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Author Topic: Streets of Philadelphia  (Read 80943 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #200 on: August 08, 2022, 02:19:30 AM »
After supporting open borders and refusing to assist federal law enforcement entities even with their feeble efforts to deport illegal aliens, the Dems mayors of NYC and DC are now crying about a handful of illegals being sent to their cities.  You can't make that up.  It's ok for millions of illegals to stay in places like Texas or other border states where those states have to somehow figure out how to house and pay for a migration of millions but not the liberal politicians who created this mess.  As with all leftist policies, they can espouse outcomes that have no direct bearing on their lifestyle.  There is no homeless encampment on Queen Nancy's sidewalk.   No illegal is coming over the wall around her mansion.  Rich, white, liberal elitists are not affected by their policy decisions.  Others always bear the consequences. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #200 on: August 08, 2022, 02:19:30 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #201 on: August 08, 2022, 02:21:49 PM »
"Sanctuary" cities like NYC and DC are getting a chance to embrace the open borders!  They don't seem to like it much, though, as the mayors are crying a river about the few illegals being sent there.  They apparently are all for open borders so long as it does not affect them.  The typical elitist liberal approach to issues.  Texas and the border states are handing millions of illegals from this disaster while NYC has a handful. 

Meanwhile the so called "inflation reduction act" has directed billions to woke energy policies that have no impact on inflation.  None.  If anything, this enormous ocean of spending will be fuel on the inflation fire just like the so called "COVID relief act" fueled hyperinflation.  This bill has nothing to do with inflation.  It is a last chance for the Dems to spend before the republicans win back the House in the upcoming elections.  Another fraud of the Biden administration and media.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #202 on: August 08, 2022, 03:36:28 PM »
Hundreds of flights cancelled again in the US today.  It's amazing planes can even get off the ground after the airlines made fools of Old Joe and ripped off the US taxpayers to the tune of billions in fake COVID relief that they used to downsize.  And where are Mayor Pete and Inflation Joe?  Who knows?  There is no woke angle on this disaster.  So it's off to the beach again.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #202 on: August 08, 2022, 03:36:28 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #203 on: August 08, 2022, 11:35:03 PM »
Bernie Saunders rightly eviscerated and exposed the so called "Inflation Reduction Act."  Another humiliation for Old Joe. The leftist politicians must believe Americans are complete morons to give it a title like that.  What they should have titled it is the "Last Chance to Fleece America Act."  The leftist media is playing along.  The state approved talking point for this week is "big win".  Every leftist media outlet used the same terminology.  We have the same state sponsored media as the most dictatorial nations.  China has nothing on our media outlets for promoting the cause. 

“According to the [Congressional Budget Office] and other economic organizations that have studied this bill, it will have a minimal impact on inflation,” Sanders declared on the Senate floor to open debate on the 755-page bill, which will raise taxes on corporations."
« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 11:37:01 PM by Richard Smith »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #204 on: August 08, 2022, 11:39:51 PM »
Inflation Joe is going to leave his hiding place and promote his "Inflation Bill".  HA HA HA.  Who thinks this is a good idea?  An old man promoting a bill that Americans know will do nothing about inflation using it as a guise to spend money on woke energy policies.  Such dishonesty.  And I bet no candidate in the midterms will come within a hundred miles of Toxic Joe and Taco Jill.  It's a "big win" though.  Just ask CNN. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #204 on: August 08, 2022, 11:39:51 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #205 on: August 08, 2022, 11:43:45 PM »
Leftist media polls are telling us the Dems are doing well.  Just like they told us Trump had no chance in 2016.  No bias there.  Remember it's a "big win" this week.  The crime, open borders, inflation, gas prices, flight cancellations, rampant spread of COVID, and ongoing baby formula shortage apparently have been solved by solar panels.  Way to go Brandon!  Somebody find Mayor Pete and tell him to knock off for a few days.  He must be exhausted.  Maybe a beach vacation!

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #206 on: August 09, 2022, 02:18:49 PM »
Any facade that we live in a country with neutral application of the law was undone by a predawn raid on a former president for what amounts to an alleged process violation in handling documents.  One of the greatest political miscalculations in American history that will galvanize support for Trump.  An act that plays directly into Trump's narrative of a corrupt, biased deep state with an agenda.  At least the pretext that we live in a country of laws can no longer be touted by Dems.  Putin has nothing on the politicization of our justice system that is arresting and harassing Americans for their political views.  Many Trump supporters are afraid to express their views for fear of retaliation or violence. It's a sad day for Americans when free speech is met with retaliation and threats of violence.  Stasi-like weaponization of the justice system, as in a banana republic, is celebrated by liberals who were formerly the champions of free speech.

With the complete failure of the Stalinist "Jan. 6" show trial and Biden's poll numbers tanking, Garland was under enormous political pressure by the leftist mob to do something to stop Trump from running in 2024.  The real coup d'état.   And the raid yesterday was his effort to appease those political pressures.  Like everything else, however, in the Biden administration it was completely bungled.  And now there will be a groundswell of support for Trump which had been flagging.  Way to go Brandon!  Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory once again.   Bring on those midterm elections.  Time to kick off the Hunter hearings including answers from the FBI as to why no action has been taken in three years.   My guess is that Hunter cops a plea before November with the corrupt DOJ to avoid jail time and a real investigation that implicates the "big guy."  Nevertheless, a sad day for Americans and democracy.  Imagine if the FBI and DOJ under Trump had staged a predawn Waco raid on Obama or Hillary?  There would have been a firestorm from the leftist media and immediate impeachment.  The wheel always turns in politics, though.  The Dems crossed the Rubicon in this desperate last ditch effort to stop Trump.  So when the FBI comes knocking for Old Joe at the beach it will be based on precedent set by the leftists.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #207 on: August 10, 2022, 01:19:51 AM »
The FBI has gone completely rogue.  Desperately trying to find any evidence to keep Trump from running again at the behest of their political masters.  They are now confiscating the phones of members of Congress.  Meanwhile Old Joe looks completely lost. in some type of post COVID dementia haze.  Unable to put on his jacket and coughing all over people.  Imagine Trump having events a day after leaving COVID isolation coughing like the end of times on people standing next to him.  Another super spreader event for Typhoid Joe.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Streets of Philadelphia
« Reply #207 on: August 10, 2022, 01:19:51 AM »