I actually expressed skepticism that Oswald did this as there seemed no point. I don't see how this package moves the needle from either a LN or CT perspective. There is no obvious reason for anyone to send a package to a nonexistent address. What significance do you attribute to it? Why put anything inside the package at all if the purpose was some attempt to determine if his mail was being monitored?
To see if a
bulky package addressed to him @ a non-existent address would result in a notification at the Paine home. A test of whether he could post another, rifle-sized heavy brown paper bag without that being flagged to the authorities so close to the Presidential visit
The bag inside was too short for his rifle
So? If it was a dry run, then that's immaterial
or even your imaginary curtain rods.
Off-topic, but I'll bite: there's nothing imaginary about the two curtain rods submitted for testing for Mr Oswald's fingerprints 8 days before two curtain rods were taken from the Paine garage. The only thing imaginary is the idea that you and your friends have offered a rational explanation for this documented fact
And Oswald already knew the FBI was aware of his connection to the Paine home. They had even been there.
So what? The dry run I am postulating would have been to see if the authorities would take notice of a bulky parcel with his name on it
The handwriting does look similar to his but absent any reasonable explanation for Oswald doing this (and you have provided none) that leaves the possibility someone did it as a hoax after the assassination.
Well then you have a random hoaxer who knows to write in a handwriting style that will fool seasoned researchers for many years to come. Is that a reasonable explanation?