Fine. Then let’s have someone other than Dan O’meara at this forum step forth and give a list of:
* All that the conspirators accomplished (planting CE-399, etc.)
* Number of people needed to do each task.
And, what would also be helpful, give an example of a CT book that does this.
The failure of the CT community to do this is a clear indication that the vast majority of CTers envision a large conspiracy, too large to just lay out. Absolute proof that this is so? No. But as big a certainty as one is going to find in this world.
That would be fine, if you can find me a CTer who thinks that all the conspirators accomplished was the assassination of JFK and the planting of CE-399. But they seem to have a huge list of tasks the conspirators accomplished to kill JFK and cover it up.
It's been nearly 60 years. This is the most investigated event in American history. Multiple government investigations, independent news investigations, reporters, historians....
Yet all we hear is "the Warren Commission, the Warren Commission..." They want to attack that and only that and dismiss all of this other work. If we mention, for example, Robert Caro finding - after 25 years of study! - no involvement by LBJ we just get a wave of the hand.
If we went back in time and said to the conspiracists, "Okay, over the next half century we'll have all of these investigations, government and media, millions of pages of documents released, historians and reporters looking into the matter, would you accept that judgment?", they would agree to it.
But here we are and it's still not enough.