High-level Jan 6 defendant Tom Ballard, who allegedly assaulted police with a baton seeks release from pretrial jail arguing, He's a "lone individual who was persuaded by the violent rhetoric of Donald Trump and the Republican party and was led to believe that the 2020 election was stolen".

The Justice Dept wants Ballard to remain jailed: "His decision to bring a police baton and gas mask demonstrates that Ballard planned for violence. The fact that Ballard watched the violence for almost 2 hours before acting demonstrates that he was not caught up in the moment".
The Justice Dept has adopted the language used by *so many* Jan 6 defendants --- "caught up in the moment" -- and uses against this defendant.
Justice Dept: "Ballard can be seen at the front of the rioters confronting US Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department officers who were defending the lower west terrace archway. As depicted in public video footage, Ballard threw a tabletop at the police officers".
Prosecutors allege Ballard assaulted police in the tunnel on Jan 6 and shined a flashlight in the eyes of officers, disorienting them.

Ballard argued he was not part of the organized group on Jan 6.