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Author Topic: In Past 32 Months, 3 Key Obstructers of the JFK Assassination Investigation Died  (Read 5087 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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George HW Bush - November 30, 2018
Thomas J. Devine - October 28, 2019
Priscilla Johnson MacMillan - July 7, 2021

The story of those who came together to obstruct knowledge of their true roles in the JFK Assassination Investigation cover up, and thus, a comprehensive accounting of who did what, and why at least from the time Lee Harvey Oswald appeared at the U.S. embassy in Moscow in 1959 includes an easy to follow beginning.

October 25, 1955 : LINK

Four years later ...

A class of 20 boys who had been together for the prior 8 years was reduced to half as these
ten departed Rochester, NY to attend (Peter Dryer) Choate Academy or (Hawley Ward) St. Paul's...

Question to author Joan Mellen, Did Peter Dryer's brother Joseph know Tom Devine ?

The yearbook editor, memorializing a graduating class of just ten members, including him.:

This photo. the lot just below the "W" in Woodbridge Rd., was the residence from 1940 to 1983 of the architect father of Priscilla Johnson's second Harper editor, the very patient and understanding Marion S. Wyeth, Jr. Two doors down from Wyeth, Sr. at the end of very end of Woodbridge Rd. on the left, was the longtime residence of DIdi Sharples' parents, the Philip Sharples. " Mrs. Philip Sharples, 185 Woodbridge Rd. Georgian brick house. Beautifully landscaped to lake, charming
rock and water garden beside entrance court "

After divorcing DeMohrenschildt, Didi Sharples and her dentist husband resided in the ocean front
mansion below Woodbridge Road that I marked the beach of with a crude black "B".

August, 1944 :
Found in: HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 49

Henry Hurt's (of Kennebunkport) 1968 Wedding Announcement :

Henry Hurt's wife, daughter of George Dandridge Williams, is the niece of Freeport Sulphur's Langbourne Williams and is related to  Fitzgerald Bemiss AKA Beamis or Bemis through Bemiss's grandmother, Cyane Dandridge Williams Bemiss :

Billy Joe Lord describes Henry Hurt and Fitzgerald Bemiss to President Jimmy Carter :

George Bush, on the eve of Ford appointing him as DCI, an unprecedented appointment of a former chairman of one of the two major U.S. political parties, more so considering Bush has no admitted prior experience with the CIA or other intelligence collection and analysis agency or branch.
thanks his two close friends, Tom Devine and Gerry Bemiss! :

Next: Priscilla Johnson MacMillan ....
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 12:23:31 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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Excerpted from "Marina and Lee," by Priscilla Johnson MacMillan and Marina Oswald.:

Sam Ballen interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald for a job after Ballen's friend George DeMohrenschildt introduced Oswald to Ballen :

Background :
Secrets of Newsweek's Osborn Elliott & Hugh Aynesworth, & of Priscilla Johnson
January 31, 2013
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 07:31:20 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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Have I at least overcome "the propinquity" discounting? I opened this thread in an deliberately uncomplicated way.

1. Three names, George Bush, Tom Devine, Priscilla Johnson Macmillan

2. Tom Devine's wedding announcement, followed by a 1955 article on the back ground of Devine's "best man," William B. Macomber, Jr.

3. The 1940 roster of the house mates of A.U.V., a Phillips Andover secret society, highlighting three names,
George Bush, William B. Macomber, Jr., Edward Gordon Hooker (step-nephew and later business partner of George DeMohrenschildt.)

4. Out of this simple, three step introduction, DeMohrenschildt somehow became an "unknown" to Tom Devine and to his close Rochester friend, Joseph F. Dryer, Jr., and those two friends, even to each other, except for their good luck of holding separate meetings with DeMohrenschildt literally hours apart in NYC on or about April 25, 1963, two weeks after DeMohrenschildt was aware Lee Harvey Oswald had shot a rifle at Edwin Walker through a window in the latter's Dallas home! To top it off, Tom Devine's M.I.T. frat house mate, Garry Coit, is assigned to handle Priscilla Johnson MacMillan.

