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Author Topic: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 55%  (Read 9973 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 56%
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2021, 08:12:21 PM »
Huh, it's the exact opposite. With every passing year, the CT's can't agree on anything and just keep piling more and more diverse BS onto the pile and any chance of unification has long since passed.
You need a leader to herd the sheep and just stick to a conspiracy that you can all agree on but as if that will ever happen.
Sorry Walt but your long lost hopes of a utopia where you can all frolic through the Tulips will never come to pass and as we all die out, the only truth that remains will be the irrefutable Official Version, you know the one that was reinforced a decade and a half later by the HSCA.


JohnM.... JohnM..... JooooohhhhhhnnnnnMMM, identify and eliminate the irrelevant coincidences and you'll begin to convince a lot of us that, "acting alone, the lone nut, blah, blah, blah..." isn't the hinky BS these "background details," seem to indicate!

IOW, you don't know anymore than I do, here's why. (If you don't like being hit over the head by the equivalent of an evidentiary, "two X four," don't post like you're begging for it to happen.)

In 1955, this guy William B. Macomber, Jr. is 12 years out of wartime, accelerated Yale University graduation.

Bear in mind, there were only seven Warren Commissioners, one DeMohrenschildt, one lone nut.
Yale "turned out," just fifteen "bonesmen" annually.



November, 1956 :

The date is Sept. 23, 1960 :

Again JohnM, only one George DeM, one "lone nut," seven Warren Commissioners, fifteen Yales Bonesmen tapped annually.

Three Bonesmen were Nancy Bush's father Prescott, brother George, husband Alexander Ellis, Yale football teammate of William Macomber.
Hunt Says He Fabricated Cables on Diem to Link Kennedy to ...
Sep 25, 1973 — Howard Hunt Jr. said today that he had fabricated State Depart ment cables to show a link between President Kennedy and the assassination of ...
May 9, 1973

Page five of sixth, Dan Hardaway of the HSCA investigative staff interviewed Cynthia Thomas.:
William B. Macomber Jr. -
In 1978, Macomber became the first full-time president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. As president, he oversaw implementation of the MMA's master plan ...

Two of the seven Warren Commissioners were Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R-KY), "tapped for Bones" in 1922, husband of Lorraine Mcadoo Shevlin, widow of Robert Mcadoo, brother of Nona Mcadoo de Mohrenschildt.

So, William Macomber served at least four Bonesmen, including Sen. John Sherman Cooper...

Robert, Francis (see quote box, below) and Nona Mcadoo's step-mother :

William Gibbs McAdoo was 26 years older than Eleanor Wilson.:
Eleanor Randolph Wilson McAdoo (October 16, 1889 – April 5, 1967)
...She was born on October 16, 1889 to Woodrow Wilson and Ellen Axson Wilson in Middletown, Connecticut. She was educated at Saint Mary's School, an Episcopal boarding school for girls in Raleigh, North Carolina.[1][2]
She married William Gibbs McAdoo, Wilson's Secretary of the Treasury, at the White House on May 7, 1914.[3] They had two daughters: Ellen Wilson McAdoo (1915–1946)[4] and Mary Faith McAdoo (1920–1988).[5] She divorced McAdoo in July 1935.[6]

You are not invisible, Tom.  Far from it.  Many descendants of whom you post about are reading with great aplomb.

Mark, it's just too complicated... (The bromo-seltzer convergence)

Some of US Treasury Secretary William McAdoo's children :
Francis Huger McAdoo 1889- Married dau. of Emerson, their son, Francis Huger McAdoo Jr. was Princeton classmate of Lem Billings and Nicholas Katzenbach & became president of Emerson Drug. Katzenbach's schoolmates at Exeter were Cogswell and his friend, Richard Ober of Operation Chaos notoriety... Patsy Southgate and Richard were in brother Nathaniel Ober's wedding party, Cogswell's parents attended as guests.

