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Author Topic: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation  (Read 81655 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1216 on: April 25, 2023, 09:33:41 AM »
Faux News fired right wing propagandist hack Tucker Carlson yesterday. He was pushing disinformation about the January 6th insurrection on his fake propaganda program. Good riddance! 

Tucker Carlson amplifies Jan. 6 lies with GOP-provided video

WASHINGTON (AP) — Handed some 41,000 hours of Jan. 6 security footage, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has launched an impassioned new effort to explain away the deadly Capitol attack, linking the Republican Party ever more closely to pro-Trump conspiracy theories about the 2021 riot.

The conservative commentator aired a first installment to millions of viewers on his prime-time show Monday, working to bend perceptions of the violent, grueling siege that played out for the world to see into a narrative favorable to Donald Trump. A small additional bit was shown Tuesday amid calls from critics to stop.

The undertaking by Fox News comes as Trump is again running for president, and executives at the highest levels of the cable news giant have admitted in unrelated court proceedings that it spread the former president’s false claims about the 2020 election despite dismissing Trump’s assertions privately.

The effort dovetails with the work of Republicans on Capitol Hill, led by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who turned over the security footage to Fox. The Republicans are trying to claw back the findings of the House Jan. 6 investigation, which painstakingly documented, with testimony and video evidence, how Trump rallied his supporters to head to the Capitol and “fight like hell” as Congress was certifying his loss to Democrat Joe Biden.

Trump on Tuesday contended that Carlson’s presentation was “irrefutable” evidence that rioters have been wrongly accused of crimes and he thanked the host and the speaker for their work. Carlson praised McCarthy as having “rectified” the official record.

Trump called anew for the release from custody of people who have been convicted or have pleaded guilty to charges from the attack.

At the same time, criticism poured in from Democrats — and some top Republicans, too — over the GOP’s attempt to amplify falsehoods about the attack that was seen around the world as Trump supporters laid siege to the seat of U.S. democracy.

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, the Democrat who chaired the House Jan. 6 Committee investigating the riot, called McCarthy’s decision to selectively release the security footage “a dereliction of duty.”

“The speaker decided it was more important to give in to a Fox host who spews lies and propaganda than to protect the Capitol,” Thompson said in a statement. He called Jan. 6 “one of the darkest days in the history of our democracy.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called the Monday night Fox News episode from Carlson “one of the most shameful hours we have ever seen on television.”

The show’s portrayal was “an insult to every single police officer,” Schumer said, especially the family of Brian Sicknick, who died later after fighting the mob. “Nonviolent? Ask his family.”

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said it was a mistake for Fox News to depict the footage as it did — at odds with the Capitol Police assessment and what he and others witnessed firsthand at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

But McCarthy, who has shifted from blaming Trump for the riot to softening his criticism of the former president, stood by his decision, saying people can watch and “come up with their own conclusion.”

In the roughly 30-minute segment, Fox distilled the thousands of hours of footage of the gruesome scenes at the Capitol that day and did show some of the hand-to-hand combat as rioters laid siege to the building, broke windows and kicked down doors to gain entry.

But Carlson also emphasized imagery of the invaders, some in combat gear and wielding flagpoles, merely milling about the gilded halls, taking pictures of the surroundings during pauses in the hours-long attack.

“These were not insurrectionists. They were sightseers,” Carlson said.

The footage he aired focused on one of the highest-profile rioters, Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman,” garbed in his horned hat and bare chested, as he poked around the building, officers standing by or opening doors. Chansley pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstructing an official proceeding and was sentenced to 41 months in prison.

Carlson denounced the Jan. 6 committee led by Democrats in the past Congress, and called out Trump’s chief Republican critics Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as liars on the panel.

Carlson is reviving the falsehoods launched by Trump and his allies, including Republicans in Congress, that the attackers were peaceful protesters and acted like tourists, despite the well-documented carnage of the day and the deaths of five people in the riot and its aftermath. It’s part of an effort to reverse criminal charges for those being prosecuted in the attack, many of whom have pleaded guilty and said they regretted their actions on Jan. 6.

Capitol Police officers who were defending against the mob have testified to their harrowing experiences — one said she was slipping in other people’s blood, while another told of being crushed in the mob — as they worked and ultimately failed to block the rioters from storming the Capitol.

The criminal cases stemming from the riot have laid bare the violence. Officers have testified in court about being chased, hit, dragged and scared for their lives as they tried to defend the Capitol. One tweeted images late Monday of his cuts, stitches and swollen bruises from that day.

Among those who died in the riot and its aftermath were Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt who was shot by police and Capitol Police officer Sicknick who died after fighting the mob.

Carlson aired footage of Sicknick inside the Capitol picking up posters and politely ushering protesters out the door, portraying that as evidence the officer was not killed in the crush.

That last was denounced by Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger as “the most disturbing accusation from last night.”

“The Department maintains, as anyone with common sense would, that had Officer Sicknick not fought valiantly for hours on the day he was violently assaulted, Officer Sicknick would not have died the next day,” Chief Manger said in a memo to his police force.

He said the program “cherry-picked” from calmer moments of the day, ignoring “the chaos and violence that happened before or during.”

