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Author Topic: U.S. Politics  (Read 225240 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1496 on: June 07, 2023, 09:05:03 AM »
Yesterday, the do nothing House Republicans decided to stick it to Kevin McCarthy with an insane floor fight.

After Kevin McCarthy was forced to cave to President Biden over the debt deal in order to appease those House Republicans in swing districts who didn’t want to lose reelection over it, you knew the House Republicans in the far right districts were going to punish McCarthy in some way.

Of course if they ousted McCarthy, they might lose the Speakership altogether, given that there aren’t going to be 218 Republican votes for any other Speaker candidate. So instead House Republicans decided to simply humiliate McCarthy by waging an hour long floor fight over legislation about gas stoves. No, really.

The kicker is that Kevin McCarthy reportedly didn’t see it coming. That’s right, he’s so weak that not only are House Republicans pulling these stunts, he doesn’t even have enough control over his caucus to know that any of it’s coming. This is just humiliating for McCarthy. And he deserves it.

If that wasn't bad enough, MAGA loons Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz publicly threatened McCarthy. Like I said before, these right wingers are not fit to govern.     

Conservatives surprise McCarthy with floor rebellion over debt deal anger


Moms for Liberty listed as ‘anti-government’ group by extremism watchdog

The ‘parents’ rights’ group has backed book bans and the removal of discussions of race and LGBTQ+ issues in schools

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has listed the Republican-connected “parents’ rights” group Moms for Liberty as an “anti-government extremist” organization in its latest Year in Hate & Extremism report.

In a statement accompanying the report’s release, a spokesperson for the extremism watchdog group wrote that Moms for Liberty was the most prominent of 12 extremist “anti-student inclusion groups” mobilizing to “attack public education, ban books, and remove any curriculum that contains discussions of race, discrimination, and LGBTQ+ identities”.

The listing puts the group – whose members and endorsees now sit on school boards around the country – in the same category as anti-government organizations like the Oath Keepers, the Three Percenters and the John Birch Society.

In an emailed response to the Guardian’s request for comment, the Moms for Liberty founders Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice wrote: “Name-calling parents who want to be a part of their child’s education as ‘hate groups’ or ‘bigoted’ just further exposes what this battle is all about: Who fundamentally gets to decide what is taught to our kids in school – parents or government employees?”

The pair added: “We believe that parental rights do not stop at the classroom door and no amount of hate from groups like this is going to stop that.”

Moms for Liberty was co-founded in January 2021 by Descovich and Justice – who had exited central Florida school boards after opposing Covid-19 restrictions at public schools – along with Bridget Ziegler, then in her second term on the Sarasota county school board.

The group soon expanded its campaigning remit to oppose teaching about racism and racist history and LGBTQ+-inclusive policies in public schools, and has since sought to land members and supporters on school board seats.

According to the SPLC report, the group has made its way by “intimidating and harassing teachers and school officials”, battling teachers’ unions, attacking corporations like Disney that are supportive of LGBTQ+ rights, and supporting and making use of laws like Florida’s so-called “don’t say gay” statute, which limits classroom discussion of gender and sexual identity.

Moms for Liberty has expanded into a nationwide network of more than 200 branches, and the SPLC now lists each of these branches as an extremist group.

While the group has claimed to be non-partisan, from the beginning it has had close ties to the Republican party, especially in Florida, where it has won the backing of the rightwing governor and 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis.

Ziegler’s husband Christian was serving as vice-chairman of the Florida Republican party when she co-founded Moms for Liberty, and in 2021 he reportedly credited the group with getting “20- and 30-year-old females involved with the Republican party”.

In Florida’s 2022 elections, DeSantis made an unprecedented endorsement of a slate of school board candidates, many of whom were members of Moms for Liberty or other radical parents’ groups. In turn, Ziegler and other prominent members of the group offered vocal support for his rhetorical, legal and legislative attacks on diversity and inclusion measures in the state’s public institutions – or what the governor has called “the woke mind virus”.

Elsewhere in the report, the count of active extremist groups is at 1,225, which is not significantly greater than the 2021 count of 1,221. The SPLC attributed the slowed growth to a significant collapse in the militia movement, which accounted for only 61 groups in 2022, down from 92 in 2021, a fact the SPLC said was due to “members and leaders being held accountable for their role in the deadly Jan. 6 attack”.

However, in the statement accompanying the report, the SPLC warned that “hate groups are increasingly engaging in public demonstrations using flyering, marches and banner displays to gain media attention”, with schools in particular emerging as a target not just for radical parents’ groups, but for established hate groups like the Proud Boys.

