It is hilarious that you, of all people, who entertain any counter possibilities to Oswald's guilt no matter how baseless to avoid ever reaching a conclusion suddenly know what happened in this situation! A miracle. HA HA HA. Comedy gold Trump is a multibillionaire. He was running for election. A claim (whether true or false) that he had an affair with porn star could have caused him issues both in the election and his marriage. So he paid her off. Big deal. It's peanuts to him. I have no idea whether the allegations are true. EVEN if they are true, however, nothing Trump did is a crime. The allegation is that he had a CONSENSUAL affair. Daniels demanded money to keep quiet (i.e. blackmail) via an attorney who has been convicted of multiple felonies for doing the same to others. She signed a legal NDA and then violated the terms to shakedown Trump again. Trump is the victim of a crime whether he had an affair or not. Everything he did was perfectly legal. How could things be any worse than they are now if Trump gets elected? We have record inflation, crime, crashing financial markets, endless war, train derailments, and incompetence. Even if you don't like Trump personally, the US was far better off under his policies than the incompetent clown show in charge now.
It is hilarious that you, of all people, who entertain any counter possibilities to Oswald's guilt no matter how baseless to avoid ever reaching a conclusion suddenly know what happened in this situation! What conclusion did I reach? You've lost me completely here.
Trump is a multibillionaire.So he claims. I'm not so sure it's actually true. In any event a "multibillionaire" begging for donations to fight his legal battle is hilarious!
A claim (whether true or false) that he had an affair with porn star could have caused him issues both in the election and his marriage. So he paid her off. Big deal. Yeah right.... as if this would be the only scandal during the elections... But it's good to know that this is an easy way to get a lot of money from Trump.

Btw, despite what the propaganda channel called Fox continues to tell you, the case is not about that he paid Daniels off. The case is about where he got the money from (campaign fund, perhaps?) and how did they justify the transaction (by falsifying documents, perhaps?)
Everything he did was perfectly legal.Let's wait and see, shall we? If there was nothing to it, and Trump did nothing wrong, why are three GOP clowns in the House trying to interfere in the ongoing investigation?
How could things be any worse than they are now if Trump gets elected? We have record inflation, crime, crashing financial markets, endless war, train derailments, and incompetence. Typical extreme right complaints. Inflation is world wide. No President can do much about that by himself. There are no crashing financial markets. Just two banks that collapsed in the US and one in Switzerland. There have been wars all through the US history. Some started by other countries and some by a US President. At the moment the US is not actively involved in any war I know about. There are no boots on the ground anywhere! Trail derailments can be easily blamed on Trump because he removed the safety rules put in place by Obama instead of maintaining them and upgrading the infrastructure. And incompetence is Trump's middle name! No President (who claimed to know and hire the best people) has had such a massive rotation of people on important posts than Trump. Chiefs of Staff came and went, he fired Jeff Sessions who he himself had hired earlier simply because Sessions didn't want to comply with Trump's demands.
So, yes, it will get worse if Trump is re-elected!
Even if you don't like Trump personally, the US was far better off under his policies than the incompetent clown show in charge now. Of course you would say that. What else can you expect from a die hard cult member? But then, you say a great many things and most of them are simply wrong or not true.....