I seriously doubt that, but even if it is true (quod non), it is xtremely telling that such a remark on a public forum should still trouble you so much after two years..... 
_'Seriously doubt' all you want. That doesn't change the fact that you are, by far, the phoniest individual on this forum. And a toothless debater to boot.
_'Trouble' >> No worries here, Bubba. More like filing memories for possible future reference. Its what artists do.
Ah... another insult. No surprise there.... But what I don't get is, why would anybody file as a memory for possible future reference an alleged comment (that never happened) by a person, he knows nothing about, on a public forum? Seems a pretty pointless exercise to me. Not that I believe a word you say.....
And calling yourself an "artist" doesn't make you one.
Btw somebody who feels a compulsive need to reply to (and explain) everything displays a massive insecurity. Why are you so insecure?
_'Explain everything' >>You lot have the market cornered on word-salads, Chucky.
_'Compulsive need to reply' >> aka pushback
_'Insecure' >>Your attack-dog, superficial presentation here points directly to you as the insecure party
Call it pushback as much as you want. People reading this will understand fully it's a massive compulsion, no more no less.
It's kinda comical for you to say;
Your attack-dog, superficial presentation here points directly to you as the insecure party, which makes no sense at all, and then accuse "you lot" (whoever they are) of writing word-salads.
As per usual you're all over the place and no doubt your compulsion will make you reply again. When you do, please try a bit more creative in your insults, as so far they have all been boring.