In a statement, the SPLC president and CEO, Margaret Huang, called such attacks “a concerted effort by hate groups and extremist actors to terrorize communities and gain control of public institutions by any means necessary”.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1496 on: June 07, 2023, 09:05:03 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1497 on: June 07, 2023, 10:35:11 AM »
Brand new polling is out showing President Biden crushing Trump in Virginia and DeSantis nationwide.

Trump is irrelevant in polling because he is just about to be indicted by the DOJ for espionage and numerous other crimes and then hauled off to prison. 

But these huge numbers for Biden dispels the phony right wing talking points that "Biden isn't popular" or that "he can't win reelection".

Americans overwhelmingly support President Biden's policies which is why he won in 2020 and Democrats had a historic midterm in 2022. And why Democrats continue to win elections in 2023.     

VIRGINIA POLL: Roanoke College

(D) Biden: 54% (+16)
(R) Trump: 38%

2024 Presidential Poll: Echelon Insights

(D) Biden: 51% (+12)
(R) DeSantis: 39%

The conservative Wall Street Journal reports that border arrests have dropped 70% since Trump's disastrous Title 42 ended which contributed to an unprecedented amount of illegal border crossings.

The ending of that disastrous policy allowed President Biden to implement his own plan which brought tougher rules for asylum seekers and the impressive results speaks for itself.           

The right wing lie of an "open border" under Biden can be finally put to bed, because if there was an "open border" as right wingers were lying to you about, we would still have the same amount of illegal border crossings on this very day. And we do not have that because it's dropped 70% under Biden's new policy.     

That's why we no longer hear the right wing media or right wing politicians whining about "the southern border" or "illegal immigration" because President Biden just cleaned up another Trump disaster by fixing the "Trump Border Crisis" that Trump caused due to his severe incompetence.

This was the guy (Trump) who proclaimed he "would end all illegal immigration". All Trump did was cause a total border crisis and Biden had to wait until the disastrous policy expired until he could implement his own plan that is now working spectacularly. But that didn't stop the radical right for falsely attacking Biden when he inherited Trump's border crisis.   

Just another Trump disaster fixed by Biden and right wingers are now silent as a mouse. That's another Biden win!

Another disaster that Trump handed Joe Biden was an historic murder and crime rate that the right wing media and right wing politicians tried to falsely pin on President Biden.

Under the failed "leadership" of Trump, murders in 2020 were at an all time high right when President Biden took over.

After President Biden implemented his policies through the "American Rescue Plan" which every single Republican voted against, we now see one of the largest drops in the murder rate in history.

Once again, President Joe Biden took on another Trump disaster he was handed and cleaned it up. And right wingers lost another talking point since they can no longer point to high crime falsely trying to blame Biden for what Trump gave him.

Again, that's another Biden win!

Biden cleaned up Trump's economic crisis, job loss crisis, manufacturing crisis, COVID crisis, border crisis, and the historic high murder and crime rate in just 2 1/2 years.

President Biden is truly one of the greatest presidents of all time!     

Jacob S. Rugh @JakeRugh

This is truly remarkable.

Homicides year-to-date are DOWN -13% across 90 big cities, -12% for top 10 U.S. cities since last year.

And WAY DOWN by -23% in NYC, L.A., HOU, Philly.

As @Crimealytics shows, this could become the largest yearly drop in over a generation (since 1996)

Jeff Asher @Crimealytics

New from me: Murder is down 12% in over 90 US cities with available data so far in '23. I wrote in @TheAtlantic
about how it could be indicative of one of the largest national drops in murder ever recorded happening this year & ideas on possible drivers.

Read Here:

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1498 on: June 08, 2023, 09:11:42 AM »
President Biden @POTUS

Investing in America is more than just a slogan.

We're getting the job done for the American people – investing in our people, infrastructure, manufacturing, jobs, communities, and ourselves.

For the first time in a long time.

Our bipartisan budget agreement protects our economic progress – including the $470 billion in private investment we’ve spurred in manufacturing and clean energy.

My Investing in America is rebuilding our roads and bridges using Made in America materials, built by American workers.

My Administration is focused on implementing the laws we’ve passed and Investing in America.
We’re investing in our people, in infrastructure, in manufacturing, and in jobs.
For the first time in a long time, we’re investing in the American people.

Our historic investments in clean energy manufacturing – now protected under the bipartisan budget agreement – are helping us build the best infrastructure in the world.

This could have been the week that a catastrophic default put millions of jobs in jeopardy.
Instead, through compromise and consensus, we prevented default and our historic recovery continues.

