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Author Topic: U.S. Politics  (Read 224988 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1208 on: September 22, 2022, 07:22:17 AM »
GOP House candidate lied about being deployed to Afghanistan

During his campaign for a northwestern Ohio congressional seat, Republican J.R. Majewski has said he's an Air Force combat veteran who deployed to Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks . But according to military documents obtained by the Associated press, Majewski never deployed to Afghanistan, but instead spent a six-month stint helping load planes at an air base in Qatar.

The AP's report states that Majewski has exaggerated other aspects of his military service as well, namely "conspiracy theories, talk of violent action against the U.S. government" and "occasional financial duress."

“It bothers me when people trade on their military service to get elected to office when what they are doing is misleading the people they want to vote for them,” Don Christensen, a retired colonel and former chief prosecutor for the Air Force, said of Majewski. “Veterans have done so much for this country and when you claim to have done what your brothers and sisters in arms actually did to build up your reputation, it is a disservice.”

The House GOP campaign committee described Majewski as a veteran whose “squadron was one of the first on the ground in Afghanistan after 9/11.” A campaign ad launched by Majewski supporters claimed he was an “Afghanistan War Veteran." In a tweet from last year criticizing the U.S. withdraw from the country, he said he would “gladly suit up and go back to Afghanistan.”

Don Christensen, a retired colonel and former chief prosecutor for the Air Force, told the AP that as somebody was also stationed in Qatar, "I do not consider myself a combat veteran."

“I think that would be offensive to those who were actually engaged in combat and Iraq and Afghanistan," Christensen said.

Majewski’s campaign said that he calls himself a combat veteran because Qatar is considered a combat zone.

"Majewski also lacks many of the medals that are typically awarded to those who served in Afghanistan," the AP reports. "Though he once said that he went more than 40 days without a shower during his time in the landlocked country, he does not have an Afghanistan campaign medal, which was issued to those who served '30 consecutive days or 60 nonconsecutive days' in the country."

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Michigan GOP AG candidate may face criminal charges before election for tampering with voting machines: report

The GOP nominee for attorney general in Michigan could face criminal charges stemming from his election denialism before the November election.

Kalamazoo attorney Matthew Perno is being investigated by Muskegon County Prosecutor DJ Hilson, who was appointed special prosecutor by Attorney General Dana Nessel, the Detroit Free Press reported.

Hilson issued a statement on the timing of potential charges, saying, "As prosecutor, I have an ethical obligation to ensure that all necessary evidence and information is obtained and reviewed so that a determination of criminal charges can be made. In order to meet that obligation, I have determined that additional investigative work needs to be done and I am working with investigators on those issues."

"I am acting as expeditiously as possible, but due to this ethical obligation, I cannot say at this time when any decisions would be made."

Nessel requested a special prosecutor as DePerno is her opponent following an investigation by her office and the Michigan State Police.

Also under investigation are GOP state Rep. Daire Rendon and Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf, among others.

"According to documents from Nessel's office, several people − including DePerno − are also accused of either illegally tampering with voting machines or being present when others "broke into the tabulators." Additional people accused of misconduct in the request for a special prosecutor include Stefanie Lambert Juntilla, Ann Howard, Ben Cotton, Jeff Lenberg, Douglas Logan and James Penrose," the newspaper reported. "Juntilla, a lawyer, has worked on debunked legal efforts brought by Trump-supporting attorney Sydney Powell and others to suggest widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Cotton, Lenberg, Logan and Penrose worked both with Powell's so-called 'Kraken' team on discredited election efforts across the country and on DePerno's Antrim County lawsuit."

DePerno has denied any wrongdoing.

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JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1208 on: September 22, 2022, 07:22:17 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1209 on: September 22, 2022, 02:56:25 PM »
Senate approves first climate treaty in decades

While the Senate is badly divided on most climate issues, strong backing from the business community to eliminate hydrofluorocarbons.

The Senate ratified its first international climate treaty in three decades on Wednesday, approving an agreement worked out in 2016 that will phase down refrigerant chemicals that are among the most potent climate pollutants.

While the Senate is badly divided on most climate issues, strong backing from the business community to eliminate hydrofluorocarbons, known as HFCs, aligned with environmentalists’ agenda to help secure enough Republican support to meet the Constitution’s requirement of two-thirds support.

The Senate voted 69-27 to approve the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, joining 136 other nations and the European Union in approving the deal.

“The transition away from HFCs is expected to stimulate literally billions of dollars in economic investment in this country … create tens of thousands of jobs and significantly increase U.S. exports while using technology developed in this country,” Senate Environment and Public Works Chairman Tom Carper (D-Del.) said on Wednesday.

Originally approved in the 1980s, the landmark Montreal Protocol successfully brought down emissions of chemicals that harmed the ozone layer, but in turn prompted manufacturers to switch to a new family of chemicals — hydrofluorocarbons — that do not harm the ozone layer but are potent greenhouse gases. Today, HFCs are used in refrigerators and air conditioners, as well as foam and aerosol products.

Depending on its makeup, a pound of HFCs can have as much warming potential as hundreds or even tens of thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide. That makes capping their use a critical part of combatting near-term warming; the Kigali Amendment will stave off 0.5 degrees Celsius of warming this century, according to the Biden administration.

The amendment requires countries to reduce their use of HFCs by 85 percent over 15 years. It was negotiated at an international gathering in Rwanda in 2016 by John Kerry, then the secretary of State and now President Joe Biden’s international climate envoy, and Gina McCarthy, then the EPA administrator, who just recently stepped down as Biden’s national climate adviser.

Congress already did the hard work in late 2020, when the Senate reached a deal on legislation empowering EPA to more forcefully regulate HFCs in order to meet Kigali’s goal.

