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Author Topic: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation  (Read 125784 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #880 on: July 23, 2022, 09:46:24 AM »
Former President Donald Trump went on a massive tirade late Thursday night after the House select committee on the Jan 6th riot concluded their latest public hearing, with Trump ending his night by trashing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as a "disloyal sleaze bag!"

Trump is the ultimate disloyal sleaze bag. The worst American traitor since Benedict Arnold.

In the future, let's not elect a businessman, a TV reality star, an actor, or even a general or admiral. Let's stick with politicians like governors, senators and congressmen. They have worked out ok in the past. A non-politician might work out ok, and has worked out well to very well, in the past. Men like Eisenhower and Grant, for instance. But you never know what you are going to get.

It may be that a narcissist individual like Trump isn't interested in being Senator or Governor. He wants to be head of the company, or head of the nation, or nothing at all. Choosing from the ranks of politicians might weed these people out. It seems to have worked in the past.

Democracy is a fragile relay race. From 1789 to 2012, we had 57 presidential elections, 57 baton exchanges. On the 58th exchange in 2016, we dropped the baton. Entrusted the presidency to someone who wanted to be President for Life. Let's steer away from that in the future. Why take chances?

Nice post.

The mainstream media played a huge part in propping up Donnie when he ran for president. They even did the same for Bush back in 2000.

All we heard from the media was the narrative that "Bush is the guy you want to sit down and have a beer with" and Al Gore is "too boring like a college professor". That phony narrative was played up by the media all the way until election day.

We are electing leaders for their intellect and how well they can assume the responsibilities as president. Not someone who can tell stories and jokes at a bar with a beer.

And look what we got with Bush. Two failed wars, massive debt, and an economic crisis.

The media did the same thing for Donnie when he ran. The media used the narrative that "Americans are tired of politicians and want tv stars", the nurse, the doctor, the local baker to run for local and federal office instead.

Would you have your mechanic do emergency surgery on you instead of the qualified surgeon? Of course not, so why would you vote for someone unqualified that votes on the most important laws that affects your life?

Donnie was a total disaster and that's what happens when people vote for an unqualified tv star to assume the the role of the most important job on the planet.     

Now Donnie is only endorsing far right wing MAGA candidates that are 100% loyal to him. These people have zero qualifications to be in office. But Donnie demands that they lie for him and push his fake "election fraud" conspiracies. As long as they pledge a loyalty oath to him and push his lies, he will endorse them.

That is what you call a cult and not a political party.

Any Republican should be outraged that Trump attempted a coup to steal the election from the American people. The Republicans that did speak out were immediately attacked by Trump and his allies. He is currently going after every Republican that didn't help him steal the election by trying to replace them with his loyalists.

Like I said, the GOP is a cult. We saw that when the GOP refused to hold Trump accountable for January 6th as they let him off the hook during the impeachment trial. They also helped him try to steal the election from the American people. And these are the same GOP traitors who want to control our government.                           

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #880 on: July 23, 2022, 09:46:24 AM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #881 on: July 24, 2022, 04:51:59 AM »

. . .
And look what we got with Bush. Two failed wars, massive debt, and an economic crisis.

Agreed. Bush was a very unsuccessful president. But at least he was not a traitor. And I appreciate his standing with Clinton and Obama (both successful presidents) in supporting democracy.

. . .
Now Donnie is only endorsing far right wing MAGA candidates that are 100% loyal to him. These people have zero qualifications to be in office. But Donnie demands that they lie for him and push his fake "election fraud" conspiracies. As long as they pledge a loyalty oath to him and push his lies, he will endorse them.

And worst yet, if they win office, and Trump runs in 2024, and Trump loses the state they are in, they will try as hard as they can to declare the election was rigged and award their state’s votes for Trump.

The worst mistake Democrats are making are running ads to help Trump’s candidates win Republican primaries. Under the theory this will give them a certain win in November. This is playing with fire. In the words of a 1950’s submarine movie of World War II (as I recall) “They are either being very clever or very stupid. Maybe too clever, too stupid”. This is playing with fire. Who knows what scandal might break out for a Democratic candidate for an important position? I wish, for once, they would just play it safe. It also erodes the moral high ground for the Democrats, which should not be casually cast aside.

