The point is that a jury in a criminal trial would have learned of some of these details because defense attorneys would have investigated the backgrounds of witnesses as the WC, DPD, and FBI should have but did not.
I included the examples of a few other witnesses beyond those whose testimony is intended to fix Oswald physical presence and actions to specific places at specific times between the time he exited the TSBD and was spotted inside the Texas Theatre.
Mary Bledsoe, same first cousin as organized crime enforcer RD Matthews, may have given more uncorroborated (semi coherent) testimony than any other WC witness, possibly a result of damage from a recent stroke.
OV Campbell, Oswald employer whose wife, Clarice AKA Marie Webb was related to Mrs. Bledsoe's aunt, America Germany Webb's husband, Joe, married this 35 years younger woman when he was a 76 year old widower. McWatters, seemed to confuse Oswald with Roy Milton Jones, was employed by Dallas Transit whose owner's legal counsel was Roy Cohn and whose three brothers visited the Carousel Club earlier in 1963.
William W Whaley, moved his birth year back three years sometime after 1940,,3071.msg115921.html#msg115921...told Hugh Aynesworth he had earned a Navy Cross in combat over Iwo Jima, a 1945 WWII battle. His son knew who he was but neither of their obituaries includes the other.

Earline Roberts claimed DPD detective Potts and other DPD arrived about half an hour after O.H. Lee left the rooming house. Det. Potts testified they arrived at 3:00 pm. Her sister was WC witness Bertha Cheek.
Mrs. Robert's employer, Gladys Johnson testimony.:"Mr. BALL. Has she been working for you for that period of time?
Mrs. JOHNSON. No, sir; I let Mrs. Roberts go a time or two, then I would hire her back.
Mr. BALL. there some reason why you let her go?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Well, she would just get to being disagreeable with renters and I don't know, she has a lot of handicaps. She has an overweight problem and she has some habits that some people have to understand to tolerate.
Mr. BALL. What are they?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Talking just sitting down and making up tales, you know, have you ever seen people like that? Just have a creative mind, there's nothing to it, and just make up and keep talking until she just makes a lie out of it. Listen, I'm telling you the truth and this isn't to go any further, understand that? You have to know these things because you are going to question this lady. I will tell you, she's just as intelligent--I think she is a person that doesn't mean to do that but she just does it automatically. It seems as though that she, oh, I don't know, wants to be attractive or something at times. I just don't know; I don't understand it myself. I only wish I did.."
Helen Markham, various "shortcomings," where to even begin ?
Virginia Davis, married a 26 year old at age 15, misrepresented her age as 16 to DPD in November, 1963 and to WC in April, 1964. She was born in June, 1948.
Sam Rogers, franchisee of Dobbs House where several of his employees claimed both Oswald and Tippit were frequent customers. The FBI didn't bother to mention that Roger's wife, Lillian, appears in the first frames of the Z film and persuaded her boss, Zapruder to make a trip home to properly equip himself with movie camera to capture the POTUS's motorcade on film.
Declan Ford, as California governor and former Oakland D.A., Warren knew Ford's prominent prosecutor father, ..and appointed Declan's brother, John, to the bench on a California high state court."..Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Chief Justice, may I confer briefly with counsel?
The CHAIRMAN. Where were you born?
Mr. FORD. Los Angeles.
The CHAIRMAN. Did you go to the public schools there?
Mr. FORD. I attended both parochial and public schools in Los Angeles and Glendale.
The CHAIRMAN. Then you went to the University of California at Los Angeles?
Mr. FORD. Right.
The CHAIRMAN. Where did you go after that. You were in the service, did you say?
Mr. FORD. I was in the service. After I got out of the service I went back to UCLA and finished my education and then went to work in the oil industry first in Bakersfield and in Los Angeles, Ventura, and then went to work for DeGollyer and McNaughton overseas.
The CHAIRMAN. I see..."
After Marina’s first WC testimony, she soon aligned herself with Declan Ford, brother of Gov. Warren appointed Judge, John Ford,
and of Joseph Ford, former agent ofa small alien property recovery agency spearheaded by Joseph Carroll, Hoover’s former asst. and founding DIA chief, and FBI’s Leo Laughlin.
See: Don Levine, book agent of the memoirs of George Bouhe’s mother, see: Joseph Ford in an attempt to sign Marina to a book deal.:
See: DeMohrenschildt did not admit this in his WC testimony,"..He had been, as far as I was concerned, a man of considerable mystery. Even his date of birth—"1911," on one passport, "1914" on another— was in doubt...What had brought De Mohrenschildt to the attention of the Warren Commission was Marina Oswald's testimony that De Mohrenschildt had rushed up the stairs of Oswald's house after he missed Walker and shouted, "Lee, how did you miss General Walker?" So he had to return from Haiti to testify. When questioned about this remark by the Commission, De Mohrenschildt shrugged it off as nothing more than an unfortunate coincidence: a "joke."