Mr. Ball. At that time didn't you know that one of your officers, Baker, had seen Oswald on the second floor?
Mr. Fritz. They told me about that down at the bookstore; I believe Mr. Truly or someone told me about it, told me they had met him--I think he told me, person who told me about, I believe told me that they met him on the stairway, but our investigation shows that he actually saw him in a lunchroom...Captain Fritz gets noticeably flustered here!
What he's actually letting slip is something quite starling:
he was told one thing down at the bookstore ("they met him on the stairway"), but upon further investigation it turned out that the location was quite a different place ("in a lunchroom"). In other words: the story he was told by "Mr. Truly or someone" was
not the lunchroom story.
ON THE STAIRWAY: These words confirm that Officer Baker's affidavit description of a "man walking away from the stairway" was in fact a description of a man caught walking away from the stairway---------a stairway he had evidently been in the process of descending. There is simply no way to reconcile this with the lunchroom story later told by Officer Baker.
Now! We know from Tom Alyea's footage that Officer Baker-----------contrary to his WC testimony-----------did NOT leave the Depository immediately after coming back downstairs with Mr Truly:

Did Officer Baker tell other law enforcement at this time that he saw nothing upstairs, aside from an employee who was walking away from the stairway?
If so, did word of this reach Captain Fritz when HE arrived at the Depository?
Did Captain Fritz ask Mr Truly about this?
Did Mr Truly decide, in panic, to explain away the non-employee caught walking away from the rear stairway by saying, 'Oh yes, that was one of our men, Lee Oswald'?
Was this, rather than any roll call, the real reason Mr Oswald was singled out by Mr Truly?
If so, then it was a high-risk piece of escapology on Mr Truly's part. And it very nearly exploded in his face. For word had got around that he and the officer had in fact encountered Mr Oswald at the front door----------------indeed, DPD would soon be telling the press all about this!