Mr. Ball. Was Bonnie Ray Williams ever out there with you?
Mr. Arce. No, he stayed upstairs with Hank. Junior stayed up there but he was down a little while and I guess he went upstairs.This suggests the following sequence:
1. Messrs Williams & Norman & Junior together upstairs
2. Mr Junior comes downstairs a little while, leaving Messrs Williams & Norman upstairs
3. Mr Norman also comes downstairs, rejoining Mr Jarman and leaving Mr Williams on his own upstairs
4. Messrs Norman & Jarman, just before the motorcade's arrival, deciding to re-join Mr Williams upstairs after all
I believe the choice of Messrs Jarman & Norman to go to FIVE rather than SIX was no accident, no 'stroke of luck' for whoever was on six. No--------these two employees KNEW that six was out of bounds AND that Mr Williams was now on FIVE. Mr Wiliams did NOT join them there, it was the other way around.
I believe further that the original agreement between a number of employees (as recollected by Mr Williams) to
watch the P. Parade from the sixth floor was stuck to by at least some of them-------------but that NONE of them ended up watching from that floor because they were told up there that it was off bounds.
Mr Oswald, of course, would not have had the authority to direct fellow employees to leave the floor.
And, of extra-course, the sixth floor would have been THE most stupid floor for Mr Oswald to choose to shoot from, given the HIGH LIKELIHOOD that at least some co-workers would choose to watch the motorcade from that prime vantage point. An employee gunman acting alone would have chosen the little-visited seventh floor.
As for who WAS on the commandeered sixth floor, well we have some useful clues.
Starting with the middle-aged dark-complected man and the weapon-holding man seen in two sixth-floor windows by Mr Arnold Rowland some fifteen minutes before the assassination.
And the hat-wearing white man seen looking for something amongst boxes on six by Ms Mary Hall shortly before she left the Dal-Tex building to watch the P. Parade down on the street.