. . .
Like I said, the GOP is a cult. We saw that when the GOP refused to hold Trump accountable for January 6th as they let him off the hook during the impeachment trial. They also helped him try to steal the election from the American people. And these are the same GOP traitors who want to control our government.                         

More than a cult. They are traitors. This nation has a higher proportion of traitors in the country since 1860. They see they can no longer win. And with each presidential election, their odds of winning a presidential election becomes more and more remote, even with the advantage of the Electoral College. Rather than accept this and remain loyal to democracy, they resolve to do what ever they can to win the next election. Which might allow them to rig the system so their side can stay in power, regardless of future elections. In the back of their minds, that is what they are thinking. Maybe they just have to win one more time to reverse the course of history.

The problem is not Trump. The problem is not Republican politicians who have sold out (and too many who have not sold out are soon to be out of office). It is with the attitudes of tens of millions of Republican voters. After Trump is gone, they aren’t going to give up. It may look like they have given up, as they drop away from Trump. But they have not given up. They will look for another Trump. Most of them are looking for another Trump right now.

I felt compelled to leave the Republican party in January 2021. My fantasy is that some day I can rejoin it. But that will never happen. I am in my 60’s. This block of disloyal Americans is going to outlive me. I will never join with them.

This is a bad situation. Even if the Republicans never win the presidency, nor the house, nor the senate, it’s a bad situation. We need a two-party system. So both parties can compete with each other. But how can we do this with so many disloyal Americans? Over time, with loyal Americans compelled to vote for the Democratic party, their politicians won’t be compelled to compete for votes. What effect with this have on the Democratic politicians?

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #882 on: July 24, 2022, 11:08:33 AM »
Agreed. Bush was a very unsuccessful president. But at least he was not a traitor. And I appreciate his standing with Clinton and Obama (both successful presidents) in supporting democracy.

And worst yet, if they win office, and Trump runs in 2024, and Trump loses the state they are in, they will try as hard as they can to declare the election was rigged and award their state’s votes for Trump.

The worst mistake Democrats are making are running ads to help Trump’s candidates win Republican primaries. Under the theory this will give them a certain win in November. This is playing with fire. In the words of a 1950’s submarine movie of World War II (as I recall) “They are either being very clever or very stupid. Maybe too clever, too stupid”. This is playing with fire. Who knows what scandal might break out for a Democratic candidate for an important position? I wish, for once, they would just play it safe. It also erodes the moral high ground for the Democrats, which should not be casually cast aside.

More than a cult. They are traitors. This nation has a higher proportion of traitors in the country since 1860. They see they can no longer win. And with each presidential election, their odds of winning a presidential election becomes more and more remote, even with the advantage of the Electoral College. Rather than accept this and remain loyal to democracy, they resolve to do what ever they can to win the next election. Which might allow them to rig the system so their side can stay in power, regardless of future elections. In the back of their minds, that is what they are thinking. Maybe they just have to win one more time to reverse the course of history.

The problem is not Trump. The problem is not Republican politicians who have sold out (and too many who have not sold out are soon to be out of office). It is with the attitudes of tens of millions of Republican voters. After Trump is gone, they aren’t going to give up. It may look like they have given up, as they drop away from Trump. But they have not given up. They will look for another Trump. Most of them are looking for another Trump right now.

I felt compelled to leave the Republican party in January 2021. My fantasy is that some day I can rejoin it. But that will never happen. I am in my 60’s. This block of disloyal Americans is going to outlive me. I will never join with them.

This is a bad situation. Even if the Republicans never win the presidency, nor the house, nor the senate, it’s a bad situation. We need a two-party system. So both parties can compete with each other. But how can we do this with so many disloyal Americans? Over time, with loyal Americans compelled to vote for the Democratic party, their politicians won’t be compelled to compete for votes. What effect with this have on the Democratic politicians?

