor to eat lunch" means returned to 1st floor and ate lunch? Yes? Excellenter!

And yet here you are claiming that Agent Hosty uses the very same 'to' construction three times in a row, but the third time means something COMPLETELY different, i.e.:

"Then went went outside to watch P. Parade" means NOT then went outside and watched P. Parade BUT then went outside but as soon as he got out there got quite the surprise.....

This is, to say the least, an embarrassingly poor argument for you to be putting forward, Mr O'Meara. Deep down you must know that.

Or maybe I'm doing you an injustice? Maybe you are suggesting--------actually suggesting---------that Mr Oswald said he went outside and watched the NON-JFK parts of the P. Parade?! If that is the case, then embarrassing is not the word for it.............

« Last Edit: September 13, 2021, 12:47:46 AM by Alan Ford »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #326 on: September 13, 2021, 12:47:03 AM »
Friends, we can track the distortion machine doing its work on Mr Oswald's claims if we simply read in sequence the interrogation reports for that first interrogation session when Mr Oswald dropped his bombshell claim to have gone outside to watch the Presidential Parade.

A: Agent Hosty Draft Solo Report

This is a perfectly straightforward account, Mr Oswald claiming
-he visited the second-floor lunchroom for a coke (pre-motorcade & hence no mention of an Officer/Truly encounter)
-he then went down to one to eat lunch (still pre-motorcade)
-he then went outside to watch P. Parade

B: Agents Hosty & Bookhout Joint Report

OSWALD stated that he went to lunch at approximately noon and he claimed he ate his lunch on the first floor in the lunch room; however he went to the second floor where the Coca–Cola machine was located and obtained a bottle of Coca–Cola for his lunch. OSWALD claimed to be on the first floor when President JOHN F. KENNEDY passed this building.

This is a masterpiece of obfuscation. Two core elements are retained...

-visit to lunchroom (though still no Officer/Truly encounter!)
-eating lunch on first floor

...but the chronology is weirdly ill-defined. Indeed, one gets the impression that Mr Oswald may have meant that he visited the second-floor lunchroom deep into his lunch-eating session and not before it. It's all delightfully ambiguous.

Most crucially, Mr Oswald's all-important claim to have gone outside to watch P. Parade has been finessed down to "on the first floor when President JOHN F. KENNEDY passed this building". The lack of any specific location on the first floor tells us just how nervously the ALL-IMPORTANT issue has been fudged-------------------where exactly did the suspect say he was at the time of the shooting? This has the pleasing bonus effect of creating the nefarious impression that the suspect did not wish to be forthcoming on this score

C: Agent Bookhout Solo Report

OSWALD stated that on November 22, 1963, at the time of the search of the Texas School Book Depository building by Dallas police officers, he was on the second floor of said building, having just purchased a Coca–cola from the soft-drink machine, at which time a police officer came into the room with pistol drawn and asked him if he worked there. MR. TRULY was present and verified that he was an employee and the police officer thereafter left the room and continued through the building. OSWALD stated that he took this Coke down to the first floor and stood around and had lunch in the employees’ lunch room. He thereafter went outside and stood around for five or ten minutes with foreman BILL SHELLEY, and thereafter went home.

This one is just priceless.

Again, two core elements are preserved...

-visit to lunchroom (now with Officer/Truly encounter included!)
-eating lunch on first floor

...but the time factor has been twisted beyond recognition. Not a word, even a ridiculously vague one, about where Mr Oswald says he was at the time Pres. Kennedy passed the building. That's just too hot to handle. Instead we have as our new, artificial starting-point "the time of the search of the Texas School Depository Building by Dallas police officers"! This enables the report's writer to put a confirmation in Mr Oswald's mouth of a second-floor lunchroom encounter shortly after the shooting. But in order to make that little fiction work, the report's writer must brazenly transmogrify "Then went outside to watch P. Parade" in the Hosty draft report into the bizarre scenario of going outside AFTER said lunchroom encounter involving a gun-toting cop and AFTER standing around a while eating lunch in the domino room!!

That's quite a journey from Agent Hosty's draft report to Agent Bookhout's solo one. No wonder the former had to be buried! But--------------thank goodness--------------it was finally unearthed in 2019, to the horror of Warren Gullibles and paid-up members of Team Keep LHO Away From Dem Steps everywhere!


This is a perfectly straightforward account, Mr Oswald claiming
-he visited the second-floor lunchroom for a coke (pre-motorcade & hence no mention of an Officer/Truly encounter)

According to Fritz and Bookhout Lee said that he was in the 1st floor lunchroom eating his lunch when the motorcade passed by the TSBD....He then went to the second floor to purchase a coke .....

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #327 on: September 13, 2021, 12:49:31 AM »
Let me help you out Alan.
Because you are a Tinfoil Fantasist you are free to make any claim you wish free of Reason and Accountability.
When you claim Oswald said he went outside BEFORE JFK passed by, it's an invention of your fertile imagination. However, you don't believe your claims are subject to the same scrutiny as everyone else.
So, when I ask you to back up your claim (knowing you can't do it) with documentary evidence you provide a document that makes no mention about Oswald going outside BEFORE JFK passed by.

And you still believe you have somehow justified your claim!!

Kelly reports Oswald specifically stated he never saw the parade but because it upsets your fantasy it's a lie.

Oswald confirms, on camera, he was in the building (TSBD) at the time of the shooting but this upsets your fantasy, so you come up with the most embarrassing argument ever to grace the annals of assassination research history - the "outside" is "inside" argument.

Oswald doesn't say he went outside BEFORE JFK passes by.
Have the backbone to acknowledge this for the  BS: it is.

PS: Oswald's claims that he went outside to watch the parade but didn't see it are not mutually exclusive claims.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald: No power lunch
« Reply #327 on: September 13, 2021, 12:49:31 AM »