Here is some wordage from my thread "Oswald's shot-1 was at Z113?".
Adams supports a shot at Z113, before JFK disappears behind the oak.,2862.0.htmlVictoria Adams heard Oswald's shot-1either before her view of JFK was obstructed by a tree, or after, her wording is ambiguous. If Adams heard the shot after JFK was obstructed then that would be at say Zapruder frame Z123 or later, ie at least 10 frames later than what we know to be the actual position of JFK at the time of Oswald's shot-1, ie Z113. My understanding of her wordage tells me that she heard the shot before her view of JFK was obstructed, which accords with Z113 being the time &place of the shot.
Mr. BELIN - From the east side, were you standing in the third pair, of either of those windows?
Miss ADAMS - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Now, of that third pair, from the east side, would it have been the east window or the west window?
Miss ADAMS - The west window.
Mr. BELIN - So another way, if you don't count in pairs, but count in single units from the east side, you would have been in the sixth window from your left as you were facing out the window, is that correct?
Miss ADAMS - That's right.
Mr. BELIN - Were you standing with anyone
Miss ADAMS - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - With whom?
Miss ADAMS - I was standing with Sandra Styles, Elsie Dorman, and Dorothy May Garner.
Mr. BELIN - Will you state what you saw, what you did, and what you heard?
Miss ADAMS - I watched the motorcade come down Main, as it turned from Main onto Houston, and watched it proceed around the corner on Elm, and apparently somebody in the crowd called to the late President, because he and his wife both turned abruptly and faced the building, so we had a very good view of both of them.
Mr. BELIN - Where was their car as you got .this good view, had it come directly opposite your window? Had it come to that point on Elm, or not, if you can remember
Miss ADAMS - I believe it was prior, just a second or so prior to that.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Miss ADAMS - And from our vantage point we were able to see what the President's wife was wearing, the roses in the car, and things that would attract men's attention.
Then we heard ---
then we were obstructed from the view.
Mr. BELIN - By what?
Miss ADAMS -
A tree. and we heard a shot, and it was a pause, and then a second shot, and then a third shot.
It sounded like a firecracker or a cannon at a football game, it seemed as if it came from the right below rather than from the left above. Possibly because of the report. And after the third shot, following that, the third shot, I went to the back of the building down the back stairs, and encountered Bill Shelley and Bill Lovelady on the first floor on the way out to the Houston Street dock.
The pix shows the traject of the slug from Oswald to the signal arm & then to JFK.
And it shows the window where Adams was watching (with Dorman & others), & we see the tree.

The ricochet gave us three lots of fragments.
The shower of small lead hit JFK in the back of the head, actually the right-hand-side of the back, koz he was looking right (Xrays).
The lead slug put a hole in the floor near the jump seats, & rattled around tween the driveshaft road & limo.
The full metal jacket broke in two as usual, & ended up hitting carpet tween the jump seats (CE567 CE569).