Nona Hazlehurst McAdoo 1893-1971  Married in 1917 to Ferdinand de Mohrenschildt †1919

Robert Hazlehurst McAdoo 1900- First spouse became wife of Warren Commissioner Sen. John Sherman Cooper

Patsy Southgate was well connected with the Paris Review staff in Paris when Tom Devine's partner, John Train was Paris Review business manager, Tom Devine met with DeMohrenschildt two weeks after DeMohrenschildt asked Oswald, "Lee, how did you miss?"

Joseph Dryer, who Cogswell introduced to the HSCA, also met with DeMohrenschildt on the same day, April 25, 1963, as Devine did. Joseph Dryer to Joan Mellen that Tom Devine was his closest friend in Rochester, NY.

Devine's Sigma Chi housemate at M.I.T., a home of 16 fraternity brothers in residence, was Priscilla Johnson's CIA handler, Garry Coit.

"John Sherman Cooper: The Global Kentuckian › books
Robert Schulman · 2021
I hear John Cooper has been seeing a lot of Lorraine Shevlin.” Lorraine Rowan McAdoo Shevlin a well-educated, unusually charming “grass widow,” often ..."
SaPersonay, May 7, 2011

"Jim DiEugenio's presentation from NID 2010

"...George de Mohrenschildt knew Bush from his old geology days. The fact that de Mohrenschildt was interviewed by the CIA before he went to Haiti and did not tell him [bush] about his acquaintance with Oswald, or about the upcoming coup attempt in Haiti, this somehow became suspicious,... In my opinion de Mohrenschildt didn’t even know what he was doing with Oswald. And he didn’t know until after the fact...."

What would have to be discovered to persuade someone of Jim DiEugenio's stature and accomplishment related to JFK assassination research, analysis, and historical review, to persuade him to stop communicating the opinions I have quoted above?

I would have thought there was already enough information out there, to dispel the notions that, at the time, in late 1962 into early 1963, De Mohrenschildt was an unwitting escort of Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife, Marina. I would have thought there was too great an amount of troubling information linking GHW Bush and his intimates, Ed Hooker and Tom Devine to De Mohrenschildt to discourage anyone as knowledgeable as Jim DiEugenio from distributing such strong opinions.

Jim offers his opinion that Bush was involved in an October "surprise" in 1980, indicating, at least to me, that it is not necessary for there to be strong evidence to influence Jim to take a position on whether or not Bush conspired to commit a major crime against the state.

If Russ Baker had never authored "Family of Secrets" the connections between De Mohrenschildt and the Oswalds, and De Mohrenschildt and Ed Hooker, Bush, and Devine would still exist. It would still be necessary to determine if these connections were merely coincidental of a criminally conspiratorial nature.

Jim seems to be saying he is not interfering with the work of determining the above, because he says he believes there are numerous other reasons to convict Bush of crimes and to jail him. I cannot agree with this opinion, because I think Jim is saying Russ Baker fell woefully short of making his case, which was too farfetched a case to pursue, and besides, we as researchers, have better things to do with our time and effort, that there is more potentially fertile ground to plow than to work to make the determinations I described above, in our quests to turn up information that will help to rule out what is coincidence and devote our attention to what is evidence or a solid lead.

My take on this is that the connections I described above, the same names displayed in the thread title, have not been determined to be coincidental, even after all of these years. More effort must be put in to attempt to separate coincidences from leads, not less.

On other threads, I've posted recent related curiousities I've stumbled upon.

De Mohrenschildt rented a room in Washington, DC in May, 1942, from a US Navy officer named Paul Joachim who was the stepson of the designer of the Underwood Code Machine, aka, the kata-kana typewriter. Joachim retired from the navy in 1954 at the rank of rear admiral, pursued his life long passion for art, and was killed in Chicago in 1962 in a still unsolved murder by multiple gunshots.

Another naval officer was living at Joachim's house in May, 1942. His name was Harry Hull, he was a WWII submarine commander, retired from the navy with the rank of rear admiral, and was married from 1939 until his death, to a first cousin of James Kelsey Cogswell, III. Hull's mother was widowed in 1920 and married again in 1925 to a man whose brother became a four star US Navy admiral.

