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Author Topic: Fred's Clay Shaw misconceptions & Attorneys Wegmann & Dymond "defense" of him.  (Read 4503 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Fred Litwin
3 days ago
2 min read

Clay Shaw's Attorneys To-Do List
Here is a letter from Edward Wegmann to Irvin Dymond with a to-do list. They had a huge task list -- in addition to checking out a variety of New Orleans witnesses, they were also forced to investigate leads related to the Warren Report and the JFK assassination that really had nothing to do with Clay Shaw.
There was no discovery in the Louisiana courts, and so Shaw's attorneys had to investigate any possible lead discovered through their sources and through the newspapers.

Irvin Dymond told James Kirkwood that "our time was consumed, primarily, with running down and investigating leads which were based upon information that we had received about the DAs office having interviewed certain people. We had to track that down, find out what they had told the DAs office, we had to do what we could to neutralize whatever false statements had been made, and that became a horribly expensive process. We had investigators working day and night on this case."

Wegmann and Dymond reduced their legal fees, but the detectives had to be paid in hard earned dollars:

Kirkwood: Then all the investigatory work Clay had to pay for, naturally, didn't he?

Dymond: Oh sure. That's were all his money went....

Fred, why didn't this save Shaw's attorneys a lot of work, and Shaw, a lot of money?

I can tell Fred doesn't know what actually went down, anymore than Oliver Stone and Jim Garrison, because he posted this.:

DiEugenio's logic goes like this: Fred Leemans was interviewed on Walter Sheridan's special on NBC which attacked Garrison. Sheridan's lawyer was Edward Baldwin. And, Edward Baldwin's law partner wrote a letter to the CIA requesting that they "place my name on their referral list of qualified attorneys in this area." Therefore, the CIA is there to assist "any witness they could pry loose from Garrison."

Here is actual letter Quaid sent to the CIA: .....

James DiEugenio wants you to believe that the CIA helped Clay Shaw, William Gurvich, Walter Sheridan, and other people charged in the case. But none of them were CIA employees or officers. And Lloyd Cobb did not represent anybody of interest in the Garrison investigation. There is absolutely no evidence that the CIA assisted in the provision of legal services to any of these people. And there is no evidence that Clay Shaw's attorneys knew about any "cleared" panel of attorneys - and as my book shows in the conclusion - Shaw received very little help from either the FBI or the CIA.

One last piece of evidence. DiEugenio claims that witnesses like Gordon Novel were paid by the CIA, In fact, I have blogged about this here.

In an answer to a legal interrogatory, Gordon Novel said that “he understood” his two early lawyers were “clandestinely remunerated by a party of parties unknown to me.” The fees were $1,633 each - and, of course, Novel never said the fees were paid by the CIA. Elmer Gertz, Novel’s lawyer for his libel action, clarified this further: ....

Fred's failing is that he counters Jim DiEugenio while ignoring the actual evidence of what happened.
He doesn't show any inclination to "follow the money," or the actual histories and backgrounds of "the actors". Fred exhibitis no curiousity about the conflicts of the Truth or Consequences contributors to Garrison's "investigation," Gordon Novel had been employed by one of the most prominent financial backers of both INCA and of Truth or Consequences, Willard Robertson.

My research indicates any of the claimed primary adversaries in the circus that was the Garrison investigaton and prosecution of Clay Shaw, enjoyed the common history and the contacts to settle all of it over a few phone calls, including the Stone-DiEugenio "bogey men," the CIA and WDSU.

If it wasn't what it seemed, what was it?

The CIA office was led from its inception by William P.Burke, it was staffed by Hunter Leake III, Lloyd Ray, and Dorothy Brandao. Burke retired about 1962 and Lloyd Ray assumed the leadership role Burke had held for the entire southeast U.S. region since 1949 or earlier.

Irving Dymond was in the same social circles as Lloyd Ray, Shilstone, and Hunter Leake.
Standard Fruit and Steamship Company, Appellant, v. ... Deutsch, Kerrigan & Stiles, New Orleans, La., Eberhard P. Deutsch, Augusto P. Miceli, René H. Himel, ..

Garrison's mentor and former law partner, an INCA and Truth or Consequences contributor, Eberhard P. Deutsch was Standard Fruit's outside counsel and Augusto P. Miceli was inside counsel.

In 1939, Dorothy Brandao who later became longtime NOLA CIA office staffer, married Standard Fruit officer, John Micelli, brother of Augusto (above), who was best man in their wedding, and the newly weds left the U.S. after their wedding to take up residence in Honduras where John Miceli was in charge of Standard Fruit's operations. The couple divorced about 1950.
Peter Dale Scott · 1996
It was for example a Standard Fruit employee, Manuel Gil, who arranged for and managed the Bill Stuckey program that aired ... Standard Fruit's employees at INCA included its General Counsel Eberhard Deutsch (Jim Garrison's former law partner...

All American Mafioso: The Johnny Rosselli Story - Page 154 › books
Charles Rappleye, ‎Ed Becker · 1991 · ‎
Standard Fruit was represented at INCA by several employees , including Standard's security chief , former FBI agent William I. Monaghan , and the company's general counsel , Eberhard Deutsch . Another Standard Fruit employee , Cuban ...] › books[/url]
Peter Dale Scott · 1996
It was for example a Standard Fruit employee, Manuel Gil, who arranged for and managed the Bill Stuckey program that aired ... Standard Fruit's employees at INCA included its General Counsel Eberhard Deutsch (Jim Garrison's former law ...

