It was satire based on your comment. With that said, Russia has done us less harm than our allies who have taken trillions from us since WWII and provided nothing in return. There is zero, as in not an iota of evidence, that Putin or Russia influenced the 2016 or 2024 elections. Talk about election denial. That is the biggest fake conspiracy theory in history.
LOL! Good one!
PS Reread my previous post.
I've expanded it a bit for you.
Here it is:
If you believe that, then you're even more deluded than I thought you were.
Here's a little historical background for you.
Putin was a Lieutenant-Colonel in the counterintelligence division of the KGB's First Chief Directorate (today's SVR) in Dresden, East Germany, during the so-called Cold War. In Dresden, he provided weapons to the terrorist group Red Army Faction and smuggled high-tech military equipment into the USSR.
The Kremlin declared us "The Main Enemy" at the Extraordinary (i.e., mid-term) 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in January - February 1959 when it decided, given that the USSR and the Warsaw Pact couldn't defeat the U.S. and NATO militarily, that it would try to defeat us by waging Sun Tzu-like disinformation, "active measures," and strategic deception counterintelligence operations against us and our NATO allies. To accomplish this, a top secret "KGB Within the KGB" (Department D) was set up in the First Chief Directorate. Not to be outdone, General Oleg Gribanov of the Second Chief Directorate (today's FSB) set up an analog department (Department 14) and, as soon as recent traitor GRU Colonel Oleg Penkovsky had been "trapped in his den like a bear" in Moscow in such a way that wouldn't reveal who had betrayed him (probably George Kisevalter or Leonard V. McCoy in the CIA or Roger Hollis in MI-5), dispatched KGB Major Aleksei Kulak and GRU Colonel Dmitry Polyakov to the FBI's NYC field office to "volunteer" to spy for it at the U.N. (Kulak duped the FBI for fifteen years, and Polyakov duped it for one year (1962) before he was reposted to Moscow, Rangoon, and New Delhi and "flipped" to the CIA. (In the 1980s he was recalled to Moscow, arrested, tried, and executed.) A few months later Gribanov sent putative KGB officer Yuri Nosenko to the CIA in Geneva to discredit what recent true defector, KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, was telling James Angleton about possible KGB penetrations of the CIA, the FBI, and the intelligence services of our NATO allies. When asked if he wanted to physically defect to the U.S., he declined, saying he didn't want to leave his beloved wife and two daughters behind in Moscow to fend for themselves, and he told his CIA interviewers not to try to contact him in the USSR. Eighteen months later he reappeared to the CIA and Geneva and said he had been Lee Harvey Oswald's case officer in Moscow and that since he was afraid that the KGB was onto his 1962 "treason," that he now wanted to physically defect to the U.S. and leave his formerly beloved wife and daughters behind in Moscow to defend for themselves.
"Fast forward" a bit and in 1968, a probable KGB "mole" in the CIA by the name of Bruce Leonard Solie (look him up) "cleared" Yuri "The KGB Had Absolutely Nothing to Do With Oswald in the USSR" Nosenko with a bogus polygraph exam and a specious report, and a couple of years later he was hired by the CIA to teach counterintelligence to its and the FBI new recruits.
A former CIA officer by the name of W. Alan Messer wrote an article in 2013 titled "In Pursuit of the Squared Circle: The Nosenko Theories Revisited" in which he agrees with Nosenko's former CIA case officer, Tennent H. Bagley, that Nosenko was a false defector in Geneva in June 1962. But Messer carries Bagley's analysis of the Nosenko case a bit farther by hypothesizing that Nosenko was not exactly a false defector in Geneva in February 1964, but a
rogue defector, and that the KGB had no choice but to support his "bona fides" (through aforementioned Aleksei Kulak -- J. Edgar Hoover's shielded-from-CIA FEDORA -- and others like KGB Colonel Igor Kochnov who, without CIA's knowledge, "walked in" to the FBI in 1965 to secretly gain J. Edgar Hoover's support, and then in 1966 phoned unwitting Richard Helms, offering to "work with" the CIA) in the U.S. because he was telling the CIA and the FBI what it desperately wanted them to hear -- that the KGB had absolutely nothing to do with Lee Harvey Oswald in the USSR -- although we now know that he was interviewed by the KGB at least twice in Moscow, and that he lived two blocks from a KGB school in Minsk for two-and-one-half years, and that his wife, Marina, had to be at least aa low-level KGB informant to be allowed to marry Oswald and leave the USSR with him. And oh by the way, George DeMohrenschild was, according to CIA Counterintelligence analyst Clare Edward Petty, very likely a long-term KGB "illegal."
You know, just like Anna Chapman and the Twelve Dwarves, who weren't "rolled up" by the FBI until 2010?
If your boy Putin wants to help America so much, why did he help install The Traitorous Orange Xxxx (rhymes with "bird") known as Donald J. Trump as our president in 2017 and 2025?