In 1953, James Kelsey Cogswell, III married the first cousin of Bush's best friend, Will Farish III. At his wedding ceremony with Joan Farish, Cogswell's best man was WWII US Navy, PT boat Squadron 7 radar officer and silver star medalist, George Olin Walbridge, 2d.

Walbridge served in Squadron 7 in New Guineau during WWII with PT-129 navy officer and fellow silver star medalist, Francis H. McAdoo, Jr., Lt. (jg) USNR.

McAdoo was the nephew of Ferdinand De Mohrenschildt's widow, Nona McAdoo, the sister of Francis H. McAdoo, Jr's father.

New York Times - Mar 26, 1939

...Mr. McAdoo had Arthur Pew Gorman of Stevenson, Md., for his best man, and the ushers were K. Lemoyn Billings and Robert Bell Deford Jr. of Baltimore,...

"..Mr. McAdoo is a grandson of former United States Senator William Gibbs McAdoo of California and, on the maternal side, of Mrs. Isaac E. Emerson of Baltimore. He went to St. Paul's School at Concord, N. H., and w as a member of the calss of '38 at Princeton University...."

In addition to being Lem Billings's close friend from Princeton University, this newly emerged, American relative of George De Mohrenschildt, became president of Emerson Drug Co. and appointed Billings as V.P. Francis H. McAdoo, Jr's WWII fellow navy PT boat officer, George O. Walbridge, 2d, was hired as an Emerson Drug Co. marketing executive and worked for the company until his retirement. The first link in this post contains a photo of Billings and Walbridge in Cuba in 1955.

(Reminder, everything posted below the EducationForum link above is from May, 2011...)
The post immediately before the linked post displays details of James aka Jake, aka Jack Cogswell's relationship with AMRAZZ-1, aka Joaquin Godoy.

Elmer H. Bobst's Warner-Lambert acquired Emerson Drug Co. in 1953, and Billings left the company in 1958. McAdoo stayed on.

Isn't it at all curious that Lem Billings relationships with two PT boat winners of silver star medals for heroic combat performances in the Pacific theater during WWII was never reported by the press, before or after JFK's assassination, or by the WC or HSCA, or by Lem Billings, himself? "

Better start another thread....

And Yale Law School graduate and unelected POTUS and Warren Commissioner Gerald Ford, as the HSCA inquiry was heating up, appoints the recent chairman of the republican party, a man purported to have no experience in the field of intelligence collection and analysis, as DCI.

Less than a 1-1/2 years later, Billy Lord "fingers" BEAMIS as advisor to Bush's "emissary," Henry Hurt, on how best to coerce Billy Lord into talking about Lee Harvey Oswald!

« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 09:04:55 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 56%
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2021, 08:12:21 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 55%
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2021, 02:45:58 AM »
In this eight year old blog post, Linda Minor and Lisa Pease get to the heart of the matter...

....Payne Whitney had inherited his uncle's huge mansion in New York, and the 1920 census shows Jock and Joan living there with their parents--only four people at 972 Fifth Avenue--being cared for by fifteen servants, none of whom were American-born. Payne's business address, 14 Wall Street, was the Bankers Trust Company, set up by the White and Case law firm in 1903, and was controlled by J.P. Morgan affiliates in the days prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve banking system. Before 1930 Morgan bankers controlled United States government policy on currency. According to economist Murray Rothbard, the first governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank was:
Benjamin Strong, who had spent virtually his entire business and personal life in the circle of top associates of J.P. Morgan. A secretary of several trust companies (banks doing trust business) in New York City, Strong became neighbor and close friend of three top Morgan partners, Henry P. Davison, Dwight Morrow, and Thomas W. Lamont. Davison, in particular, became his mentor, and brought him into Morgan's Bankers Trust company, where he soon succeeded Lamont as vice-president, and then finally became president. When Strong was offered the post of Governor of the New York Fed, it was Davison who persuaded him to take the job....The main collaboration throughout the 1920s, much of it kept secret from the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, was between Strong and the man who soon became Governor of the Bank of England, Montagu Collet Norman. Norman and Strong were not only fast friends, but had important investment-banking ties, Norman's uncle having been a partner of the great English banking firm of Baring Brothers, and his grandfather a partner in the international banking house of Brown Shipley and Co., the London branch of the Wall Street banking firm of Brown Brothers. Before coming to the Bank of England, Norman himself had worked at the Wall Street office of Brown Brothers, and then returned to London to become a partner of Brown Shipley.