On the Trail of Delusion—A Review
Gerald Posner
22 Nov 2020

A review of On the Trail of Delusion—Jim Garrison: The Great Accuser by Fred Litwin. NorthernBlues Books, 466 pages (September 30th, 2020)
...As Litwin points out, it all fit the simplistic investigative tool that Garrison relied upon during his probe. The word “propinquity” is an innocuous synonym for “closeness,” but in Garrison’s hands it became a means of visiting havoc on the lives of the innocent men and women who fell under his suspicion. Former Garrison investigator, Tom Bethell, explained how this worked:

    In Dallas, at the time of the assassination there lived a Russian-émigré oil geologist named George De Mohrenschildt who had befriended Lee Harvey Oswald after Lee returned from the Soviet Union in 1962 (whither he had defected in 1959). There was another member of the Dallas émigré community named George Bouhe, who knew De Mohrenschildt (who knew Oswald). And city directories showed Bouhe lived right opposite… Jack Ruby! (he shot Oswald, just in case you had forgotten.) And there you have the long-sought Oswald-Ruby link—based on propinquity.

The principle of propinquity was not simply restricted to geographical proximity....

April 25, 1963 meeting : Tom Devine AKA WuBriny/1 DeMohrenschildt and Clemard Charles
« Last Edit: September 07, 2021, 03:35:21 AM by Tom Scully »

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Offline Robert Reeves

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Hi Tom. How do you see the composite acquaintances/relationships re DeMohrenschildt overall, in the grand scheme of JFK being assassinated? Surely it looks like agency assets collaborating. Not that they'd be knowingly tied into the woven plot of assassination. Or would they? Objectively, Priscilla Johnson MacMillan quite clearly should have been questioned under the accusation of an Oswald conspirator/groupee. She knew Oswald before the assassination and talks so much in-depth spombleprofglidnoctobunse about him you'd think she was writing a book, oh wait.

I have listened to De Mohrenschildt and his wife talk to Willem Oltmans over and over. I am struck by how many times De Mohrenschildt had to remind Oswald ''how to act'' like an American. On multiple occasions De Mohrenschildt reminded Oswald ''that is not how we act here in USA'' -- I'm thinking -- wait, a Russian guy has to keep reminding Oswald that his socially aggressive/awkwardness isn't acceptable in U.S society. Is he really suggesting Oswald had been coopted into acting differently, and towards women, in particular It's almost like he's suggesting the Oswald he knew was actually in fact born and bred in the male chauvinistic culture of U.S.S.R. It's a very odd warts and all interview with Oltmans. Oltmans appears to be coaching & steering  De Mohrenschildt, guiding him how to structure his points of views on Oswald ''no no George you should speak like this'' with his wife in agreement at the suggestion. Odd

Offline Tom Scully

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Hi Tom. How do you see the composite acquaintances/relationships re DeMohrenschildt overall, in the grand scheme of JFK being assassinated? Surely it looks like agency assets collaborating. Not that they'd be knowingly tied into the woven plot of assassination. Or would they? Objectively, Priscilla Johnson MacMillan quite clearly should have been questioned under the accusation of an Oswald conspirator/groupee. She knew Oswald before the assassination and talks so much in-depth spombleprofglidnoctobunse about him you'd think she was writing a book, oh wait.

I have listened to De Mohrenschildt and his wife talk to Willem Oltmans over and over. I am struck by how many times De Mohrenschildt had to remind Oswald ''how to act'' like an American. On multiple occasions De Mohrenschildt reminded Oswald ''that is not how we act here in USA'' -- I'm thinking -- wait, a Russian guy has to keep reminding Oswald that his socially aggressive/awkwardness isn't acceptable in U.S society. Is he really suggesting Oswald had been coopted into acting differently, and towards women, in particular It's almost like he's suggesting the Oswald he knew was actually in fact born and bred in the male chauvinistic culture of U.S.S.R. It's a very odd warts and all interview with Oltmans. Oltmans appears to be coaching & steering  De Mohrenschildt, guiding him how to structure his points of views on Oswald ''no no George you should speak like this'' with his wife in agreement at the suggestion. Odd

Robert, thoughtful and interesting observations and questions. I've been thinking since this morning how to
reply to the level of quality I think your post merits. I've been looking closely at these people since 2009 and my biggest challenge is what to risk dismissing as coincidence vs what to leverage as evidence of conspiracy to, at the least, obstruct the investigation.

