The 'corrected' Adams testimony transcript--------i.e. with handwritten corrections--------bears two stamps:

If I understand this correctly, the 1967 stamp cancels the 'TOP SECRET' classification, whereas the 2011 stamp declassifies the document fully.
Mr Barry Ernest notes wryly-----------------
"this differing transcription shows an additional declassification stamp, bearing a more recent date of February 9, 2011. Coincidentally, that is two months after existence of the Martha Joe Stroud letter was disclosed for the first time in the self-published edition of The Girl on the Stairs."
Let us note that Ms Adams told Mr Ernest that she did indeed receive a transcript of her testimony sent to her office, to which she wrote in some corrections. However, she was adamant that she did NOT testify to, or read/correct any testimony transcript including mention of, Messrs Lovelady and Shelley on the first floor after she and Ms Styles ran down the back stairs.
Ms Styles (now Butler) has backed up Ms Adams on this issue: no Mr Lovelady, no Mr Shelley
There is a solution to this, my friends------------------it's not pretty but it is perfectly feasible. And it does not make a liar of Ms Adams.........
It is a fact that not one of the corrections mentioned in the Stroud letter is actually reflected in the published testimony of Ms Adams.
One explanation would be bureaucratic inattention. Another, however, would be that the point of getting Ms Adams to make handwritten corrections was NOT to get her testimony correct but---------------
to get from her authentic handwritten corrections that could used as a
On this latter scenario:
1. Ms Adams is given an Honest Transcript of her testimony to read & correct: she does so, writing in corrections where she sees fit
2. An Enhanced Transcript---------containing interpolated references to Messrs Shelley & Lovelady----------has meanwhile been quietly prepared
3. Someone other than Ms Adams reproduces (both as to substance and handwriting) her corrections (from the Honest Transcript) on the Enhanced Transcript.
Not at all difficult to do convincingly.
But why go to all this trouble? Insurance, in case this most troublesome and dangerous of witnesses is so shocked when she reads her published testimony that she goes public with a claim that she never said or subsequently OK'd any of the Lovelady-Shelley stuff. The Enhanced Transcript (with 'her' handwritten corrections) can be released to discredit her.
Thankfully, it doesn't come to that----------------though a version of this does come to pass when, decades later, Mr Ernest goes public with the Stroud letter. Two months later, in 2011, the Enhanced Transcript is fully declassified. Some coincidence!
Interestingly, the original steno tapes from the day on which Ms Adams gave her testimony are inexplicably NOT in the archive.......................