I've always been an Independent voter because I had problems with some of the platforms of both parties. Since 2016, I will never vote for a Republican ever again. Any Republican worth voting for has been pushed out of the party and has been replaced by deranged MAGA conspiracy theorists who are hellbent on destroying our democracy.

That's why MAGA cult loyalists are running for office as Secretary of State and Governor so they can have their thumb on the button of the elections. When Republicans lose elections in those states the loyalists can claim the election was "rigged" and declare the Republican loser the winner over the will of the people.       

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #882 on: July 24, 2022, 11:08:33 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #883 on: July 24, 2022, 07:49:56 PM »
Liz Cheney nails Fox News host after he tries to ‘blame the Capitol Police’ for Jan. 6

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) responded to a Fox News host after he suggested that law enforcement and House Speaker Nancy Peolosi (D-CA) were responsible for the Jan. 6 attacks on the U.S. Capitol.

In an interview on Sunday, Fox News host Bret Baier argued that the Jan. 6 Committee should be investigating why law enforcement failed to stop the riot that was incited by former President Donald Trump.

Baier told Cheney that "the assets weren't prepped and ready" on Jan. 6.

"Is there testimony already gathered on Speaker Pelosi's decisions or the Sgt. at Arms in the House and Senate on that regard?" he wondered.

Cheney revealed that the Jan. 6 Committee has an "entire team" devoted to examining Capitol security.

"So it's certainly something that we're going to be very focused on," she replied. "But what we aren't going to do, Bret, is blame the Capitol Police, blame those in law enforcement for Donald Trump's armed mob that he sent to the Capitol."

"OK," Baier said, trying to interrupt while Cheney continued to answer.

"There were intelligence failures," she admitted. "Clearly, the security should have operated better than it did. But this was mob Donald Trump sent to the Capitol and I think that's important to keep our eye on."

Watch the video below from Fox News:

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #884 on: July 25, 2022, 11:06:48 AM »
Bill Pascrell, Jr. @BillPascrell

564 days ago insurrectionists ransacked the US Capitol and *hours later* 68% of House republicans voted to finish the rioters’ job and make trump a dictator. Never forget it.

Here are the 138 House republicans who voted to install trump as a dictator hours after rioters tried to do the same.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #884 on: July 25, 2022, 11:06:48 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #885 on: July 26, 2022, 10:37:09 AM »
Liz Cheney serves notice to Ginni Thomas that the Jan 6th committee is prepared to subpoena her

Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday morning, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) left no doubt that the House committee investigating the Jan. 6th insurrection will definitely consider issuing a subpoena to Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, if she refuses to testify.

During her appearance with host Jake Tapper, the conservative lawmaker was asked about Thomas' attempts to subvert the 2020 presidential election results and whether the committee will press her to testify.

"She was writing to them about efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, not to mention her correspondence with Arizona lawmakers pushing fake electors. Is your committee planning on talking to her?" host Tapper asked.

"We are," Cheney replied. "The committee is engaged with her counsel and hope she will agree to come in voluntarily. The committee is prepared to contemplate a subpoena if she does not."

"I hope it doesn't get to that and I hope she comes voluntarily," she continued. "We've spoken with numbers of people who are similarly situated in terms of the discussions that she was having as you mentioned. It's very important for us to speak with her and, as I said, I hope she'll agree to do so voluntarily -- I'm sure we'll contemplate a subpoena if she won't."


Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #886 on: July 26, 2022, 10:46:24 AM »
Inside the close and personal relationships Clarence and Ginni Thomas have with key players in Jan. 6

The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on Congress and attempt to overthrow the election has moved closer to subpoenaing Ginni Thomas, co-chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) revealed on Sunday.

More evidence has been presented about the political relationships that Thomas along with her husband, Justice Clarence Thomas, have with special interest groups that control the judicial options handed to Republican lawmakers.

Conservative judicial activist Leonard Leo, who has worked with the Federalist Society for years, and has been referred to as "arguably the most powerful figure in the federal justice system" with his "network of interlocking nonprofits," the Washington Post described, which were started and funded to get Republicans to put their judges on the bench.