Clay Shaw was aware of the following, from the week he was arrested, and it appears his attorneys Edward Wegmann and Irvin Dymond were presumably informed by Clay Shaw and took no action.
S this was the crux and the emphasis of Joan Mellen’s presentation on the best supported CIA influences/interference on Garrison’s investigation and his prosecution of Clay Shaw.
Despite knowing Garrison personally since just after the prosecution of Clay Shaw, it is obvious from this that Miss Mellen was kept in the dark by Garrison about David and Edward Baldwin, as was Garrison's autobiography editor, Zachary Sklar.

Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK’s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I – I think –

JOAN: – when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people….

Using only internet resources and in the course of a couple of weeks of part time research I shared in comments on this website, (see- )
I found these details, not published or mentioned, ever, by Joan Mellen.

In the course of attempting to determine if my new fact checked research details were actually original, I found identical details, by author of a biography of Clay Shaw,
Donald H Carpenter.

More background from Donald H. Carpenter's biography of Clay Shaw,

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, both Garrison and Ed Baldwin worked in the same office for then NOLA District Attorney, and later Warren Commission senior counsel, Leon Hubert. Baldwin was supervised by Garrison when Hubert was away from the office.

Attorney Ed Baldwin's legal defense work in behalf of Garrison's alleged adversaries was overseen by WDSU partner of Edgar Stern, outside counsel Stephen B Lemann who happened to be step-brother of of David Baldwin's wife, Mildred Lyons, and uncle of Nicholas B Lemann who just happened to author the December, 1991 article on Stone's new film, published in GQ magazine...

Supporting images in next post.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2021, 03:02:23 AM by Tom Scully »

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Offline Tom Scully

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Supporting images,

Author Nicholas B Lemann's father Thomas and uncle Stephen inherited ownership interests of at least
ten percent each after the death of their father, Monte, step-father-in-law of David Baldwin, the brother of Edward Baldwin, both first cousins of Jim Garrison's wife, Liz Ziegler...

A year after this was published, Mildred Crumb Lyons, activities director at the Stern's Metairie Country Day School and a personal friend of the Stern's married Nicholas Lemann's grandfather, Monte Lemann.

Garrison made sure his autobiographer editor, co-author with Stone of the "JFK the Movie" screenplay, Zachary Sklar, remained clueless as to the motivation and background of Garrison "critic" Nicholas B. Lemann,

Willard Robertson's father-in-law, Ernest Gossom came from Greenwood, MS in 1925 to manage the New Orleans CC. He played golf in at least one late 1920s tournament with CIA's William P. Burke. Here the two are in this 1950 article serving on the same committee. Gossom was a V.P. in Robertson's regional Volkswagon distributor corp. in 1967 despite losing his daughter in a 1959 car crash with Robertson at the wheel.

Both Burke's and Ray's obits include descriptions of their membership in the country club Gossom had a management role in for 42 years.

Consider what was deemed on May 12, 1967 as a more secure place for a meeting than in the NOLA CIA office.:

« Last Edit: September 15, 2021, 03:06:59 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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Fred appears to have no goal greater than a "urinating contest" vs Jim DiEugenio.

So, how does Fred Litwin react to well supported facts? Identically to the way the entire "community" reacts to the presentation of the Dallas P.D. detention records of "the three Tramps" alongside images of all of their published obituaries displaying identical birth dates to those on the three DPD detention records.,2735.msg116342.html#msg116342

There are many other examples of "non-reaction" to unappreciated facts, begging the question, just what evidence do "students of the case" actually appreciate being newly informed of?
by Jerry D. Rose - March, 1997

When Lloyd A. Ray married on 30 July, 1938 to Louella Everett, of course Ray chose, just as Hunter C. Leake II and Phelan H. Hunter had chosen earlier, William P. Hagerty as best man in Ray’s wedding.

October 22, 1968 :

« Last Edit: March 13, 2023, 05:15:26 PM by Tom Scully »

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Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Fred appears to have no goal greater than a "urinating contest" vs Jim DiEugenio.

So, how does Fred Litwin react to well supported facts? Identically to the way the entire "community" reacts to the presentation of the Dallas P.D. detention records of "the three Tramps" alongside images of all of their published obituaries displaying identical birth dates to those on the three DPD detention records.,3094.msg116326.html#msg116326

There are many other examples of "non-reaction" to unappreciated facts, begging the question, just what evidence do "students of the case" actually appreciate being newly informed of?
by Jerry D. Rose - March, 1997

When Lloyd A. Ray married on 30 July, 1938 to Louella Everett, of course Ray chose, just as Hunter C. Leake II and Phelan H. Hunter had chosen earlier, William P. Hagerty as best man in Ray’s wedding.

October 22, 1968 :

A 'urinating contest', eh?  Does this involve Depends?

Offline Tom Scully

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To this day, Fred Litwin has never replied to any question I have posted to him.

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Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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To this day, Fred Litwin has never replied to any question I have posted to him.

You are now your own protege', Tom.  Always have been+

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