For us Dummies, it might be a good idea in your opening spiel to give a brief summation of where your following research leads because reading between the lines and trying to figure out what the heck you are trying to say, makes me skip a lot of your posts. Don't get me wrong I appreciate all the effort but sometimes it's just too difficult to make a link between your research and the JFK assassination.
JohnM, I find "things" that I truly believe "our pryin' eyes" are not meant to see. What I stumble upon literally "steal my thoughts," or at least my focus.
Expanding on Linda Minor's blog post liberally quoted in my last post,
Richard Helms's
grandfather... he held the post WC's McCloy would ascend to, in 1955, of the successor bank
Gates W. McGarrah headed, 15 years before McCloy. The merger of the Rockefeller's Equitable Trust with McGarrah's Mechanics and Metals Bank ultimately brought McCloy to Chase in 1955 to represent the Rockefeller interests, which is what he was also doing on the Warren Commission and in blowing upper Carter's presidency by "counseling" Jimmy Carter to allow the Shah into the U.S. "for medical treatment".
Did you know Richard Helms's father, Dietrich Helms, was a German national, or that Helms
...Besides, Helms was a key witness before the Senate during its investigation of the CIA by the Church Committee in the mid-1970s, 1975 being called the "Year of Intelligence".[2] This investigation was hampered severely by Helms having ordered the destruction of all files related to the CIA's mind control program in 1973.[3]...
Thanks to Linda Minor bringing it to my attention, we now know that,
...From 1923 to 1926, McGarrah, a Republican, served as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.[10] In 1927, he was appointed by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington as Federal Reserve agent and chairman of the board in New York. He also served as a director of the Astor Trust Company, the Bankers Trust Company and the Mercantile Trust Company.[1] He was a member of the board of directors of the Astor Foundation, which owned Newsweek.[11]
Newsweek's founder Thomas JC Martin was Henry Luce's cousin, a lontime editor of Time...–1961)
Looking up the wedding announcement of the first and longtime CIA domestic contacts chief of the Southeast region of the U.S., William P. Burke, I came upon something that led to a sense of how William Burke won that appointment to CIA by the late 1940s. There are two influences.
Helms's grandfather McGarrah, oversaw the work of Benjamin Strong, Jr., president of the most powerful of the Federal Reserve regional banks, New York.
Hunter Leake and Burke's successor in 1962 at the NOLA CIA office, Lloyd Ray, if I recall had the same best man in their weddings, William Hagerty, who had a sister who was a Mardi Gras secret society queen.

When I checked Burke's wedding announcement, it said his best man was Brainerd Walker Spencer.
Burke's mother-in-law, wife, and daughter : MKC 1900 MKC 1927 MKC 1950Burke's best man and Phil Strong's Princeton roommate Spencer, honoring Burke's daughter the year before
she was Comus's queen,

MKC = A 1990 integration of their membership order by the City of NOLA caused Rex and Comus to cease public Mardi Gras activity instead of integrating. MKC annual king and its membership are secret. Only the king of Comus's choice of queen is announced.
Mistick Krewe of Comus -
The Mistick Krewe of Comus, founded in 1856, is a New Orleans, Louisiana, Carnival krewe. ... The Krewe of Comus never resumed its parading....
In 1857, Comus taught New Orleans how to parade | 300 for 300
Jul 25, 2018 — Unlike Rex, Comus' identity is never revealed. The torch carriers who helped illuminate the Comus parade were the beginning of the flambeaux .
Description of Brainerd Walker Spencer (In my last post, I included three images from a Hill School, Pottstown, PA, showing that Spencer, Phil Strong, and CD Jackson were all schoolmates.

Phil Strong was the son of Benjamin Strong, Jr. In 1954, Phil Strong, USMC reserve Captain and founder of the O.S.S. recruit training center in 1954, used his combined contacts as CIA Science Director and friend of Lockheed's Kelly Johnson, to earn Phil Strong the title of "Father of the U2".
In 1936, reserve USMC Captain Philip G Strong quit his job in banking to conduct an extended walking tour through Germany and eventually, into the Soviet Union, interviewing young people in countries on his route.
General Philip G Strong's grandson has his letters,
I Never Knew My Grandfather, Only What He Pretended to Be
Aug 9, 2013 — His name is Philip Strong and he has boarded here in the Hamburg station, ... strike up an acquaintance with a fellow name Otto Fuerbringer.
Otto Fuerbringer was working in Berlin in 1936, as a correspondent for a St. Louis newspaper when he gave
Phil Strong a post olympics, tour of Berlin.
In 1963 Otto Fuerbringer was editor-in-chief at Time magazine. He likely approved Stolley's purchase of the Zapruder film. Less than four weeks later, Fuerbringer approved a Time cover and feature article of Guy de Rothschild. I guess the beginnings of the WC was "back page, stuff".
Late in 1952 :

I know a lot, but I don't know what motivated Jim Garrison or what his goals were. How can Oliver Stone, DiEugenio, or you know?