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Author Topic: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?  (Read 41849 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #88 on: September 27, 2021, 04:34:22 AM »
Nice deflection....

Your self serving reasoning has come to a logical dead end, Markham's own words completely trumps your understanding of how Markham interpreted the initial question because if she never saw any of the men before the line-up then she wouldn't be able to say that one of those men in the line up was the man she saw murder Tippit and that man was Lee Harvey Oswald. Triple Oops!

Mrs. MARKHAM. Number two is the one I picked.  -----


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #88 on: September 27, 2021, 04:34:22 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #89 on: September 27, 2021, 04:58:30 AM »
So said the Dallas police.
I do think that statement on your DVP page was moderately funny though it was of course considerably over the top.
Regarding the Markham testimony.. it is too bad that [Gaslighter in Chief] John Mytton was not there to interpret her statements for Joseph Ball who was obviously confused :)

Ball wasn't specific enough when he worded his original question and didn't have the ability to alter his follow up questions so they could have been easily interpreted by Markham who after all was only a waitress, and this jumping all over Markham when we have the time to read and reread the questions are a sad indictment of the scummy level the CT's have to lower themselves to prove that St Oswald was "innocent".
And if we only have Markham to rely upon then Oswald would still be guilty but she was only a drop in the ocean because we have a stack more eyewitnesses who identified Oswald carrying a gun either at the scene or was seen hightailing it out of there.

The eyewitnesses who positively identified Oswald and confirmed he was carrying a gun

Mr. BALL. Which way?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Towards Jefferson, right across that way.
Mr. DULLES. Did he have the pistol in his hand at this time?
Mrs. MARKHAM. He had the gun when I saw him.

Mr. BELIN - All right. Now, you said you saw the man with the gun throw the shells?
Mr. BENAVIDES - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Well, did you see the man empty his gun?
Mr. BENAVIDES - That is what he was doing. He took one out and threw it

Mr. BALL. And what did you see the man doing?
Mrs. DAVIS. Well, first off she went to screaming before I had paid too much attention to him, and pointing at him, and he was, what I thought, was emptying the gun.
Mr. BALL. He had a gun in his hand?
Mrs. DAVIS. Yes.

Mr. BELIN. Did you see anything else as you heard her screaming?
Mrs. DAVIS. Well, we saw Oswald. We didn't know it was Oswald at the time. We saw that boy cut across the lawn emptying the shells out of the gun.

Mr. BALL. And how was he holding the gun?
Mr. CALLAWAY. We used to say in the Marine Corps in a raised pistol position.

Mr. BALL. What did you see him doing?
Mr. GUINYARD. He came through there running and knocking empty shells out of his pistol and he had it up just like this with his hand.
Mr. BALL. With which hand?
Mr. GUINYARD. With his right hand; just kicking them out.
Mr. BALL. He had it up?

Mr. B.M. PATTERSON, 4635 Hartford Street, Dallas, Texas, currently employed by Wyatt's Cafeteria, 2647 South Lancaster, Dallas, Texas, advised he was present at the used car lot of JOHNNY REYNOLDS' on the afternoon of November 22, 1963.

PATTERSON advised that at approximately 1:30 PM, he was standing on JONNY REYNOLDS' used car lot together with L.J. LEWIS and HAROLD RUSSELL when they heard shots coming from the vicinity of 10th and Patton Avenue, Dallas, Texas. A minute or so later they observed a white male approximately 30 years of age, running south on Patton Avenue, carrying what appeared to be a revolver in his hand and was obviously trying to reload same while running.

Mr. LIEBELER. Did you see this man's face that had the gun in his hand?
Mr.REYNOLDS. Very good.

HAROLD RUSSELL, employee, Johnny Reynolds Used Car Lot, 500 Jefferson Street, Dallas, Texas, advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was standing on the lot of Reynolds Used Cars together with L.J. LEWIS and PAT PATTERSON, at which time they heard shots come from the vicinity of Patton and Tenth Street, and a few seconds later they observed a young white man running south on Patton Avenue carrying a pistol or revolver which the individual was attempting to either reload or place in his belt line.

