The JFK Records Act: Will There Be a Final Chapter?By Garland Branch Eliot Sperling and Natalie Gonzalez In: Uncategorized Posted September 22, 2021
— The JFK Act passed in 1992 required that all government agencies send any records concerning the JFK assassination to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), where they would be held for 25 years before released to the public on Oct. 26, 2017.
— Although the Act stated that no assassination records were to be destroyed, many documents, photographs, and audio files were destroyed or went missing both before and after the 1992 Act.
— Between July 24, 2017 and April 26, 2018, over 34,000 records were released from the JFK collection. However, many documents were redacted, while others were not released.
— On April 26, 2018, then-President Trump granted some agencies until April 26, 2021 to review the remaining documents and notify the NARA of any reasons why those should not be released.
— By this Sunday, Sept. 26, NARA will inform President Joe Biden of the agencies’ recommendations, and he will make a final decision whether the remaining records should be released on Oct. 26, 2021. [Oh how we wait with baited breath
Various records were released throughout the 1990s, but not always in full. Many were partially redacted, with words or sometimes whole pages blank. Some of those released revealed that Lee Harvey Oswald had visited the Soviet and Cuban Embassies in Mexico City just one month prior to the assassination. [Actually revealed that somebody using his name tried to do this]
It also told frightening tales of how far the U.S. government was willing to go to overthrow Fidel Castro. The files also include many irrelevant records, such as incomplete financial statements and duplicated documents.
From July 24, 2017 to April 26, 2018, over 34,000 documents were released or re-released with fewer redactions. Surprisingly, some re-releases had even more redactions than the originals.