Oswald and George DeM are both contradictions, but the more I learn, what about "all this" isn't contradictory?


What were DeMohrenschildt and Oswald, considering their FBI files, doing anywhere near the home of Admiral Henry C Bruton?

What was DeMohrenschildt doing, in wartime, no less, anywhere near naval officers Paul Joachim and Harry Hull in Washington, DC in 1943? In both examples, what is the responsibility Office of Naval Intelligence or FBI Division 5, if not to keep people with backgrounds like Lee or George away from submariners like Bruton and Hull or someone even more interesting, like future admiral Paul Joachim?

Tom Scully - Posted February 26, 2011 (

....Paul L. Joachim was a 1934 Annapolis Academy graduate. During the Korean War, he was executive officer on the USS New Jersey. He attained the rank of Rear Admiral on the occasion of his retirement. Joachim was shot four times and killed in a presumably still unsolved murder on October 21, 1962, in front of 1350 Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. Joachim was residing at 1400 Lake Shore Drive, in business as an art dealer.

Joachim's mother, Elmina Nance, married Dr. Paul L. Joachim of Washington, DC in 1910. Their other son was Phillip Nance Joachim, later an Associated Press editor. The widowed Elmina Nance Joachim later married Carl A. Joerissen, an Underwood Typewriter Co. executive and design engineer based in the Underwood, DC office. Elmina and Carl had a daughter named Kay, who married attorney and Coast Guard Reserve Lt. CDR William Helvestine in 1944. Helvestine died in a January, 1947, private airplace crash. Helvestine's brother, Albert Harrison Helvestine was the US Navy's patent attorney.

The most interesting details of Paul L. Joachim's background are that his stepfather, Carl A. Joerissen is reported by one source to have been the chief engineer of LF Safford. In 1924, these two men quickly designed and sold the first KATA-KANA typewriters to ONI (aka CSP-62, RIP-5 or Underwood Code Machine "RIP-5").

Laurance F. Safford went on to oversee the WWII US Navy Cryptographers, and he worked with Frank Rowlett to perfect the PURPLE code breaking machinery.

Another curiousity is that Carl A. Joerissen was associated with Gertrude Laughlin Joerissen, a linguist who translated Chinese and Japanese poetry. This Gertrude is not the daughter of US Ambassador to Spain, Laughlin.

The fact that the brother-in-law of Paul Joachim's sister, Kay, was the longtime, US Navy patent attorney is also intriguing. How did George De Mohrenschildt manage to insinuate himself with navy officer Paul Joachim, and Henry C. Bruton? Is it only coincidence that Paul Joachim was murdered in the same general time period that Edwin Walker was shot at, and also when Thomas J. Devine's foreign service brother-in-law went missing and washed up dead, considering that the dead man's brother, Howard Bucknell, III was a Navy submarine commander? Does any of this increase the significance of De Morhenschildt's introduction of Oswald to Henry C. Bruton?...

David Lifton claims he was once left alone in J. Walton Moore's Dallas home office or library while "visiting Moore," long enough to poke around to get a sense of what Moore had been reading about the JFK assassination.

And, there's this... Joseph Dryer's connection and money partner in this Amsterdam hotel deal was Herbert Pulitzer, brother of Patsy, who married David Bartlett. David's brother Charles brought Jack and Jackie together at that wedding. Another "interesting" wedding included in the wedding party, David Bartlett, Cord Meyer, his cousin S. Willetts Meyer who was best man in Ed Hooker's wedding, and Priscilla's book editor, Marion S. Wyeth, residing at the time two houses from the Philip Sharples...