Mr. BELIN. Did he have anything in his hand?
Mr. SCOGGINS. He had a pistol in his left hand.

Jack Tatum
Next. this man with a gun in his hand ran toward the back of the squad car, but instead of running away he stepped into the street and shot the police officer who was lying in the street.

The Police Officers who were confronted with the murdering Oswald.

Mr. McDONALD - My left hand, at this point.
Mr. BALL - And had he withdrawn the pistol
Mr. McDONALD - He was drawing it as I put my hand.
Mr. BALL - From his waist?
Mr. McDONALD - Yes, sir.

Mr. BELIN. When you saw Oswald's hand by his belt, which hand did you see then?
Mr. WALKER. He had ahold of the handle of it.
Mr. BELIN. Handle of what?
Mr. WALKER. The revolver.
Mr. BELIN. Was there a revolver there?
Mr. WALKER. Yes; there was.

Mr. HUTSON. McDonald was at this time simultaneously trying to hold this person's right hand. Somehow this person moved his right hand to his waist, and I saw a revolver come out, and McDonald was holding on to it with his right hand, and this gun was waving up toward the back of the seat like this.

Oswald even admitted carrying his revolver.

Mr. STERN - Was he asked whether he was carrying a pistol at the time he was in the Texas Theatre?
Mr. BOOKHOUT - Yes; that was brought up. He admitted that he was carrying a pistol at the time he was arrested.

Mr. McCLOY. Was it a sharpshooter's or a marksman's? There are two different types, you know.
Mr. HOSTY. I believe it was a sharpshooter, sir. He then told Captain Fritz that he had been living at 1026 North Beckley, that is in Dallas, Tex., at 1026 North Beckley under the name O. H. Lee and not under his true name.
Oswald admitted that he was present in the Texas School Book Depository Building on the 22d of November 1963, where he had been employed since the 15th of October. Oswald told Captain Fritz that he was a laborer in this building and had access to the entire building. It had offices on the first and second floors with storage on third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors.
Oswald told Captain Fritz that he went to lunch at approximately noon on the 22d of November, ate his lunch in the lunchroom, and had gone and gotten a Coca Cola from the Coca Cola machine to have with his lunch. He claimed that he was in the lunchroom at the time President Kennedy passed the building.
He was asked why he left the School Book Depository that day, and he stated that in all the confusion he was certain that there would be no more work for the rest of the day, that everybody was too upset, there was too much confusion, so he just decided that there would be no work for the rest of the day and so he went home. He got on a bus and went home. He went to his residence on North Beckley, changed his clothes, and then went to a movie.
Captain Fritz asked him if he always carried a pistol when he went to the movie, and he said he carried it because he felt like it. He admitted that he did have a pistol on him at the time of his arrest, in this theatre, in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas. He further admitted that he had resisted arrest and had received a bump and a cut as a result of his resisting of arrest. He then denied that he had killed Officer Tippit or President Kennedy.

Mr. BALL. What did he say?
Mr. FRITZ. He told me he went over and caught a bus and rode the bus to North Beckley near where he lived and went by home and changed clothes and got his pistol and went to the show. I asked him why he took his pistol and he said, "Well, you know about a pistol; I just carried it." Let's see if I asked him anything else right that minute. That is just about it.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2021, 05:19:04 AM by John Mytton »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #90 on: September 27, 2021, 05:16:25 AM »
(Not since your glorious 'When Oswald said P. Parade he obviously meant the part of the parade after JFK was shot' have I laughed so much, so thank you for that)

Wow unbelievable! Are you still trying to convince the CT community, who let's face it are some of the most easily manipulated morons "scholars" on the planet, that Oswald was outside when in fact he agreed that he was inside, how are you going with that? Or are you going to keep saying that outside the front doors was still inside?


