Thanks for posting the above Couch Film Snippet. As we see Officer Haygood squeezing his motorcycle between the 2 Camera Cars, to the extreme (R) there appears to be a DPD Cop running down the (N) side of Elm St. This individual is wearing a White Hat which looks just like the White Hat that the DPD Cop on the (S) side of Elm is wearing. Both of these Cops are almost directly across from each other. This possible DPD Cop is running Directly toward the Thornton Sign/Knoll. What we are seeing is happening Less than 1 minute after the Kill Shot. We know that DPD Officer Joe Marshall Smith is running/searching the backside of the Pergola at this same time. Obviously, this is Not Officer Smith that we are seeing running toward the Thornton Sign. I do Not see this Cop on the Darnell Film. There are copies of the Couch Film that do NOT include this cop running toward the Thornton Sign/Knoll. Trask does NOT mention this possible cop when he describes this same sequence in his, "Pictures Of The Pain". Does anyone Know the name of this possible DPD Cop? Please let me know. Thanks.
The officer trying to cross the street is Emmitt Smith. He wound up checking cars quite a ways North from the fence, by his account. Smith was one of the three traffic officers manning Elm/Houston. JM Smith was on the east side of the intersection, Barnett was on the North side, and Emmitt was near the SW corner, facing Houston.