Let's take Hickey's observation that he observed JFK slumped to the left in the car and then observed him come up (22Nov63 statement) or "He was slumped forward and to his left, and was straightening up to an almost erect sitting position as I turned and looked." (30Nov63 statement) and see whether there is something that could have given him that impression. Hickey said he turned to the rear for about 2-3 seconds before looking forward just before the time of the last shots. So he is comparing the position of JFK that he had seen before he turned to the rear to the position he saw him when he turned forward again.
When Hickey is last seen in frame z208 (the top half of z212) he is facing forward and rising up. From z225-235 JFK slumps forward and down and to the left of where he had been when waving to the crowd. If Hickey saw JFK up to z230 say, and then turned to the rear for a few seconds before looking forward around z265-z270 (some time after Altgens 6), he would have seen a change in JFK's position. If you compare frame z230 and z270 (which is a bit more than 2 seconds), there is a noticeable difference:
By z267, JFK is not slumping forward as he was in z230. He is sitting more erect. Not fully erect, but more than he was in z230. So Hickey would naturally have the impression that JFK had been straightening up. Nothing inaccurate about that at all. Perfectly reasonable.
The observation of the hair on the right side of JFK's head flying forward without causing damage to JFK is raises a different kind of issue. The issue in the first observation concerned the accuracy of his description of a change in JFK's position. In the hair flying up observation, the issue is whether the event it occurred at all, and if so, whether it occurred at the time he heard the second shot as he stated. The accuracy of the event can be determined by the fact that the hair flies forward on the right side of JFK's head (and no one else's hair moves at all) at the time that the 1.......2...3 shot pattern indicates the second shot could have occurred. The hair flies up into the apparent wind caused by the motion of the car. It is unusual. That is the only time such a hair movement occurs while Hickey could have been turned forward. It is very hard to imagine how he he could have guessed that it occurred then without actually seeing it. His description fits what is seen in the zfilm.
So Hickey's observation of the hair flip is definitely accurate. He must have seen it. There is no other way he could have known it had occurred. The only question is whether it occurred at the time of the second shot. To corroborate that, we have the dozens of witnesses who recalled the last two shots being close together, the first shot being the neck shot and the last shot being the head shot. We also have Greer and Powers who described what occurred on the second shot (Powers: Connally disappeared from his view; Greer: turned around immediately after the second shot and saw Connally falling - he turns by z283).
So my conclusion, which is consistent with all the evidence, is that Hickey actually saw the hair flying up on the right side of JFK's head without any damage occurring at the time of the second shot and this occurred at z273-276. You may not agree with my conclusion. But if you do not, you have a disagreement with the evidence, not my reasoning.
"From z225-235 JFK slumps forward and down and to the left..." 
Your "untruthfulness" knows no bounds.
I was intrigued to see what fabrications your slippery mind would come up with but this is off the charts.
You genuinely believe you can misrepresent the Z-Film, state something has happened in it that obviously hasn't happened and that it won't be mentioned. Who do you think you are - Hickey?
JFK does not slump forward, down and to the left between frames z225 and z235. Have you lost your mind??
From z225 onwards JFK grabs his throat and sits bolt upright, he leans slightly forward, Jackie grabs hold of his arms and
then he slumps to his left. This is what happens in the Z-Film and none of your untruthing will change that.
JFK does not begin to slump to his left until around z260.
In fact, Altgens 6 (z255) shows JFK sat up and leaning slightly forward but before he has begun to slump to the left:

Your arrogance, to believe you can simply ride roughshod over the film/photographic record, is unbelievable. And none of this changes the fact that in his statement Hickey is clear that when he turns around
after hearing the first shot he sees JFK slumped to his left - this can only be a reference to the moment JFK has actually slumped to his left, something observed by dozens and dozens of witnesses.
From this slumped position Hickey then recalls JFK beginning to sit upright until he is almost erect and is then shot in the head.
JFK does not begin sit up after he has slumped to the left.
Hickey is FoS. His account of the shooting is wholly unreliable as he reports seeing things that do not happen. It isn't a question of him comparing JFK's position before he turned around to when he turned back, that's just your slippery mind in action. Hickey is supposedly describing an action that occurs after he has turned round from the position we see him in Altgens 6 - he is turned facing back and to his right at z255. JFK slumps to his left almost immediately after this moment.
Hickey then turns and describes something that clearly didn't happen, demonstrating his recollection of the moment of the headshot is severely defective and not to be trusted.
As for JFK's fringe ruffle, that you put down to a wayward shot...
"But if you do not, you have a disagreement with the evidence, not my reasoning."

What reasoning!!