Btw it's too bad that Oswald himself apparently told Hosty "Then went outside to watch P. Parade." Hehehe!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #90 on: September 27, 2021, 05:16:25 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #91 on: September 27, 2021, 06:22:17 AM »
The M.O. has become painfully obvious. Can’t debate the case on it’s merits, so resorts to insults. Then hilariously believes that: “ The WC fanboys are routinely destroyed on this forum.”   :D

Thanks, I missed Otto's post, what a Narcissist with delusions of grandeur, Otto makes the most absurd posts which are usually based on the most insignificant discrepancy. But Otto will irrationally ignore the bigger picture and it's associated overwhelming evidence and even in the light of this solid wall of facts, will only buckle down on his very special discovery that he thinks will somehow break open this case, but where his ground breaking evidence leads, is never revealed?


Online David Von Pein

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #92 on: September 27, 2021, 09:44:39 AM »
You can beat Walt to it and tell us what mark Dhority put on the shell.

Don't know. The markings on the shell are not clear enough to discern when looking at the series of three pictures of the shell which were photographed by Dale Myers and published on page 268 of "With Malice" (1998 Edition).

But the markings were discernible to Dhority himself in June of '64 when he positively IDed the shell as the one he marked on 11/22/63....

"Detective Dhority identified his marking on one of these cartridge cases. .... He stated this is the same cartridge case which he obtained from Virginia Davis...on November 22, 1963." -- CD1258, p.8 and CE2011, p.8
« Last Edit: September 27, 2021, 09:53:50 AM by David Von Pein »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #92 on: September 27, 2021, 09:44:39 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #93 on: September 27, 2021, 10:12:01 AM »
Don't know. The markings on the shell are not clear enough to discern when looking at the series of three pictures of the shell which were photographed by Dale Myers and published on page 268 of "With Malice" (1998 Edition).

But the markings were discernible to Dhority himself in June of '64 when he positively IDed the shell as the one he marked on 11/22/63....

"Detective Dhority identified his marking on one of these cartridge cases. .... He stated this is the same cartridge case which he obtained from Virginia Davis...on November 22, 1963." -- CD1258, p.8 and CE2011, p.8

This is another CT rabbit hole, Dhority identified his marking and that should be that.
And since the Police were in control of the evidence if Dhority wanted to add his initials after the fact he could do as easy as pie, so logically he must have seen his initials. But on the other hand if the initials were easily discernible (and I haven't examined the actual original evidence and I know most of the critics haven't either, so we all can't say definitively), then the next CT suspicion would be based on my previous statement that Dhority was a policeman and faked the evidence and then we begin the descent deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole.
The closed minded CT's have already made up their minds and will never be satisfied and Otto who's only been at this for the last 30 second has no idea beyond his limited world view which seems to never escape his vivid imagination.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2021, 10:52:35 AM by John Mytton »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #94 on: September 27, 2021, 11:23:20 AM »
Your self serving reasoning has come to a logical dead end, Markham's own words completely trumps your understanding of how Markham interpreted the initial question because if she never saw any of the men before the line-up then she wouldn't be able to say that one of those men in the line up was the man she saw murder Tippit and that man was Lee Harvey Oswald. Triple Oops!

Mrs. MARKHAM. Number two is the one I picked.  -----


As you have helpfully reminded us, Mr Mytton, Ms Markham didn't recognize any of the four lineup men, and made this clear to those running the lineup. They wouldn't let up, so she went ahead and picked the man who was obviously their suspect (the bruises helped).

This constitutes a safe identification in Warren Gullible World!  Thumb1:

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #95 on: September 27, 2021, 11:25:51 AM »
Ball wasn't specific enough when he worded his original question and didn't have the ability to alter his follow up questions so they could have been easily interpreted by Markham who after all was only a waitress,


and this jumping all over Markham when we have the time to read and reread the questions are a sad indictment of the scummy level the CT's have to lower themselves to prove that St Oswald was "innocent".

~Grin~ Whereas the refusal of DPD to accept her repeated word that she had never seen any of these men before was decency and honesty personified!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #95 on: September 27, 2021, 11:25:51 AM »