Since then, major business interests have lobbied for ratification, partly because U.S. manufacturers are poised to play a leading role in selling next-generation refrigerants with much less climate impact. Not ratifying the treaty also would have led to trade restrictions in the 2030s.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce made ratification a “key vote” and in a letter this week argued that approving it “would enhance the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturers working to develop alternative technologies, and level the global economic playing field.”

"The Senate is signaling that Kigali counts by ratifying the amendment,” Stephen Yurek, president and CEO of the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute, said in a statement. “It counts for the jobs it will create; it counts for global competitive advantage it creates; it counts with the additional exports that will result and it counts for U.S. technology preeminence.”

Despite having already given EPA the authority to effectively enforce the treaty, many Republicans still opposed ratification.

“Many of the benefits and jobs being touted are from U.S. innovations and our domestic legislation, not ratification of Kigali,” said Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.). “We did it here, we did it right. We don’t need to get entangled in another United Nations treaty.”

Lawmakers overwhelming voted to back a GOP amendment that calls for China to stop being classified as a developing nation under the United Nations’ main climate convention, and instead to be identified as a developed nation with more responsibilities. The amendment made ratification of the Kigali treaty contingent on the State Department filing an amendment with the UN reclassifying China as a developed nation — though not on successful passage of that amendment.

The agency last year issued a major regulation capping the U.S.’s HFC usage and ramping it down over the next 15 years in line with the Kigali Amendment’s timeline. EPA will dole out annual allowances to companies, which can then be traded or sold. That regulation attracted only narrow legal challenges, particularly over EPA’s ban on the use of disposable HFC canisters, which the agency said is a key part of its enforcement efforts.

EPA is also considering a litany of petitions filed by states, environmentalists and industry groups seeking specific end-use restrictions on certain HFC substances in various products.

EPA is also planning to restore a rule requiring HFC leak inspections and repairs for industrial and commercial refrigerators that was rolled back during the Trump administration, though final action isn’t expected until 2024.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1210 on: September 22, 2022, 09:55:50 PM »
More brand new national polls have been released today.

Not one poll showed any movement towards Republicans.

All of these 9 new polls however show movement towards Democrats.

538 now has the Democrats at +2 Dem in their generic poll model.

In order for the Democrats to safely regain control of the House, they need to be up by +3 points and a few polling firms already have the Democrats up by +3. Most have them up at +2. 
Here is the most recent polling coming out today showing Democrats up and gaining over Republicans:

Rasmussen, Fox News +3

NBC +2

NYT, Economist, Echelon, Morning Consult, Dem Corp, Navigator +1

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1210 on: September 22, 2022, 09:55:50 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1211 on: September 23, 2022, 07:34:24 AM »
The GOP pledges to BLOCK funding of ANY federal programs until next year. That would include veterans programs, aid to Puerto Rico, and infrastructure spending.

Once again the Republican party exposes themselves as the party of obstruction as they play political games with the lives of Americans. 

Republicans have zero interest in helping Americans with important issues in their lives.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1212 on: September 23, 2022, 08:44:39 AM »
Chuck Schumer @SenSchumer

Republicans are rolling out a new agenda—but we already know the MAGA GOP’s extreme agenda:

—A nationwide abortion ban
—Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block
—Raising taxes on working families

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1212 on: September 23, 2022, 08:44:39 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1213 on: September 23, 2022, 09:05:28 AM »
Val Demings @valdemings

My opponent will stop at nothing to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits.

Cheri Beasley @CheriBeasleyNC

Once again, my opponent Congressman Ted Budd has refused to stand up for our democracy – this time by voting against the Presidential Election Reform Act.

Here's a fact: Ted Budd is an election denier.

After the 2020 Election? Budd voted against certifying the election.

After January 6th? Budd defended insurrectionists and called them "patriots."

And now? He refuses to commit to upholding November's election result.

North Carolina deserves more from its next Senator.

Maggie Hassan @Maggie_Hassan

Don Bolduc will end Medicare as we know it and take away care for hundreds of thousands of Granite State seniors.

Bolduc would create immeasurable harm by taking away these critical programs.

The third rail Republicans can’t stop touching
Social Security and Medicare are wildly popular. So why do GOP Senate candidates keep talking about privatizing them?

Captain Mark Kelly @CaptMarkKelly

Lowering prescription drug costs. Strengthening Medicare. Protecting Social Security.

Arizona seniors can count on me to have their back.

Madison Horn for U.S. Senate @madisonhornok

Everyone needs to see this. @SenatorLankford is connecting the passing of a deeply flawed, extreme piece of legislation restricting women's rights with rain falling as a sign of God’s blessing. The fact is, women are now suffering and Oklahoma is still in a drought.


Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1214 on: September 23, 2022, 04:55:00 PM »
Lindsey Graham and the GOP want a national abortion ban.


Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1215 on: September 23, 2022, 09:33:51 PM »
Kevin McCarthy and the GOP unveiled their new radical agenda.

Their agenda calls for:   

A nationwide abortion ban.
Higher prescription drug prices.
Gutting Social Security and Medicare.
Less secure elections and a weakened democracy.

158 out of 212 House Republicans have called for slashing and privatizing Social Security, raising the retirement age to 70 and ending Medicare as we know it as part of the GOP Contract For Cruelty.

Republicans have been very vocal about eliminating Social Security and Medicare.

Their radical plan also calls for arming teachers with guns at schools, whitewashing history they don't like, and banning books nationwide.

Republicans are already banning books in red states and banning history subjects in schools that deal with slavery and racism.

Seniors can't afford to pay high taxes and lose their Social Security. Republicans with their own words.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1215 on: September 23, 2022, 09:33:51 PM »