While Brett Kavanaugh was being promoted by Trump, Leo told a group of top Koch network donors that he was "just the beginning of an even bigger effort to load up the federal judiciary with conservative judges," quoted CNBC. It proved to be correct, as Trump scored his third Justice just weeks before the election. It resulted in the overturning of reproductive freedom and privacy for women across the country.

A former colleague told the Daily Beast that Leo’s efforts to change the judiciary came from his realization that the conservative position on culture war issues like abortion, contraception, and LGBTQ rights were unpopular. Americans were never going to vote to eliminate LGBTQ equality, abortion or contraception. The only way of ensuring that it would happen is if it was forced on Americans by conservative justices.

That became reiterated in Justice Clarence Thomas' concurring decision eliminating Roe.

"Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous,’ we have a duty to ‘correct the error’ established in those precedents,” Thomas wrote citing to the rulings that legalized contraception, same-sex relationships and marriage equality, respectively. “In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous’ … we have a duty to ‘correct the error’ established in those precedents."

It's the reason that the House moved legislation to codify same-sex relationships and contraception legislatively.

While Leo's life in politics is certainly his own, his close relationship with the Thomas family appears to be a driving force behind the decisions from Thomas.

Leo and Thomas have a longstanding friendship that began when he served under Thomas on the Court of Appeals in 1990 before Thomas was appointed to the Supreme Court, the Washington Post explained.

The Daily Beast noted that the two have taken vacations together.

"Leo made Thomas the godfather of one of his children, and, according to The New York Times, has hosted the justice on vacation at his New England getaway. Thomas’ wife, Ginni Thomas, was also the subject of a recent profile by the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, titled, ‘Is Ginni Thomas a Threat to The Supreme Court?’ It detailed the staggering extent and depth of connections between the justice’s wife and conservative groups," said the report.

That same piece noted that Leo didn't start at the Federalist Society right after being hired so he could help Thomas through the confirmation process. Thomas has been a member of the group since the 1980s when he was in college and continues to give.

The report also described Leo's adviser from the company CRC Advisors, who helped Thomas promote a new release of his 2007 memoir in 2021. CRC was founded by a former executive director of the National Conservative Political Action Committee in the late 80s. CRC Advisors was then created by Leo and the CRC's longtime President Greg Mueller in 2020. Leo told Axios when the CRC planned to inject a “minimum of $10 million” into court advocacy matters ahead of the 2020 election.

"When Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was promoting a new release of his 2007 memoir last October, he made an interesting choice for his public relations firm, a company run by one of the most influential figures in conservative legal circles: Leonard Leo. Leo, the former head of the Federalist Society and a top fundraiser for right-wing judiciary activist groups, wasn’t just in charge of Thomas’ memoir; Leo’s PR firm, CRC Advisors, was also tasked with promoting a Thomas documentary, and the firm was the registered agent for four Thomas-centric web domains," noted the report.

They've also been activists in the far right side of the Catholic church, the New York Times described in Feb. 2022.

"Leo, a Catholic like the justice, first met him when he was clerking on the District of Columbia Circuit," said the Times. "Thomas, then a judge on that court, became a mentor. The justice has spent time at Leo’s New England vacation home, is godfather to one of his children and has supported him through hardships, including the death of his 14-year-old daughter from spina bifida. The two men often discussed religion — Thomas once recommended he read “A History of Christianity” by Paul Johnson — and Leo says Justice Thomas saw parallels between how the church grew and how to build a body of conservative jurisprudence."

The same report from the Times also revealed that Thomas is the godfather of one of Leo's daughters.

“The justice has spent time at Leo’s New England vacation home, is godfather to one of his children and has supported him through hardships, including the death of his 14-year-old daughter from spina bifida," said the Times.

Thomas even keeps a drawing from Leo's daughter on his desk, a New Yorker report from 2017 reported.

"In the meantime, he had married his high-school sweetheart, Sally Schroeder. In 1992, they had their first child, Margaret, who was born with spina bifida, which confined her to a wheelchair and led to other medical complications... 'She was extraordinarily vivacious, talented, simple. She had a great way with people,' [said Leo]. Clarence Thomas, Leo said, still keeps her drawings under glass on his desk.'"

