Well, Dark skinned dude appears to have had some
equipment straps visible in the Zapruder film. This goes along with the object he appears to be holding just above the waist as the limo approaches him and UM.

If I told you Loy Factor said that dark complected man was carrying a camera, and not a walkie talkie, you might wonder how the hell did he know that!? I don't believe it's ever been asked if DCM was actually using a camera at the moment JFK was shot.
Loy Factor had his left leg removed below the knee in june 1964. Bitten by a copperhead snake, Factor being a diabetic, his wound never fully healed and he eventually had his left leg amputated 7 months after JFK was assassinated.

Does DCM appear to be limping? I think Gerda Dunkel noticed this clip of DCM walking in around 2008.

Loy Factor stated in 1994 several interesting acts that he knows DCM did on 11/22/63.
1) DCM walked from the underpass across the central grassy area towards the pools of water (as shown in the clip Gerda Dunkel found) 2) DCM was collected and driven to Parkland hospital. 3) DCM Delivered the camera. Reported the wound locations 4) returned to Dealey Plaza
#1 we see in the WFAA-TV footage DCM
#2 a photo came to light in 1991 from a book about Dallas titled The Way We Were, by Robert McNeil. below. The guy in the foreground was spotted, and it was noted he looks familiar to the DCM in dealey plaza.

I noticed the person had an oddly shaped cut of the jacket at Parkland. Very similar to what DCM was wearing in dealey plaza.

His hat has an interesting horse shoe shaped band built into it at the back. Appearing to come from his left ear. Maybe I am looking too much into this.

They both have an interesting round shape at the back of their caps. DCM's faintly seen in the z-frames.
#4 I spent a lot of hours looking through three tramp photo's trying to see if I could find DCM in any images. And eventually I found what I was looking for. Indeed DCM was back at dealey plaza -- out front -- ''with Lansdale'' (was mentioned) with the special events going on there.

But of course the guy photographed at Parkland could be either Joe Laird jr, Tom Dillard (I do know they both had similar appearances that day)
Tom Dillard photographed at Parkland

Jeo Laird leaning in to listen to radio
Loy Factor mentioned several interesting observations that previously were unknown to JFK research -- it's interesting that he got several incidents correct. How?
I'm not sure about the guy at Parklands. But he seems to have known a lot of incidents about the day.
Are you sure, instead of disappearing into the crowd along with the teams of assassin's and their spotters and etc, Umbrella Man and Walkie Talkie Man just decide to sit down and let themselves be photographed, does that really make sense?

Well show me just ONE clear pic of them from the day. Because the pics I've seen they are strangely always out of focus.
I've done some 'deblurring' with one picture (above) and it is about as good as it gets to seeing a clear face.
He looks similar to the man named by Loy Factor as being the real Umbrella Man. Mr Art Baker.

Art Baker is an interesting character. Allegedly: a bay of pigs veteran, an associate of E.Howard Hunt. A participant in the Ellsberg doctor's office break-in. Pardoned by Nixon, as mentioned below. Part of the 30 people known by Nixon to have been up to no good, for him.

Art Baker allegedly had an earliest (1963) known copy of the ''King Alfred plan''
His girlfriend (and mother of his children) sent copies of this alleged plan to deal with American blacks to President Ford, to the Church committee, various senator's and congressman, to warn them what was going on. She claimed the people that wrote the King Alfred plan also assassinated JFK.

Art Baker's ex girlfriend, mother of his children -- she also claimed Art was personally called in hospital by Richard Helms when he suffered a life threatening car crash, in 1968. This was about the same time Loy Factor was charged with the murder of his wife. Factor always claimed he was innocent and that his daughter and her boyfriend did it, rumours of a large amount of money buried underneath the Factor's home were the motivation. About the time of the Watergate scandal breaking, and Loy Factor firstly, talking to Mark Collum, in 1971. Confessed to being involved with the JFK assassination. Loy Factor 'got shot' some time later in 72 (Watergate breaks in 72). It was reported in a Oklahoma newspaper The Johnston County Capital-Democrat.

It was never revealed who/or why he was shot at. The bullet struck the cell bars and deflected into Loy's arm. All this, and Loy Factor is depicted as a very mentally slow person. I've tried contacting Loy Factor's attorney, at the time of his murder trial, to ask did he know why someone would attempt to assassinate Loy Factor. This supposed big softie that was too dumb to hurt a fly.

''Super slayer'' Loy Factor.