That's a pretty broad brush and I'd like to know which "lies" and from whom you consider leads to someone besides Oswald being involved and why?
I believe that Oswald was a lone gunman and any "lies" from these men were simply attempts at self preservation and as expected over time their recollections became contaminated, and after talking with each other they simply told the authorities what they think the authorities wanted to hear. These men were mostly non educated factory workers and expecting consistent untainted photo perfect memories is a little naive.
"...any "lies" from these men were simply attempts at self preservation..."Self preservation??
These are supposedly just guys being asked to recount what they saw and did around the time of the assassination. Where does "self preservation" come into it?
"That's a pretty broad brush and I'd like to know which "lies" and from whom you consider leads to someone besides Oswald being involved and why?"To get into the full scale of the lies these men tell would require a thread of its own but let's start with Bonnie Ray.
On the day of the assassination he is asked to recount what happened. This is a black man being questioned by the Dallas police in the early sixties. And he decides to tell an outright lie - that he went down after work, picked up his lunch and went back up to the 5th floor with Norman and Jarman.
This is an outright lie.
Not an oversight or a "misrememberance".
He is questioned the next day by the FBI (The FBI!!). He now remembers he went up to the 6th floor by himself but tells his next outright lie - that he was up there for about 3 minutes!
We now know that he was up there for at least 25 minutes.
His WC testimony reveals that the more BRW is questioned on this issue the longer he's up there:
"...when you talked to Carter and Griffin, they reported that you told them you went down to the fifth floor around
12:05 p.m"
"I had left the sixth floor, after I had eaten the chicken sandwich. I finished the chicken sandwich maybe
10 or 15 minutes after 12"
"Mr. BALL. Approximately what time was it?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Approximately
12:20, maybe."3 minutes, 5, 10 15, 20, and still he never gets to the actual time.
After being questioned by the DPD, the FBI and the Warren Commission he still won't tell the whole truth.
He also lies about where he has his lunch. At least 5 five witnesses state there was a half eaten piece of chicken in or on top of the SN but in his WC testimony BRW has himself sat between the third and fourth set of windows, some 30 ft away.
He even lies about having eaten all the chicken!!
Bonnie Ray lies constantly about being up on the 6th floor, how long he was up there and where he was sitting.
He is a young black man, in Dallas, in the early '60's, constantly lying to the DPD, the FBI and the Warren Commission.
We both agree that the reason for all this lying is because BRW encountered the assassin on the 6th floor.
The question is - if Oswald is the lone assassin and is dead before the weekend is out, why does Bonnie Ray carry on lying?
The only reasonable conclusion I can reach is that the assassin he encountered is very much alive and is a direct threat to him.
"...expecting consistent untainted photo perfect memories is a little naive."You're right John, anyone who is expecting a photo perfect memory from any witness is definitely being naive.
But that's not is what's happening. Williams outright lies on the day of the assassination and is then involved in a continuous series of lies thereafter.
Imagining Williams is being forgetful is truly naive.