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Author Topic: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?  (Read 41849 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #96 on: September 27, 2021, 11:28:26 AM »
Wow unbelievable! Are you still trying to convince the CT community, who let's face it are some of the most easily manipulated morons "scholars" on the planet, that Oswald was outside when in fact he agreed that he was inside, how are you going with that? Or are you going to keep saying that outside the front doors was still inside?

Neither of the above. And you know of course this, because you have reverted to your old trick of putting the word "inside" in Mr Oswald's mouth. He never said it!  Thumb1:

Btw it's too bad that Oswald himself apparently told Hosty "Then went outside to watch P. Parade."

Ain't it just--------------your heart must have sunk to your gut when you first read that in 2019!  Thumb1:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #96 on: September 27, 2021, 11:28:26 AM »

Online David Von Pein

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #97 on: September 27, 2021, 12:05:23 PM »
...nobody else has since "discerned" those markings.

The reason for that could be because Dhority might not have marked the bullet shell with his INITIALS. He might have used some other distinct marking which Dhority could easily identify if he ever had to I.D. the shell again.

But regardless of the type of mark Dhority used, he did identify HIS DISTINCT MARK on the shell in June of 1964. Spit on his identification if you like, but Dhority identified his marking on the shell casing nonetheless. And the CTers who like to complain about it aren't going to change that basic fact.

Barnes, on April 7, 1964, identified the same shell, so how is your "clear and distinct chain of possession" going from the Davis girl supposed to work?

Doesn't make any difference what Barnes did. The only part of the "chain" that really matters is the FIRST LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER who took control of the bullet shell. And that person was C.N. Dhority, who got it from the civilian witness (Virginia Davis) who found it in her side yard. It went straight from Davis to Dhority. And then Dhority marked it. It therefore makes no difference WHO ELSE might have handled the bullet shell AFTER Dhority, because Dhority will now ALWAYS be able to say "That's the exact shell I got from Virginia Davis", because he can see his mark on the shell.

The very same "chain of custody" argument can be made when discussing Oswald's C2766 Carcano rifle. Carl Day was the first law enforcement official to handle the rifle, and he etched his name into the stock of the weapon. So it doesn't make a bit of difference who else handled the weapon after Lt. Day handled it. It's always going to have the name "Day" scratched into the wooden stock, thereby confirming forever and always the fact that it was that exact rifle that was picked up off the sixth floor of the Book Depository Building by Lieutenant J.C. Day of the DPD on 11/22/63.

The same thing should have happened with Bullet CE399, but unfortunately it did not. The first person connected officially with "law enforcement" to handle that bullet at Parkland Hospital was Secret Service Agent Richard Johnsen, and he should have marked the physical bullet itself before it ever left his sight on 11/22/63. But he didn't. He utilized a typewritten note instead, which he then stapled to an envelope which contained the actual bullet. And since Johnsen didn't etch his marking into the physical bullet itself, it opened the door for the conspiracy theorists to do just exactly what they have done for the last 50+ years---they get to claim that the weak chain of custody for CE399 must certainly indicate that somebody in officialdom did something of an underhanded nature with the bullet that was found on a stretcher at Parkland. Many CTers would still no doubt be crying foul about CE399 even if Richard Johnsen had marked the bullet, but the lack of an "RJ" on that piece of metal has made the screams of "It Was Planted" by the conspiracists an easier argument to make (although it's still far from being a proven claim of fakery).

It would probably be better for conspiracists if they would start theorizing that civilian witnesses Virginia Davis and Barbara Davis "switched" the bullet shells to frame Oswald before police officers Doughty or Dhority came to the Davis apartment to collect shells #3 and #4. Because the CTers don't have a leg (or a shell) to stand on by continuing to pretend there's something fishy about the "chain of possession" when it comes to the marking of those two shells by members of the Dallas Police Department.

You never can tell---perhaps the two young Davis gals had a couple of spare cartridge casings from Smith & Wesson Revolver #V510210 under their beds on Nov. 22nd.

After all, I learned many years ago that in a JFK conspiracy theorist's world, virtually anything truly is possible.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2021, 01:58:57 PM by David Von Pein »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #98 on: September 27, 2021, 03:43:25 PM »

~Grin~ Whereas the refusal of DPD to accept her repeated word that she had never seen any of these men before was decency and honesty personified!

It appears that refusal to accept a witnesses statement was SOP for the DPD ....    They coerced and badgered Howard Brennan when he told them that the 175 pound man who was dressed in a khaki uniform that he'd seen STANDING and aiming a rifle out of a TSBD window was NOT present in the line up in which they had placed Lee Oswald among three other men that looked nothing like the man that Brennan had said that he was sure that he would be able to identify if he ever saw him again.

And BWF...They badgered, intimidated, and threatened, the young Frazier until he would have said anything they wanted him to say....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #98 on: September 27, 2021, 03:43:25 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #99 on: September 27, 2021, 04:49:57 PM »
The reason for that could be because Dhority might not have marked the bullet shell with his INITIALS. He might have used some other distinct marking which Dhority could easily identify if he ever had to I.D. the shell again.

But regardless of the type of mark Dhority used, he did identify HIS DISTINCT MARK on the shell in June of 1964. Spit on his identification if you like, but Dhority identified his marking on the shell casing nonetheless. And the CTers who like to complain about it aren't going to change that basic fact.