For decades, America shipped jobs overseas.
Other countries surpassed us in sectors like infrastructure, clean energy, semiconductors, and biotechnology.
My Investing in America agenda is changing that.

From day one, my Investing in America agenda has been about rebuilding our economy from the middle out and bottom up.
That's why our Administration is bringing record-breaking investments to the United States.

Take a look:

Go to to find out where jobs, manufacturing, and infrastructure investments are happening across America.

A few might even be coming to your neighborhood.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1498 on: June 08, 2023, 09:11:42 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1499 on: June 08, 2023, 12:29:46 PM »
Old Joe fiddles while America is covered in smoke.  What symbolic significance.  The incompetence and weakness of leftists coming home to roost.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1500 on: June 08, 2023, 10:06:22 PM »
Supreme Court backs landmark voting rights law, strikes down Alabama congressional map
The justices threw out Republican-drawn congressional districts that a lower court said discriminated against Black voters.

Let's be honest, the only reason that Republicans have a tiny 9 seat majority in the House of Representatives is because of unconstitutional congressional district maps that discriminate against black voters. Texas, Ohio, and Florida drew up these unconstitutional maps in their states specifically for 2022 midterm election which helped Republicans gain a handful of seats.

Republicans now tried to discriminate against black voters (again) in Alabama trying to gain more seats for 2024, and surprisingly the right wing Supreme Court struck the unconstitutional Republican map down. This Supreme Court decision changes everything for 2024 and the radical right is foaming at the mouth over it. Republicans can no longer draw up these unconstitutional district maps based on race to help the Republican party gain House seats they don't deserve.

Today’s surprise Supreme Court ruling has shifted a bunch of House races in the Democrats’ direction. Once these races heat up Democrats are gonna go put in the work and win every House race in the toss up column, and take the House majority.

We’re not accustomed to having competitive House races in states like Alabama or Louisiana. Black voters are all gerrymandered into one district, and the Republicans win all the rest easily. But as of today that changes. There will be some actual toss up races in these states.

Cook Political Report has now shifted four House races in Alabama and Louisiana from “Solid Republican” to “Toss Up” based on how they’re expected to be redrawn. That’s how big this is. Democrats can now flip four previously unwinnable seats in two states alone, if they put in the work.

This will also open up opportunities for the Democrats in other racially gerrymandered states in the south.

This does not mean that EVERY House district is now magically in play.

Most House districts are legitimately never in play, because they're in a liberal or conservative region.

This ruling only puts districts into contention that were *artificially* taken out of contention.

But most southern states have long artificially discriminated against African American regions out of proper House representation. This ruling fixes that and will put those *specific* seats in play.

Not every Republican seat in Alabama and southern states will now be up for grabs. Just a few specific ones.

This is Cook's preliminary attempt at assessing the impact of today's ruling:

Dave Wasserman @Redistrict

New @CookPolitical: in the wake of the SCOTUS Alabama decision, we're shifting five House ratings in Democrats' direction. It's very likely two formerly Solid R seats will end up in Solid D.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1500 on: June 08, 2023, 10:06:22 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1501 on: June 09, 2023, 01:04:35 AM »
RFK visited the border to expose one of the many disasters unfolding under Ukraine Joe.  If RFK plans to make a personal appearance in every location that Old Joe and his clown show have brought to ruin in the US, he will wrack up a lot of frequent flyer miles.  The country is in complete ruin.   Nothing like it since the Great Depression.  And it is all self-inflicted by incompetence and lunacy.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1502 on: June 09, 2023, 01:10:09 AM »
RFK visited the border to expose one of the many disasters unfolding under Ukraine Joe.  If RFK plans to make a personal appearance in every location that Old Joe and his clown show have brought to ruin in the US, he will wrack up a lot of frequent flyer miles.  The country is in complete ruin.   Nothing like it since the Great Depression.  And it is all self-inflicted by incompetence and lunacy.

 :D :D :D

Nice try, there is no "border disaster". You're embarrassing yourself with your phony anti Biden propaganda. 

President Biden fixed Donald Trump's border disaster.

Hey, your pal Donnie was just criminally indicted by the DOJ on 7 felony counts. Thumb1:

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1503 on: June 09, 2023, 05:37:50 AM »
Donald Trump to be indicted by grand jury

Donald Trump is to be arraigned in a Miami courtroom early next week. He faces multiple federal charges, including obstruction of justice, related to the classified documents in his possession.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1503 on: June 09, 2023, 05:37:50 AM »