The Sicknick family said in a statement that the footage simply showed that Brian Sicknick bravely resumed his duties for a time after he had been attacked by a chemical agent.

Ken Sicknick, Brian Sicknick’s brother, said in an interview that the family is “at a loss” about how to fight back against a network with millions of viewers and the speaker of the House who gave access to the footage.

Law enforcement failures on Jan. 6 have been investigated in Congress and acknowledged: Police failed to heed signs of a looming attack and were slow to provide an adequate response, including reinforcement from the National Guard.

More than half of the roughly 1,000 people charged with Capitol riot-related federal crimes have pleaded guilty, including more than 130 who pleaded guilty to felony crimes, according to an Associated Press tally.

Members of the extremist Proud Boys and Oath Keepers groups are facing rare charges of sedition for their roles at the front of the assault. Several members of the Oath Keepers have been found guilty of sedition. Hundreds of other rioters were charged only with misdemeanor offenses and many have served no prison time.

Republicans on Capitol Hill are mounting an effort to retell the history of Jan. 6 through the House Administration Committee, which has opened an online portal for submissions from the public.

Some GOP leaders, however, appeared uncomfortable with McCarthy’s move and the way the footage was being used.

Senate Republican leader McConnell quickly distanced himself from the endeavor, saying he wanted to “associate myself entirely” with the police chief’s views.

McConnell said, “Clearly the chief of the Capitol Police correctly describes what most of us witnessed firsthand on Jan. 6.”

AP reporters Michael Balsamo and Alanna Durkin Richer and videojournalist Rick Gentilo contributed to this story.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1216 on: April 25, 2023, 09:33:41 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1217 on: April 25, 2023, 09:21:42 PM »
Donald Trump central to Proud Boys trial as DOJ, defense attorneys blame him for Jan. 6 attack

As the seditious conspiracy trial of five Proud Boys  comes to an end, both prosecutors and defense attorneys have made it clear there's an elephant not in the courtroom: former President Donald Trump.

Prosecutors are accusing the defendants of acting like "Donald Trump's army," motivated to keep Trump in power after what they viewed as a fraudulent presidential election in 2020.

Defense attorneys for the Proud Boys on trial agree Trump is to blame, but for different reasons; they say that the former president's rhetoric inflamed the mob that attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 — not members of the right-wing extremist group.

"It was Donald Trump’s words, it was his motivation, it was his anger that caused what occurred on Jan. 6," Tarrio attorney Nayib Hassan said in his closing remarks. "They want to use Enrique Tarrio as a scapegoat for Donald Trump and those in power."

Longtime Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four lieutenants — Ethan Nordean, Joe Biggs, Zachary Rehl and Dominic Pezzola — face trial for seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The Civil War-era charge is rarely alleged and even more rarely convicted. They face an array of other serious charges.

Closing remarks began Monday in the historic trial. In its 15 weeks, Trump has been central to the cases built by both the government and the Proud Boys' attorneys.

“The most interesting thing to me is the idea of Trump as the empty chair in these trials,” said Jill Huntley Taylor, CEO of Taylor Trial Consulting. “On both sides, both sides are pointing to Trump.”

DOJ portrays Trump as Jan. 6 instigator

Violent Trump mob storms the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Government prosecutors have portrayed Trump as an instigator who boosted the Proud Boys' credibility and their resolve in the months leading up to Jan. 6.

After Trump told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" during a September 2020 presidential debate, members of the right-wing extremist group celebrated and expressed an increased sense of importance in private Telegram messages, according to evidence introduced in court.

They sent a flurry of messages to a group chat called "Official Presidents Chat," which prosecutors say was populated by Proud Boys chapter presidents across the country. Tarrio, Nordean and Rehl were in the chat.



"Wouldn't condemn us," said the messages from different Proud Boys, pouring in within milliseconds of each other.

Once it became clear Trump lost the 2020 presidential election and Joe Biden would become president, the Proud Boys mobilized to keep him in the White House, prosecutors argued.

"These defendants saw themselves as Donald Trump’s army, fighting to keep their preferred leader in power no matter what the law or the courts had to say about it," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Conor Mulroe.

Proud Boys defense attorneys blame Trump for Jan. 6

Defense attorneys have directed fire toward the former president for entirely different reasons. They say Trump's incendiary rhetoric and false claims of election fraud inflamed the mob that attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, not the Proud Boys.

On Dec. 19, 2020, Trump tweeted that a "big protest" would take place on Jan. 6, the same day as the joint session of Congress where the 2020 presidential election votes would be certified and Biden would officially be named president-elect. He told his followers: “Be there, will be wild!”

In February, Biggs attorney Norman Pattis raised the possibility of subpoenaing Trump as a witness in the high-profile trial, but the long-shot bid to put Trump on the witness stand was not taken up by U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly, who is presiding over the case.

Experts in extremism told USA TODAY that Trump acted as a uniting force for the disparate group of Americans that descended on the Capitol on Jan. 6.

