NEW @amprog analysis: Why is Biden's Inflation Reduction Act so popular?
✅ A family of 4 can save $23,000
✅ A single parent can save $6,700
✅ A young adult can save $7,700
✅ An elderly couple can save $17,000
Here's how:
The Inflation Reduction Act Will Save Families Thousands of DollarsThe act will lower household costs across health coverage, prescription drugs, home energy, and electric vehicles.
The Inflation Reduction Act, passed by Congress and signed by President Joe Biden last month, makes historic investments to address climate change and contains the most sweeping health care reforms in a decade. The policies in the law are monumental on a national scale, reducing the deficit by $300 billion and standing up programs to spur the transition to clean energy and lower prescription drug prices. The act also provides near-immediate, tangible benefits for American families by lowering costs for home energy, new vehicles, health coverage, and prescription drugs.
The Inflation Reduction Act provides numerous opportunities for households to reduce their costs of living. This article provides four examples of how savings across the health care and climate-related provisions of the law could save a family thousands of dollars in a single year.
A family of four can save $23,000First, imagine a family in Phoenix consisting of two parents and two kids. Their household income is $125,000, and they purchase health insurance on their own through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces. They are homeowners, and in 2023 they will purchase a new electric vehicle (EV) and install rooftop solar with a backup battery.
The Inflation Reduction Act will reduce the cost of health coverage for this family. Like other families with incomes above 400 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL), the Phoenix family was previously ineligible for the ACA’s financial help toward health insurance marketplace premiums. The American Rescue Plan, which Congress passed in March 2021, increased the generosity of ACA premium tax credits and expanded eligibility above 400 percent of the FPL for 2021 and 2022. The Inflation Reduction Act extends those expanded subsidies through 2025. For the Phoenix family in 2022, the enhanced subsidies reduce the net cost of the marketplace benchmark silver plan premium by $2,288 annually—savings of 18 percent on a premium that would have otherwise been $12,913.
Under the Inflation Reduction Act, the Phoenix family is eligible to receive $7,500 at the point of sale off the cost of their new EV, provided they choose a model that meets the requirements for being made in North America. Once they have switched from a gasoline-powered car to an EV, the family will save up to $2,600 annually on their fuel costs. By installing rooftop solar and a backup battery to store the energy generated from the solar panels, the family will save 30 percent on project and installation costs, an average savings of $10,500. Together, these shifts toward cleaner energy could save the family $20,600.
In total, through the ACA premium tax credits and by taking advantage of the clean energy credits in the Inflation Reduction Act, the family can expect to save roughly $23,000 in 2023.
A single parent can save $6,700In Atlanta, a 55-year-old single parent with an 18-year-old child could save a total of about $6,700 across health care and energy costs because of the Inflation Reduction Act. With an income of $75,000, the enhanced marketplace subsidies saved them an additional $5,592 toward health care coverage this year.
The appliances—water heater, stove, dryer, and more—in the family’s rented apartment can be upgraded to energy-efficient appliances that will reduce energy bills and avoid indoor air pollution. Thanks to rebates in the Inflation Reduction Act, their landlord can have the full cost of the upgrade covered up to $14,000 given the income levels of the renting family. Across all households, the Inflation Reduction Act was projected to cut average annual energy costs by up to $1,146 according to the Rhodium Group. The forward-looking households who choose to switch to lower-cost electricity and higher-efficiency appliances such as heat pumps will save even more than the average.
A young adult can save $7,700Single individuals can also expect to see their costs go down as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act. A young adult in Milwaukee with an annual income of $40,000 can save roughly $7,700. They can save an additional $1,114 on their marketplace premium this year due to the enhanced financial help that the new law has extended.
This young adult is eligible to receive $4,000 at the point of sale for purchasing a used electric vehicle, a brand-new tax credit created by the Inflation Reduction Act to increase the accessibility and affordability of EVs. By making the switch from a gas-powered vehicle to an EV, they will save up to $2,600 in annual fuel costs, according to Consumer Reports.
An elderly couple can save $17,000For seniors, the Inflation Reduction Act offers relief from high prescription drug costs. For example, take an elderly, middle-class couple living in Pittsburgh who—like 1.4 million other Medicare beneficiaries nationwide, including 73,000 Pennsylvanians—spend more than $2,000 out of pocket for prescription drugs in a given year. In addition, one member of the couple is diabetic and insulin-dependent.
The Inflation Reduction Act makes significant changes to prescription drug pricing by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices and preventing drug companies from hiking prices in excess of inflation. The law’s drug price reforms are projected to generate $288 billion in federal savings over the next decade, and Medicare seniors will experience improved affordability because the act creates a new $2,000 maximum on annual out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs and caps insulin cost sharing at $35 per month.
Assuming the Pennsylvania couple’s out-of-pocket costs are equal to the average among beneficiaries whose drug costs exceed these new limits, they could each save $1,215 when the cap takes effect in 2025—$2,430 total—because of the annual out-of-pocket maximum, and they would save an additional $575 on insulin every year beginning in 2023.
This couple is eligible to receive up to $14,000 to cover the full cost of energy efficiency upgrades to their home appliances, such as a heat pump water heater, a heat pump for space heating or cooling, or an electric stove. The upgrades will come at no cost to the couple—and will help them save on their energy bills every year. Switching to energy-efficient appliances will also benefit the couple’s health by significantly reducing indoor air pollution from fossil fuel-based appliances.
In total for this scenario, the couple could save $17,000 on prescription drugs, new appliances, and energy bills in a single year.
ConclusionThe four households described in these scenarios will save thousands of dollars on basic purchases under the Inflation Reduction Act, and yet none will see their taxes rise. Even families who do not make the switch to electricity will still benefit from the law’s investments, which will reduce electricity rates, natural gas prices, and gasoline prices. Moreover, the new law’s wide-ranging benefits and deficit reduction are funded by ensuring that the wealthy pay what they owe and by cracking down on tax avoidance by large corporations, meaning that no family making less than $400,000 per year will experience a tax increase.
The Inflation Reduction Act delivers better affordability on life-saving medications, health insurance premiums, and energy bills. It will produce large savings for families who upgrade to cleaner energy, electric vehicles, and more efficient homes, which in turn will generate savings for years to come.
MethodologyThe Affordable Care Act marketplace savings described in this column represent the reduction in the net premium for benchmark silver plan coverage attributable to premium tax credit enhancement introduced in the American Rescue Plan. The authors used the Kaiser Family Foundation’s calculator tools to compute each household’s net premium with and without the enhanced subsidies, then reported the difference. Amounts are based on premiums for plan year 2022, the most recent year with available data. Because marketplace premiums vary with age, family composition, family income, and location, additional examples of savings for selected cities are shown below in Table 1 in the link below.