OMG Tippit searched some cars and made a phone call, what a criminal.
Absolutely strange criminal behaviour, the people he pulled over said he had a wild look on his face while saying nothing, you're star witness Markham and others stated he chatted to his killer which implies he knew him, Markham the nut also claimed she was with Tippit 20 Mins after the shooting on her own

the nut also failed to identify LHO until she was prompted ( quite clearly she was bonkers but easily manipulated) Reynolds refused to identify LHO until he was shot shortly afterwards by an associate of Ruby

Clemons stated there was 2 involved, Domingo Benavides described a man different to LHO and was threatened to keep his mouth shut and pretty much did so after his brother was shot, lets no forget no fingerprints found on the supposed murder weapon, the whole thing stinks beyond reasonable doubt. So we have several witnesses who refused to identify LHO 1 ends up shot the other ones brother is shot in an apparent mistaken identify, that's pretty long odds. Then we have Tippit who moonlighted as a club bouncer in and around Dallas and idiots actually try to say that Ruby and Tippit wouldn't know each other

Aye ok .