"When we look at January 6, you kind of have that perfect storm," said Jon Lewis, a research fellow at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University. "You have the mob. You have the 'Stop the Steal' influencers...You have your extremist groups — your Proud Boys, your Oath Keepers. And then you have Trump who in that moment acted as that focusing lens."

"He gave them the time, the place and the enemy," Lewis added.

House Jan. 6 committee also blamed Trump

The House Jan. 6 committee that investigated the Capitol attack in March said it had gathered evidence indicating that former President Donald Trump and others "engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States."

"The evidence supports an inference that President Trump and members of his campaign knew he had not won enough legitimate state electoral votes to be declared the winner of the 2020 Presidential election during the January 6 Joint Session of Congress," the committee disclosed in court documents. "But the President nevertheless sought to use the Vice President to manipulate the results in his favor."

Trump has not faced any charges tied to the Capitol attack, though Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith is investigating Trump's role in the events of that day. 

After closing remarks in Proud Boys trial, the jury decides

Closing remarks are still ongoing in the Proud Boys trial. But the jury will soon get the chance to decide whether the blame for the defendants' actions fall on them alone.

"The jurors want to get it right; they will pay a lot of attention to all of the evidence that's coming in and try to block out whatever noise is associated with the trial," Taylor said. "I do think that they may be extraordinarily careful about what decisions they make...all jurors do, but maybe to a greater degree under these circumstances."

Watch video in link below:

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1218 on: April 26, 2023, 04:59:26 AM »
This says it all. This is coming from the Proud Boys' defense attorney.

In closing argument to jury, defense attorney for accused Jan 6 seditious conspiracy defendant Enrique Tarrio:

“It was Donald Trump’s words, it was his motivation, it was his anger that caused what occurred on January 6 in your amazing and beautiful city"

So, the defense attorney for Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the right wing hate group "the Proud Boys" is putting the blame on Donald Trump for the January 6th insurrection. This debunks all the bogus right wing propaganda that the fired Faux News liar Tucker Carlson was promoting about January 6th being "peaceful".   

The defense attorney is blaming Donald Trump for all the violence and the attempted coup on January 6th.

Yes, Donald Trump is to blame for January 6th because it was his lies and violent rhetoric that incited his gullible base into believing the election was stolen.

But, that does not excuse his violent supporters for storming the Capitol trying to overthrow the US government and preventing a peaceful transfer of power.

Trump's MAGA supporters engaged in seditious criminal activity and they are being held accountable for their crimes.                 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1218 on: April 26, 2023, 04:59:26 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1219 on: April 26, 2023, 09:34:44 AM »
Some of the dangerous weapons Trump rioters used to beat and attack police officers with at the MAGA armed insurrection.

A four foot rod

A metal whip

A hockey stick, poles, and bottles

A pitchfork


Online Richard Smith

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1220 on: April 26, 2023, 02:45:48 PM »
The Biden administration continues to suppress the manifesto of the leftist terrorist for political reasons.  The only real banned writing in the US despite the fake leftist talking points.  It is "too dangerous" for the public according to Big Brother.  The parents and citizens of Nashville apparently can't handle the truth.  Old Joe decides what information the public can have.  Like his efforts to censor dissent on social media and suppress the Hunter laptop story. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1220 on: April 26, 2023, 02:45:48 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1221 on: April 26, 2023, 10:02:46 PM »
CBS Mornings @CBSMornings

After more than four months, the jury in the Proud Boys seditious conspiracy case will begin deliberations today.

A defense lawyer for Enrique Tarrio, a Proud Boys leader, said blame for the Jan. 6 Capitol attack lies squarely with Donald Trump.


Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1222 on: April 27, 2023, 04:50:38 AM »
Department of Justice releases video from Jan. 6 Capitol riot


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1222 on: April 27, 2023, 04:50:38 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #1223 on: April 27, 2023, 08:38:24 AM »
Florida man gets prison term for his role in the attack on the Capitol

27-year-old Christian Matthew Manley from Fort Walton Beach was sentenced Tuesday in federal court in the District of Columbia, according to court records.

A Florida man has been sentenced to four years and two months in federal prison for attacking police officers during the insurrection and storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Christian Matthew Manley, 27, of Fort Walton Beach, Florida, was sentenced Tuesday in federal court in the District of Columbia, according to court records. He pleaded guilty in November to assaulting, resisting and impeding law enforcement while using a dangerous weapon.

According to court documents, Manley joined with others in objecting to Democrat Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory over then-President Donald Trump. A mob stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying election results for Biden over Trump, a Republican, authorities have said. Five people died in the violence.

According to the criminal complaint, Manley was captured on video outside the Capitol wearing a flak jacket and armed with bear spray, a collapsible police baton and handcuffs. Video shows Manley spraying bear spray at U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department officers as they defended an entrance from rioters.

Manley threw the empty bear spray container at officers, then sprayed a second cannister at officers before throwing it at them, prosecutors said. A short time later, Manley accepted a metal rod from another rioter and threw it at the officers, investigators said. They added that Manley also wedged his body against a wall in a tunnel and used force to push the security door against officers defending the Capitol.

Since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,000 people have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for alleged crimes related to the Capitol breach, officials said. More than 320 people have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement.