Seriously Tom? Did you even bother to listen to the Henry Wade clip before you wasted your time looking for "Darryl Click"?
I expect this sort of nonsense from old gullible Walt but expected better from you.
I included a link to the WCR page explaining how Henry Wade's words were "transformed" from "Oak Cliff" to "Darryl Click".
When I read Walt's post, I had browser windows open for both and familysearch because I was pursuing a lead I had just discovered, the divorce record of Edwin A. Ekdahl just before he married Marguerite Oswald. The FBI claimed inability to find that Ekdahl in 1944 divorced his wife residing in Nyack, Rockland County, NY, in a Texarkana, Miller County, Arkansas court, of course!
I had made the mistake earlier today of exposing myself to a thread on the Ed Forum in which Armstrong's "bot" Hargrove was claiming the FBI was unable to find where Ekdahl was employed from 1943 to 1953, but I recalled he had been employed by Ebasco and that Linda Minor had done a post on her "Quixotic Joust" blog describing Ekdahl working out of an office of a Texas electric utility in the same Ft Worth building as Jack White's advert. agency was located, at the time. ago, while researching the background of the man who suggested to DeMohrenschildt the two take a ride out to meet the Oswald couple, Col. Lawrence Orloff, I discovered Orloff grew up in the same area in Boston at the same time as Edwin A. Ekdahl and I've been interested in Ekdahl ever since, but not due to Armstrong's theories.
So, I've shared with you that the opportunity was there to do a quick search of two reference websites in reaction to my surprise at reading Walt's post, but actually searching for "Darryl Click" was prompted additionally by a letter I read the other day from Weissberg to Hal Verb, surprising me as to how deeply the suspicion of the name was embedded in the best informed of "the community," even four years later... and that Click even had a "nick," "Bo"!
BTW, this letter was a search result, using the search terms "city transportation" and Pott. I searched using those search terms attempting to learn if Whaley's employer provided the d.o.b. they had on file for Whaley to the FBI or anyone else. I've assumed Whaley provided City Transportation with a drivers license and an application for a taxi driver permit and that sometime after his 1940 military draft board registration, he must have arranged for a change of the birth year on his drivers license from 1908 to 1905.
So perhaps I protest too much, my reply to you will be perceived as "all over the place". Put me down for my uncontested "sin". I believe Mrs. Roberts, Markham, and Davis were unreliable witnesses and Whaley was an attention seeking story teller with deep, personal issues.
A sample anecdote, if Mark Lane can be believed about this....
Mark Lane...The affidavit is peculiarly sparse in reference to the description of the assailant, the man who killed Tippit, by an eyewitness who said she was just 50 feet away.
Her description of this person is found in two different portions of the affidavit--he was young, white, male, and that is the entire description present in the affidavit at that time.
I spoke with the deponent, the eyewitness, Helen Louise Markham, and Mrs. Markham told me Miss or Mrs, I didn't ask her if she was married--told me that she was a hundred feet away from the police car, not the 50 feet which appears in the affidavit. She gave to me a more detailed description of the man who she said shot Officer Tippit. She said he was short, a little on the heavy side, and his hair was somewhat bushy. I think it is fair to state that an accurate description of Oswald would be average height, quite slender, with thin and receding hair.
Helen Markham said to me that she was taken to the police station on that same day, that she was very upset, she of course had never seen anyone killed in front of her eyes before, and that in the police station she identified Oswald as the person who had shot Officer Tippit in the lineup, including three other persons. She said no one pointed Oswald out to her--she was just shown four people, and she picked Oswald.
She said--when I asked her how she could identify him--she indicated she was able to identify him because of his clothing, a gray jacket and dark trousers. And this was the basis for her identification--although Oswald physically does not meet the description which she indicated.
Representative FORD. When did you have this conversation with the deponent?
Mr. LANE. Within the last 5 days.
Representative FORD. Some time in late February 1964?
Mr. LANE. Or perhaps even early March, yes, sir....
JohnM, how many jackets did this lone nut have in his possession while fleeing E. Tenth? Enough so one could be found under a car, with another "at the ready," to be donned in a line up to assist the "uneven" Helen Markham in making her identification?