Mr. Barnett - Yes, sir; I was back where No. 8 is then. That was probably 2 1/2 minutes after the last shot was fired. About that time, my sergeant came up from this way, from the north of Houston Street and asked me to get the name of that building.
Barnett's sergeant is Sergeant Howard.
Barnett has returned to near his original position and Howard approaches him from "north of Houston".
Presumably Howard is one of the officers Barnett sees behind the TSBD.
I can't find any statements from Sergeant Howard.
Inexplicably he is not asked to give testimony before the WC.
I wondered who Howard was, and what his role was on Nov 22. I found it in Capt. Lawrence's exhibit #2, which lays out the various assignments for the motorcade. Howard was put in change of the detail that set out and enforced "No Parking" signs befor the motorcade, beginning at 7AM.
In the aftermath of the shooting, he appears in a conversation on channel 2:
290 (Howard) See if you can contact 125.
125 (Capt Lawrence) 290, I am at Parkland.
290 125, do you want us to stay on Industrial or where do you want us to go?
125 Stay at your location right now.
This conversation occurs between Brewer's 12:38 interchange with the dispatcher and the dispatcher's 12:40 reply to Batchelor. At about 12:39, Howard was still at least 2-3 blocks away from Dealey Plaza. Given that Howard expects Lawrence to know his position, it would seem that Howard was at an preassigned location. This in turn implies that Howard is near the Trade Mart, which was at Industrial and 35E. I figure it was quite some time after the shooting before he appeared to Barnett.