Full text of Papers of Benjamin Strong, Jr. - FRASER
In 1907 he married his second wife, who was Katherine Five children survive him. They are Benjamin Strong, Jr., Philip Strong, Mrs. Watt S. Humphrey, ...
Benjamin Strong Jr. (December 22, 1872 – October 16, 1928) was an American banker. He served as Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for 14 years until his death...

The Role of Brown Brothers Harriman

Montagu Norman had been called "the currency dictator of Europe" by the Wall Street Journal in 1927. Thus, when the U.S. government witnessed the decline of the Brown Brothers investment bank in 1926, it felt the need to shore it up with an infusion of capital and turned to the two Yale educated sons of robber baron E.H. Harriman to do so. Averell and Roland (Bunny) Harrison were the Skull and Bones friends and eventual partners of Prescott Sheldon Bush, the father and grandfather of two future presidents.

It is no coincidence that America's earliest attempts at setting up intelligence agencies called upon the talents of the sons of Wall Street bankers. Idealistic principles often fall by the wayside when big money is involved, and it is the wealthy elitists who think they have the most to lose in the games played in international market manipulations. The poor have only their lives, and are often treated as cannon fodder by such elitists on every front.

In the years between the two "great" wars the Brown Brothers partner, Montagu Norman, was actively concerned with handling Germany's reparations payments, working with the first head of the Bank for International Settlements, Gates McGarrah, whose grandson, Richard McGarrah Helms, would later head the Central Intelligence Agency.

Within six months after the above photos appeared in the news, Norman had found the perfect rich kids to entice with the power of helping to run the world. Their father's death in September 1909, when the boys were mere teenagers, had been the top headline in newspapers throughout America. Their mentor became the man most trusted by their father to run his business, Robert Scott Lovett, who would see that the boys were educated at Yale alongside his own son, Robert Abercrombie Lovett. All would rise to power in the government as the second great war approached, with help from their brothers in Skull and Bones.
Prescott Bush, center, with Brown Brothers Harriman partners--Bunny Harriman, Knight Woolley, and R.A. Lovett

By following the money, you often learn how the world really operates, who works for whom, so to speak.

Oliver Stone relates in his book, The Untold History of the United States:
"Prominent among the American capitalists with ties to Nazi counterparts was Prescott Bush, the father of one president and grandfather of another. Researchers have been trying for years to determine the precise nature of Bush's ties to Fritz Thyssen, the wealthy German industrialist who played a crucial role in bankrolling Hitler, as revealed in his 1941 memoirs I Paid Hitler. Thyssen ultimately repudiated the Nazi dictator and was himself imprisoned.
While incarcerated, Thyssen's vast wealth was protected overseas, much of it by the investment firm of Brown Brothers Harriman, through the holding company Union Banking Corporation. The account was managed by senior partner Prescott Bush.

About ten years younger than the Harriman boys, Jock Whitney and his sister sat atop a huge pile of money which they would make available to those in power engaged in manipulation of international currency. Although Jock went to Yale, he was tapped for Scroll and Key, rather than the Bones secret society, and was a mere two years behind Scroll and Key member James Stillman Rockefeller (son of Elsie Stillman and William G. Rockefeller), whose Uncle Percy, married in 1901 to Elsie's sister Isabel Stillman, was a member of the Skull and Bones class of 1900. Only a year after his Yale graduation, James Stillman Rockefeller had united fortunes with the Carnegies by marrying the niece of the steel magnate whose fortune had been liquidated by the Morgan bank. Five years later, Chase Manhattan bank would acquire the Equitable Trust, another Morgan affiliate--thus shifting control of the New York Fed in 1930 from Morgan to Rockefeller-owned banks at the same time Freeport Sulphur's control shifted under the leadership of Langbourne Williams, Jr., a Stillman son-in-law, as will be detailed in the next installment.

