Lauren Boebert mocked after being busted by CNN for lying
Raw Story reported last week that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) missed the vote for raising the debt ceiling, which she had opposed. But a reporter at Axios spotted her rushing up the steps of the Capitol just as the vote was being closed. She'd missed it and the press knew.
A new video from CNN showed it wasn't just the word of a reporter that observed Boebert racing up the steps, they got her on video.
A CNN producer was heard on video saying, "They closed it."
"They closed it?" Boebert shouted back.
"Yeah," the producer said. Boebert paused, but then continued running up the steps of the Capitol.
First, Boebert claimed that there was no such thing as the debt ceiling and that it was all "fake news."
"Tomorrow's bill is a bunch of fake news and fake talking points that will do nothing to rein in out-of-control federal spending," she said.
"No excuses," Boebert said on June 3. " I was ticked off they wouldn't let me do my job, so I wouldn't take the vote. Once again, Washington's power machine shoved a multi-trillion-dollar bill down our throats, refused to allow debate or amendments, disregarded everything we fought for, in January to actually allow representatives to do their jobs, and instead, they served us up a cr*p sandwich."
She claimed that she simply refused to be part of it. In fact, she tried to be a part of it and then missed it.
As a fact check, there were 81 proposed amendments, and 14 of those were either co-sponsored or even introduced by Boebert.
As it turns out, she did show up for the vote.
When CNN released the video of her racing up the steps, it called her office to ask for an explanation for the Twitter claim that it was a "protest."
"A spokesperson responded by providing a link to Boebert’s Thursday statement, which outlined her opposition to the bill but did not substantiate her subsequent assertion in the social media video that she had missed the vote on purpose," said CNN.
“I certainly wasn’t afraid to vote against the bill, as I have been advocating against it all week,” Boebert said in the statement.
Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki dragged Boebert while subbing for Chris Hayes' show Monday night. "You snooze you lose," the screen said.
"I can't stop watching that," Psaki chuckled.
News 9 Denver's Kyle Clark did his own commentary on the matter Monday, saying that Boebert had a note put in the Congressional record that she missed the debt ceiling vote because she was "unavoidably detained."
"Now she's saying she skipped the vote on purpose as a protest," said Clark. "Both cannot be true and Boebert knows which one of her claims is a lie. Congresswoman Boebert often gets a pass from the media for making outrageous and false statements because she does it so often. That's not fair to the Coloradans in her district or to the elected officials who do not blatantly lie to voters. I can hear you saying, 'Oh, all politicians lie all the time.' Except they don't. We have covered countless conservatives and progressives and everywhere in between, politicians who strive to tell the truth every day. They don't all offer up obvious, clumsy lies that insult the intelligence of voters."
He closed by saying that if a politician makes something up they will always call them out, but it "doesn't give anyone else the license to lie, even if they make it part of their personal brand."
"Here's why this matters," Jon Cooper tweeted. "Yes, it exposes Lauren as incompetent. But it also exposes her as a LIAR. Because she CLAIMED her no-show vote was a form of protest because the bill was a "cr*p sandwich.” She was so smug and so proud in another video claiming that she skipped the vote because 'they wouldn't let me do my job.' Gee. I thought her job was to vote."
See videos in link below:Morgan Rimmer @morgan_rimmerHere is a clip from that night outside the Capitol, showing Rep. Boebert running up the stairs as though she was trying to make the vote, and me telling her that it had closed already.
*running up steps*
Me: They closed it.
Boebert: They closed it?
*keeps running*Watch: Clark @KyleClarkCommentary: Giving Rep. Lauren Boebert a pass for lying about missing the debt ceiling vote does a disservice to her constituents and to elected officials who haven't made falsehoods their personality. #copoliticsWatch: Santos begs court not to reveal who paid his $500,000 bond
Rep. George Santos' (R-NY) lawyers filed court documents Monday in which they begged a judge to keep the guarantor who paid the congressman's bail bond secret, according to CBS News reporter Scott MacFarlane.
Santos was indicted and held on $500,000 bond which was paid for by an undisclosed person. The lawyers explained that they're seeking to keep the identity sealed because they "are likely to suffer great distress, may lose their jobs and, God forbid, may suffer physical injury."
“There is little doubt that the suretors will suffer some unnecessary form of retaliation if their identities and employment are revealed," the defense lawyer also said.
“My client would rather surrender to pretrial detainment than subject these suretors to what will inevitably come," the lawyer explained.
MacFarlane also said that Santos' latest court filing revealed that the House Ethics Committee had asked him about the identity of the individuals that helped pay his bond, but his lawyers refused to answer.
Read More Here: Crow’s argument for refusing to cooperate with Senate investigators is feeble: legal expert
Harlan Crow is at the center of an ethics scandal over lavish gifts to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and the conservative billionaire isn't offering up much in the way of a legal argument for declining to cooperate with a Senate inquiry, legal analyst Kim Wehle writes for The Bulwark.
Crow’s gifts to Thomas and his wife, Ginni, which included luxury vacations, are the subject of a ProPublica investigative report that have prompted renewed calls for Supreme Court ethics reform.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin issued a statement last month calling for “the full extent of Mr. Crow’s and the corporations’ gifts to Justice Thomas, what other individuals were able to gain special access to Justice Thomas and any other Justices via the travel and lodging provided, and whether those individuals had interests before the Supreme Court.”
Crow claims the request to review the gifts is unconstitutional and has declined to comply.
His attorney Michael Bopp, in a letter to responding to the committee’s request wrote that “Congress does not have the constitutional power to impose ethics rules and standards on the Supreme Court,” and that therefore the entire investigation is illegitimate.
Wehle contends that the Crow’s lawyer is making a flimsy argument.
Wehle writes that “If Bopp’s letter were filed with a federal court, it would come precariously close to violating Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which enables courts to impose sanctions on lawyers for advocating excessively frivolous arguments.”
Bopp in his letter argues that the Constitution restricts Congress from applying the types of ethical rules and standards already exist or lower court on the Supreme Court.
Wehle writes that “The argument is that the Supreme Court is created by the Constitution expressly, whereas the Constitution gives Congress the power to create the lower federal judiciary, which it did with the first Federal Judiciary Act of 1789, so Congress can only regulate the courts that it actually creates in the first place.”
Wehle believes that Bopp’s argument that the Supreme Court is “so constitutionally sacrosanct” that it is above being accountable to Congress is historically inaccurate.
“Crow is rebuffing a legitimate inquiry into an ethics scandal that directly involves himself,” Wehle writes.
“Given the sobering separation of powers concerns at stake, Crow’s contempt of the U.S. Congress is truly contemptible.”
Read the full article here: