So many words and so much false propaganda. This is like Baghdad Bob touting the Iraqi military. If things are going so well, why do a majority of Dems not want Ukraine Joe to run in 2024? If things are going so well, why do the polls show that over 70% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction? It is fall on the ground laughable to suggest that things are going well under Old Joe and his incompetent clown show. And NONE of this has anything to do with Trump. Biden owns these disasters. Crime, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigrants, endless war, and on and on. Disaster after disaster has unfolded under his incompetence. Imagine what things will be like when Ukraine Joe is 82 or older during a second term? It will be humiliating for him.
It has
EVERYTHING to do with Trump because all these disasters occurred on Trump's watch. Trump gave these disasters to Biden in 2021. Trump was totally incompetent and you falsely blame Biden for Donnie's disasters he gave to Biden.
Once again, we had historic murder/crime and illegal immigrants coming in 2020 under Trump. You can see those stats below. How does Biden "own those disasters" when he wasn't even in office yet? Those are Trump's disasters that Biden inherited. Trump owns those disasters because it happened on his watch. Biden is trying to fix Trump's mess.
President Biden inherited a deadly pandemic which caused global inflation and high gas prices all over the world due to the pandemic. How is that Biden's fault when inflation and gas prices were already rising when he came into office? Biden got it under control with his effective leadership.
The right wing media and politicians try to pretend that high inflation and gas prices only occurred in the United States. That is completely false. High inflation and gas prices occurred all over the world due to the global pandemic. When you have a global pandemic, prices on everything goes up around the world. That is not the fault of any leader of any country.
So, historic murder and crime in 2020 under Trump along with illegal immigrants pouring in, but you want to blame Biden who wasn't even in office yet?
Global inflation and high gas prices already rising all over the world in 2021 when Biden came into office, but you want to blame President Biden for that too?
Just admit Trump was a miserable failure. You can easily see Trump's disasters that he handed Biden.
Trump’s Border Policies Let More Immigrants Sneak In Saw a Historic Rise in Murders in 2020 2020 homicides up nearly 30%, largest 1-year jump ever around the world, over the past two years inflation is a global problemU.S. policy choices are not to blame are global gas prices so high? country is going in the wrong direction with Republican fascism. I agree with that poll. Republican polls are at historic lows and that's why Republicans just lost in a landslide for the Wisconsin Supreme Court seat.
Here is a poll that matters. The most conservative pollster in the country, Rasmussen polls, who is also Donald Trump's and the right wing media's favorite pollster, now has President Biden with a
51% approval rating. That means over half the country supports Biden. Biden has full support of the Democratic party and nobody is challenging him in the party except for 2 fringe lunatics that don't even matter. Biden's poll numbers moved 3 points after his 2024 announcement to 51%.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance Joe's cognitive abilities have slipped to such an extent that they have provide him with note cards with pictures of the reporters who are going to ask him questions. He apparently doesn't recognize members of the WH press pool who are there every day. In addition, the leftist media provides him with the questions they are going to ask in advance. They are actually typed on his note card. LOL. He can't answer a question on his own. He said yesterday that China was not a concern because the US invented superconductors. No one could puzzle out what he is talking about. Imagine his physical and mental state if he wins reelection.

None of this is true at all.