Trump is up about 40 points on his republican rivals. An amazing result given the combined forces of the leftists media, social media, corrupt justice system, and establishment politicians have tried every dirty trick in the book to destroy him. Nothing has worked. DeSantis and Scott are great candidates and either would make a better president than Ukraine Joe. Of course, almost any random person would make a better president than Old Joe. He is the worst president in modern president. Absolutely everything is worse off under Old Joe than the prior administration. And almost all these disasters are self-inflected as the result of his policies. None are the result of external forces beyond his control. The border, crime, inflation, energy prices, war etc. Every single disaster can be traced back to Biden's incompetence and weakness. An amazing record of ineptness. Even by chance you might think something would work under Old Joe's clown show, but he defies the odds time and again.