You and Nessan make a lovely couple 
Got anything of significance to say or will you keep it, as per usual, to superficial drivel about anything but the case?
You and Nessan make a lovely couple_Keep me out of your fantasies, creep
Got anything of significance to say or will you keep it, as per usual, to superficial drivel about anything but the case?_ There's that gaslighting again. I'd say you're the superficial one. Not one post w/o an attempted insult from you. Which means you are frustrated b/c your b/s does not gain traction amongst LNers
Now lets see what people who were actually on scene re Tippit, for example, had to say
billchapman William Whaley
billchapman What Earlene Roberts witnessed around 1:00pm
at Oswald's safe house 11.22.63
billchapman Helen Markham_Group of 12
billchapman Ted Callaway_Group of 12
billchapman Barbara Davis_Group of 12
billchapman Victoria Davis_Group of 12
billchapman Sam Guinyard_Group of 12
billchapman Warren Reynolds_Group of 12
More to come