David and Charles Bartlett grew up on Jupiter Island and were closer to Prescott and George Bush than to JFK. Tom Devine's wildcat oil drilling partner, Cabell, was the spouse of Jackie's best friend Leigh Hunt.
Sometimes it seems friends in the first couple's inner circle, Bradley, Bartlett, and Sylvia Whitehouse, for example, at least had knowledge that would have exposed complicit people in the assassination, or at least in the cover up. Sylvia's brother, Charles Whitehouse, ex-CIA and serving as the last U.S. ambassador in Laos in the early 1970s while Alan Davidson was simultaneously the UK Ambassador. Priscilla was a bridesmaid in the Davison wedding, her close friend the bride, Jane was the daughter of diplomat Macatee. Jane Macatee Davidson was a first cousin of Jinx Falkenberg who lived in a bungalow on Jock Whitney's estate near Priscilla's home in Glen Head, LI, until after Whitney died and his widow Betsy evicted Jinx.
ABC TV interviewer Barbara Walters was a protege of Jinx's husband and Yales bonesman, Tex McCrary,
Alan Eaton Davidson CMG

An indication Priscilla was still close to the Davidson's is that Alan Davison was a food writer credited with saving the historic cuisine of the royal Laotian era and wrote a book on North American seafood recioes, including "Frogmoor stew" of the small South Carolina island Priscilla lived on with George MacMillan.

Marion T. BUTLER BECOMES A BRIDE; She Is Wed to Edward Gordon Hooker
- New York Times - May 24, 1946

S. . Willets Meyer of New York was best man. The ushers were George Herbert Walker Bush of Greenwich, ... Mrs. Edward Gordon Hooker
Howard Johnson's Landmark: July 1968; page 1

Photograph Caption:
"President Howard B. Johnson (seated left) pinpoints Amsterdam on his map of the world for Howard Cummings, corporate executive vice president/operations; Herbert Pulitzer, license operator; Gen. Frederik Kruls, consultant to KLM Royal Dutch Airlines; and Joseph Dryer, co-operator or our first foreign facility."
Note the failure to recognize the Nassau Howard Johnson's as a foreign facility.

...In this context...
3 6 FEB 2 1573
Dec 1, 2019 — JOHN PIC was a half brother of LEE HARVEY OSWALD. JOHN ... her sister DORIS EBEL, nee Fuhrman, and later DORIS EBEL.
John Ebel Obituary - North Palm Beach, FL - Dignity Memorial

John was a chauffeur, working for hotel and restaurant founder Howard Johnson for more than a decade in the 1960s. In 1973, John and Doris moved to Palm Beach ..."

Robert, consider how Oswald handled himself "on a date" with the stewardess sister of his USMC friend from Baton Rouge who had recently taken a Berlitz course in Russian language, or his discussion with the Japanese girlfriend of Dallas cellist Lev Aronson at the first social gathering the DeMohrenschildts brought the Oswald couple to, vs what is claimed about Oswald's Russian language fluency or his treatment of Marina.

I think there is a 50 / 50 chance Oswald was nowhere near as physically abusive of Marina as the white Russian, WC witnesses made him out to be.

What evidence is there that Lee Harvey Oswald beat Marina?

In my next post, I'm going to share some observations about DeMohrenschildt. I'm neither an "Oswald was innocent" advocate or a John Armstrong cultist but it does almost seem like Lee and George were potentially dual personality, "cloak and dagger" characters of infamy from a historical perspective.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 03:02:21 AM by Tom Scully »

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Offline Robert Reeves

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Tom, I enjoy your posts. You play it safe and just drop the info and leave it to the reader to figure it out. I am looking forward to reading what other thoughts/info you've got on De Mohrenschildt.

I flick through the acquaintances and 'friends' of De Mohrenschildt, and somehow this guy was keen to help Oswald and Marina resettle. He became friends with Oswald, lets ozzie mingle inside De Mohrenschildt's own circle of friends. Bizarre. Especially as I read De Mohrenschildt, firstly, sought out the opinion of J. Walton Moore, CIA --Domestic Contacts Division in Dallas, and quite rightly - in my mind -- who would just jump in at the deep end by getting too close to Oswald? -- I think I would have sought out a professional opinion (during the cold war era in USA) before interacting with a recent defector. Makes me think, so who encouraged De Mohrenschildt? when his own instincts said this was potentially damaging for him to do so.

 De Mohrenschildt could have easily worn a printed t-shirt with ''I'm just a patsy''. Just like his buddy. 

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.


This will be my last request for help

I ask myself, how many prior instances of help had Bush received from De Mohrenschildt up to this point!?