The "facilitator" at the center of Linda Minor's research quoted above was Benjamin Strong, Jr.

 Benjamin Strong, Jr.'s son, Philip Grandin Strong :

Brainerd Walker Spencer was future USMC general Philip G Strong's Princeton roommate and then best man of CIA's NOLA chief Burke and was a lifelong friend.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2021, 10:27:03 PM by Tom Scully »

Online John Mytton

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Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 55%
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2021, 02:56:00 AM »
In this eight year old blog post, Linda Minor and Lisa Pease get to the heart of the matter...

For us Dummies, it might be a good idea in your opening spiel to give a brief summation of where your following research leads because reading between the lines and trying to figure out what the heck you are trying to say, makes me skip a lot of your posts. Don't get me wrong I appreciate all the effort but sometimes it's just too difficult to make a link between your research and the JFK assassination.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 55%
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2021, 02:56:00 AM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 55%
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2021, 10:54:19 PM »
For us Dummies, it might be a good idea in your opening spiel to give a brief summation of where your following research leads because reading between the lines and trying to figure out what the heck you are trying to say, makes me skip a lot of your posts. Don't get me wrong I appreciate all the effort but sometimes it's just too difficult to make a link between your research and the JFK assassination.


JohnM, I find "things" that I truly believe "our pryin' eyes" are not meant to see. What I stumble upon literally "steal my thoughts," or at least my focus.

Expanding on Linda Minor's blog post liberally quoted in my last post,
Richard Helms's grandfather... he held the post WC's McCloy would ascend to, in 1955, of the successor bank Gates W. McGarrah headed, 15 years before McCloy. The merger of the Rockefeller's Equitable Trust with McGarrah's Mechanics and Metals Bank ultimately brought McCloy to Chase in 1955 to represent the Rockefeller interests, which is what he was also doing on the Warren Commission and in blowing upper Carter's presidency by "counseling" Jimmy Carter to allow the Shah into the U.S. "for medical treatment".

Did you know Richard Helms's father, Dietrich Helms, was a German national, or that Helms

...Besides, Helms was a key witness before the Senate during its investigation of the CIA by the Church Committee in the mid-1970s, 1975 being called the "Year of Intelligence".[2] This investigation was hampered severely by Helms having ordered the destruction of all files related to the CIA's mind control program in 1973.[3]...

Thanks to Linda Minor bringing it to my attention, we now know that,
...From 1923 to 1926, McGarrah, a Republican, served as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.[10] In 1927, he was appointed by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington as Federal Reserve agent and chairman of the board in New York. He also served as a director of the Astor Trust Company, the Bankers Trust Company and the Mercantile Trust Company.[1] He was a member of the board of directors of the Astor Foundation, which owned Newsweek.[11]

Newsweek's founder Thomas JC Martin was Henry Luce's cousin, a lontime editor of Time...–1961)

Looking up the wedding announcement of the first and longtime CIA domestic contacts chief of the Southeast region of the U.S., William P. Burke, I came upon something that led to a sense of how William Burke won that appointment to CIA by the late 1940s. There are two influences.

Helms's grandfather McGarrah, oversaw the work of Benjamin Strong, Jr., president of the most powerful of the Federal Reserve regional banks, New York.

Hunter Leake and Burke's successor in 1962 at the NOLA CIA office, Lloyd Ray, if I recall had the same best man in their weddings, William Hagerty, who had a sister who was a Mardi Gras secret society queen.

When I checked Burke's wedding announcement, it said his best man was Brainerd Walker Spencer.
Burke's mother-in-law, wife, and daughter :
Queen MKC 1900
Queen MKC 1927
Queen MKC 1950

Burke's best man and Phil Strong's Princeton roommate Spencer, honoring Burke's daughter the year before
she was Comus's queen,


MKC = A 1990 integration of their membership order by the City of NOLA caused Rex and Comus to cease public Mardi Gras activity instead of integrating. MKC annual king and its membership are secret. Only the king of Comus's choice of queen is announced.

