Only two spent shells were handed over to the FBI at that time. Fritz supposedly kept one in his office for "comparison tests". But he didn't tell that story until June, 1964.
Only two spent shells were handed over to the FBI at that time. Thank you for the candid answer. And by the definition of
"at that time" you're referring to "on the evening of 11/22/63, isn't that correct?.
There are many photos that were taken on 11/22/63 which show that there were only two spent shells. A copy of an evidence photo that we've all seen, and is well known, shows the blanket at the right side of the photo, the 38 caliber S&W revolver in the center of the photo and a large brown paper bag stretching across the middle of the photo . In the lower left corner there is TWO spent rifle shells lying on the evidence envelope in which they had been placed in when they were found beneath the SE corner window. ( the top of the evidence envelope has been torn off and there is some faint writing on the envelope)
I believe that every intelligent and alert researcher has seen this evidence photo. It is printed on page 88 of DPD Chief Jesse Curry's book "
JFK Assassination File" And Curry has labeled the
TWO spent shells as item #1 in the photo. He identifies item #1 as " TWO 6.5mm Mannlicher Carcano cartridge cases found in the book depository building "
The original evidence list that was created to verify the evidence that was being released to the FBI at midnight 11/22/63. listed item number nine on the list is; ---Quote--" 6.5 spent rounds (2)-- unquote
Although there is no date on the evidence list, this listing is verification that the list was created on the evening of 11/22/63.
Item # 14 on this original list lists the so called "palm print" as one of the items being released to the FBI.
Item #14 says...quote --- 1 Partial palm print "off underside gun barrel near end of foregrip" on rifle c2766 ---unquote
What more proof do you need to understand that the so called "palm print" was in fact turned over to the FBI at midnight 11/22/63