Offline Tom Scully

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Tom, I enjoy your posts. You play it safe and just drop the info and leave it to the reader to figure it out. I am looking forward to reading what other thoughts/info you've got on De Mohrenschildt.

I flick through the acquaintances and 'friends' of De Mohrenschildt, and somehow this guy was keen to help Oswald and Marina resettle. He became friends with Oswald, lets ozzie mingle inside De Mohrenschildt's own circle of friends. Bizarre. Especially as I read De Mohrenschildt, firstly, sought out the opinion of J. Walton Moore, CIA --Domestic Contacts Division in Dallas, and quite rightly - in my mind -- who would just jump in at the deep end by getting too close to Oswald? -- I think I would have sought out a professional opinion (during the cold war era in USA) before interacting with a recent defector. Makes me think, so who encouraged De Mohrenschildt? when his own instincts said this was potentially damaging for him to do so.

 De Mohrenschildt could have easily worn a printed t-shirt with ''I'm just a patsy''. Just like his buddy. 


I ask myself, how many prior instances of help had Bush received from De Mohrenschildt up to this point!?

Robert, this is a nearly 30 year old, Florida newspaper article describing DeMohrenschildt's suicide and his trip to Brussels with Oltmans

It is no longer available so I am posting the google cache link which should allow you to read it.
November 21, 1993
"...Years later, in February 1977, De Mohrenschildt was visited at Bishop College by a well-known Dutch investigative reporter, Wilhelm Oltmans, who asked to speak with him about John Kennedy's assassination. Oltmans had been researching the Kennedy murder for a decade. The two men talked for several hours, then agreed to meet again....
...Several memos about De Mohrenschildt from the secret files of the CIA were declassified and released to the public following a journalist's Freedom of Information request.

The undated memos showed that De Mohrenschildt had been less than candid when he had described his background to the Warren Commission in 1964. The memos also revealed that he had once been a CIA agent.

When asked about De Mohrenschildt's time with the CIA, the agency refused to comment.

In December 1991, JFK, the controversial Oliver Stone film about the Kennedy assassination, suggested that several U.S. government agencies might have been involved in a conspiracy to murder the president. De Mohrenschildt is one of the names mentioned in the movie, which generated so much anti-government publicity that numerous federal agencies, including the CIA and FBI, publicly denounced JFK as "misleading fiction."..."

I'm not familiar with the part about "the secret memos," are you? BTW, Col. Lawrence Orloff, a squash or racket ball partner of J. Walton Moore, allegedly suggested to George that they drive out to Ft. Worth to meet the Oswald couple. Orloff was born Orlov, son of a Russian immigrant rabbi who left Boston in 1920 to seach for oil in Louisiana, where he briefly married. He was the intel. officer for  U.S. army air corps heavy bomber group in WWII. His son became a Colonel or a General.

I found the Sharples - DeMohrenschildt wedding article and it led me to this interview with Didi Sharples.
I'm still looking for the wedding article. The "prince" described on the second page was a wedding usher, along with step-nephew Edward Gordon Hooker, who introduced the couple. In Hooker's interview, he too was asked if he thought George was homosexual, a pre 1980s FBI obsession, it seems. Hooker said his wife turned down Didi's invitation to be in the wedding party because she disliked Didi.

Now. Didi's family's mansion was two doors down on the end of a deadend street, I posted a photo earlier, from Priscilla's editor, MS Wyeth's parents. The address is in the yearbook page I posted of him. His architect father lived there from 1940 to 1983. He happened to design Joseph F Dryer's nearby mansion, but in 1925 for the prior owner.

I can imagine George strolling over from the Sharples' place and introducing himself and chatting with Wyeth.
It is impossible to separate the coincidences out of the leads!

I'll find and post the wedding article and a link to Ed Hooker's FBI interview.

Offline Robert Reeves

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Hey Tom, I remember *I think* from one of David Talbot's books something about Richard Helms writing a memo about De Mohrenschildt -- he was described as being a nazi sympathizer. It was something along those lines.

Oltmans came out after those interviews with De Mohrenschildt and testified that during their talks he learned Von Mohrenschildt admitted he knew Oswald was going to kill JFK. Well the rest is weird. I mean all of it is weird, but was he really admitting he was in on the plot, that would be suicide!


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