Ginni Thomas went so far as to say that she considers Leo to be a mentor of hers. She gave Leo an award at one of her Impact Awards. She called him a "hero," a "force of nature," and a "disciplined strategist." Prior to that, however, served on the board of Thomas’ Liberty Central group in 2010, which hired CRC Public Relations to be the spokesperson. He and Mrs. Thomas came together for the Council for National Policy, where Leo serves on the board and Thomas works on the political side, the Council for National Policy Action.

Such a board welcomes a group of other board members like extremists, conspiracy theorists, a recognized hate group and Ginni Thomas. The group was among those who attempted to overturn the 2020 election.

A 2013 Mother Jones report noted that the two also worked together on the right-wing messaging group Groundwell, which would meet in the offices of Judicial Watch. They coordinated with Breitbart and the conservative Washington Examiner.

"Believing they are losing the messaging war with progressives, a group of prominent conservatives in Washington—including the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and journalists from Breitbart News and the Washington Examiner—has been meeting privately since early this year to concoct talking points, coordinate messaging, and hatch plans for “a 30 front war seeking to fundamentally transform the nation,” reported Mother Jones, citing documents they'd obtained.

The 2013 report listed, “Among the conveners listed in an invitation to a May 8 meeting of Groundswell were Stephen Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart News Network; Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent who resoundingly lost a Maryland Senate race last year (and is now running for a House seat); Leonard Leo, executive vice president of the Federalist Society; Sandy Rios, a Fox News contributor; Lori Roman, a former executive director of the American Legislative Exchange Council; and Austin Ruse, the head of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute.”

Many of these people also pushed the 2020 election conspiracy and attempt to overthrow the election. Roman paints herself as an election fraud expert. Austin Ruse, another Trump supporter, argued Trump is "owed" a second term.

Read More Here:

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #887 on: July 26, 2022, 10:52:37 AM »
First MAGA rioter charged with attacking cops and media faces 3-4 years in prison

A Pennsylvania man pleaded guilty today to assault charges related to attacks on both Capitol police and members of the media at the January 6 riot in Washington D.C.

Alan William Byerly, 55, of Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, faced a prison sentence of 37 to 46 months if U.S. District Judge Randolph Moss follows federal sentencing guidelines recommended as part of his guilty plea. His sentencing is set for October 21.

As reported last July at Raw Story, Byerly tased and brawled with numerous officers, only to break away when they tried to apprehend him. Then, the FBI states, he continued his violence against an Associated Press photographer who had been dragged down Capitol steps by other rioters.

Byerly was the first Capitol riot charged with dual assaults on the police guarding the U.S. Capitol and media members covering the story. Byerly previously had purchased a stun gun, which he carried to the Trump rally and then to the Capitol grounds, according to the Department of Justice.

“At about 2:10 p.m., rioters pulled a journalist from the Associated Press – who was carrying a camera and wearing a helmet-style gas mask and a lanyard with Associated Press lettering – down a flight of stairs leading to the western front of the Capitol. Byerly watched the group that pulled the journalist down the stairs and a subsequent assault.

“Then, at the bottom of the stairs, he and three other individuals grabbed the journalist and pushed, shoved, and dragged him. Byerly grabbed the journalist with both hands and pushed him backwards. He then continued to push and drag him away from the stairs.”

Byerly also attacked officers with the Taser, as Raw Story reported.

"Officers yelled 'taser! Taser! Taser!' to warn that Byerly was charging and attacking officers...a cloud of smoke (possibly from a fire extinguisher) was dispersed from the direction of the riot crowd as Byerly continued to assault the officers (who) were finally able to restrain (him). Nevertheless, Byerly continued to resist and assault the officers (and) was able to flee with the assistance of a fellow rioter."

Read the FBI criminal complaint:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: 1/6 Insurrection Investigation
« Reply #887 on: July 26, 2022, 10:52:37 AM »