Doesn't make any difference what Barnes did. The only part of the "chain" that really matters is the FIRST LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER who took control of the bullet shell. And that person was C.N. Dhority, who got it from the civilian witness (Virginia Davis) who found it in her side yard. It went straight from Davis to Dhority. And then Dhority marked it. It therefore makes no difference WHO ELSE might have handled the bullet shell AFTER Dhority, because Dhority will now ALWAYS be able to say "That's the exact shell I got from Virginia Davis", because he can see his mark on the shell.

The very same "chain of custody" argument can be made when discussing Oswald's C2766 Carcano rifle. Carl Day was the first law enforcement official to handle the rifle, and he etched his name into the stock of the weapon. So it doesn't make a bit of difference who else handled the weapon after Lt. Day handled it. It's always going to have the name "Day" scratched into the wooden stock, thereby confirming forever and always the fact that it was that exact rifle that was picked up off the sixth floor of the Book Depository Building by Lieutenant J.C. Day of the DPD on 11/22/63.

The same thing should have happened with Bullet CE399, but unfortunately it did not. The first person connected officially with "law enforcement" to handle that bullet at Parkland Hospital was Secret Service Agent Richard Johnsen, and he should have marked the physical bullet itself before it ever left his sight on 11/22/63. But he didn't. He utilized a typewritten note instead, which he then stapled to an envelope which contained the actual bullet. And since Johnsen didn't etch his marking into the physical bullet itself, it opened the door for the conspiracy theorists to do just exactly what they have done for the last 50+ years---they get to claim that the weak chain of custody for CE399 must certainly indicate that somebody in officialdom did something of an underhanded nature with the bullet that was found on a stretcher at Parkland. Many CTers would still no doubt be crying foul about CE399 even if Richard Johnsen had marked the bullet, but the lack of an "RJ" on that piece of metal has made the screams of "It Was Planted" by the conspiracists an easier argument to make (although it's still far from being a proven claim of fakery).

It would probably be better for conspiracists if they would start theorizing that civilian witnesses Virginia Davis and Barbara Davis "switched" the bullet shells to frame Oswald before police officers Doughty or Dhority came to the Davis apartment to collect shells #3 and #4. Because the CTers don't have a leg (or a shell) to stand on by continuing to pretend there's something fishy about the "chain of possession" when it comes to the marking of those two shells by members of the Dallas Police Department.

You never can tell---perhaps the two young Davis gals had a couple of spare cartridge casings from Smith & Wesson Revolver #V510210 under their beds on Nov. 22nd.

After all, I learned many years ago that in a JFK conspiracy theorist's world, virtually anything truly is possible.

Hoorah!      Von Pea Brain has unwitting admitted the truth.....

" rifle that was picked up off the sixth floor"   He's absolutely right the rifle was NOT jammed between boxes of books.....Detective day picked it OFF THE FLOOR .......

Watch closely as detective Day reaches out to pick up the carcano for the first time.   Nobody had touched that rifle prior to this moment.   How is the rifle positioned?....Is it Jammed between boxes of books or is it lying on the floor ? Does Day have any trouble grabbing the leather sling?   That leather sling was mounted on the left side of the rifle so it would have been hard for Day to reach if the rifle had been jammed between boxes of books.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2021, 04:57:13 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #100 on: September 27, 2021, 05:22:10 PM »
'Is it Jammed between boxes of books or is it lying on the floor?'
> Both

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #100 on: September 27, 2021, 05:22:10 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #101 on: September 27, 2021, 05:26:26 PM »
'Is it Jammed between boxes of books or is it lying on the floor?'
> Both

Ha,ha, ha, Hee.hee, hee.....  ROTFLMAO!.....   :D   Thanks for posting the fake in situ photo that the DPD created ...

BTW.....Can you see the leather sling in the official DPD in situ photo?

You've very "cleverly" provided an opportunity for viewers to compare  the fake in situ photo with the genuine scene....
« Last Edit: September 27, 2021, 07:54:02 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #102 on: September 27, 2021, 05:27:40 PM »
It appears that refusal to accept a witnesses statement was SOP for the DPD ....    They coerced and badgered Howard Brennan when he told them that the 175 pound man who was dressed in a khaki uniform that he'd seen STANDING and aiming a rifle out of a TSBD window was NOT present in the line up in which they had placed Lee Oswald among three other men that looked nothing like the man that Brennan had said that he was sure that he would be able to identify if he ever saw him again.

And BWF...They badgered, intimidated, and threatened, the young Frazier until he would have said anything they wanted him to say....

Any intimidation was driven (pun intended) by the fact that Buell hauled the perp to the killing field

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #103 on: September 27, 2021, 11:13:38 PM »

Ha,ha, ha, Hee.hee, hee.....  ROTFLMAO!.....   :D   Thanks for posting the fake in situ photo that the DPD created ...

BTW.....Can you see the leather sling in the official DPD in situ photo?

You've very "cleverly" provided an opportunity for viewers to compare  the fake in situ photo with the genuine scene....

I've provided an image of the rifle on the floor + between boxes. And proving quantum theory as a bonus: An object
can appear in two places at the same time.. in this case on the floor AND between boxes! Hey, I'm here to teach  ;)

The overhead angle provided by the photographer reveals the strap would be concealed by the rifle itself

Now kindly present images of your 'genuine scene'
« Last Edit: September 28, 2021, 01:43:36 AM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Lee Oswald questioned about the murder of JD Tippit?
« Reply #103 on: September 27, 2021, 11:13:38 PM »