Perhaps there were some paid shills to troll the JFK forums as LNers to help the cause, but my guess is that the vast majority of them are just playing the LNer Game of Trolls. They're more like Trump supporters willing to go down with the ship because they've come this far so WTH do they have to lose at this point? Their dignity?
At any rate, LNers are a classic case of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. They resort to obfuscation and discrediting anyone whose argument contradicts their religious LNer stance. There isn't a single piece of evidence they are willing to accept that suggests Oswald was not a LN, so they resort to calling the CTs kooks, etc., when ironically THEY are in the minority.
Face it, the LN hypothesis is the fringe theory these days and you LNers haven't done a single thing to dispel that notion. Excuses, obfuscation, BS and ad homs do not = evidence let alone prove anything. LNers lose every debate on this forum when they stray from logic and evidence or lack there of and never concede a single point against LNerism. It's untenable, intractable and textbook Dunning-Kruger Effect. Otherwise, you LNers are great! 
This is fascinating in its illogic.
Let's see, Trump and his supporters say the "deep state" has conspired - and are conspiring - to bring his presidency down. As such they insist that elements of the FBI and NSA and CIA are working to expose collusion (faked) between Trump and Russia. And are covering up their actions (using fake intelligence) at the same time.
Meanwhile, the JFK conspiracy crowd believes what? Well, that the FBI and CIA (run, it's James Angleton!!) and NSA and others got together to remove JFK from office. And these elements have been covering up that act for more than half a century. And generations of people in government - presidents and others - have all gone along with the coverup.
But wait, there's more: there were two Oswalds, and two Marguerites, and two caskets, and two shooters, and two Z-films (at least). Witnesses were killed, rifles planted, bullets lost. Everyone from the Vice President to waitresses were involved. Steam fitters and used car salesmen and bus drivers and cab drivers and landladies. On and on and endless number of people.
Right, that's logical.
On the other hand, the Oswald-as-sole-assassin side believes that an angry, radicalized man took his rifle and shot the president. As JFK said, "If someone wants to shoot me from a tall building there's nothing we can do about it." Yeah, Jack, that's what happened.
So which of the two sides - the LNer or the CTers - think like Trump and his merry brand of paranoids?