However, IF that address label on the Nixie Package is indeed in Mr Oswald's handwriting, then that has the potential to change things----------dramatically.
Now! Let us see where the above line of thought
might take us.........................
1. We have a parcel connecting Mr Oswald to a bag
open at both ends made of
heavy brown wrapping paper2. Mr Oswald is testing whether he could get away with sending himself the real deal, i.e. a bag made of heavy brown wrapping paper long enough to carry a rifle
3. Mr Oswald brings the rifle to the Depository, telling Mr Frazier the bag contains curtain rods
4. After the assassination, Mr Frazier is in a panic. He consults with his sister and they concoct a story about a shorter bag (i.e. one short enough to contain curtain rods)
5. At some point in the days following the assassination, Mr Frazier himself brings two curtain rods to the Depository and quietly places them somewhere: he is desperate to NOT be the man who drove the rifle to the building 11/22
6. The curtain rods are found and tested for Mr Oswald's prints (negative result)
7. The discovery of the curtain rods causes a major headache for the 'investigation', leading to all sorts of shenanigans in the Paine garage in March '64
Just a line of thought!