Mistick Krewe of Comus -
The Mistick Krewe of Comus, founded in 1856, is a New Orleans, Louisiana, Carnival krewe. ... The Krewe of Comus never resumed its parading....

In 1857, Comus taught New Orleans how to parade | 300 for 300
Jul 25, 2018 — Unlike Rex, Comus' identity is never revealed. The torch carriers who helped illuminate the Comus parade were the beginning of the flambeaux .

Description of Brainerd Walker Spencer (In my last post, I included three images from a Hill School, Pottstown, PA, showing that Spencer, Phil Strong, and CD Jackson were all schoolmates.

Phil Strong was the son of Benjamin Strong, Jr. In 1954, Phil Strong, USMC reserve Captain and founder of the O.S.S. recruit training center in 1954, used his combined contacts as CIA Science Director and friend of Lockheed's Kelly Johnson, to earn Phil Strong the title of "Father of the U2".

In 1936, reserve USMC Captain Philip G Strong quit his job in banking to conduct an extended walking tour through Germany and eventually, into the Soviet Union, interviewing young people in countries on his route.
General Philip G Strong's grandson has his letters,

I Never Knew My Grandfather, Only What He Pretended to Be
Aug 9, 2013 — His name is Philip Strong and he has boarded here in the Hamburg station, ... strike up an acquaintance with a fellow name Otto Fuerbringer.

Otto Fuerbringer was working in Berlin in 1936, as a correspondent for a St. Louis newspaper when he gave
Phil Strong a post olympics, tour of Berlin.

In 1963 Otto Fuerbringer was editor-in-chief at Time magazine. He likely approved Stolley's purchase of the Zapruder film. Less than four weeks later, Fuerbringer approved a Time cover and feature article of Guy de Rothschild. I guess the beginnings of the WC was "back page, stuff".

Late in 1952 :

I know a lot, but I don't know what motivated Jim Garrison or what his goals were. How can Oliver Stone, DiEugenio, or you know?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 10:59:50 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 56%
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2021, 06:24:08 AM »
... skeptics lack the investigative training of the Commission staff and federal/state police agencies. Nah, you're a Conspiracy Theorist
Yeah, all these guys had routinely investigated presidential assassinations every day.
A 'theory' is an idea attempting to explain something.
conspiracy--- asserting that a secret of great importance is being kept from the public.

The public is always told the truth. Political leaders never lie. That also goes for cops and lawyers   :-\   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 56%
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2021, 06:24:08 AM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 56%
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2021, 06:52:36 AM »
The public is always told the truth. Political leaders never lie. That also goes for cops and lawyers   :-\

Of course people lie, everyone on the Planet has told a lie, but more importantly people also talk and as Benjamin Franklin once said "Three May Keep a Secret if Two are Dead" and on a case of this size there are hundreds perhaps thousands of potential leaks but the CT's want us to believe that all these people even after decades had their mouths permanently glued shut and as we know that assumption just isn't Human nature.
Every big secret eventually comes out, because people blab, it's a fact of life.


Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 56%
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2021, 07:46:46 PM »
Of course people lie, everyone on the Planet has told a lie, but more importantly people also talk and as Benjamin Franklin once said "Three May Keep a Secret if Two are Dead" and on a case of this size there are hundreds perhaps thousands of potential leaks but the CT's want us to believe that all these people even after decades had their mouths permanently glued shut and as we know that assumption just isn't Human nature.
Every big secret eventually comes out, because people blab, it's a fact of life.


Every big secret eventually comes out, because people blab, it's a fact of life.

I'm sure that you believe this, Johnny......  But I disagree.....    If the secret is personal and humiliating or very embarrassing, it may never be exposed.   If the tale the government foisted upon the public was true....  There would be no arguing about it after nearly sixty years.    Basically the tale simply doesn't make sense, or ring true.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Revisited currently has a Rotten Tomato score of 56%
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2021, 07:46:46 PM »